"Brotherly Love" - Arab Treatment of Palestinian Arabs


יעקב כהן
Oct 19, 2010
It's despicable how Muslims mistreat fellow Muslims. We should put them all out of their misery.
Arabs are self-hating and a total mockery.
You are promoting terrorism, you fucking muslim.

God bless India, Israel and USA.

India stinks, the women are all ugly, there's cow shit all over the fucking place, and the food isn't fit for a donkey, what's there to love?

The women are gorgeous, you fucking Muslim. But yes, some are ugly whores: the Muslim ones.

What's up with all the cow shit all over the place? Don't you guys want to be a real country?
India stinks, the women are all ugly, there's cow shit all over the fucking place, and the food isn't fit for a donkey, what's there to love?

The women are gorgeous, you fucking Muslim. But yes, some are ugly whores: the Muslim ones.

What's up with all the cow shit all over the place? Don't you guys want to be a real country?

Pakistan and Iran are the next targets for military action in the war on terror.

If you have family there, get em out. Those fucking terrorist countries are about to be reduced to rubble.

Actually, leave your family there. They will have a chance to get their 72 virgins if they stay.

God bless Israel and India in the war on evil.
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The women are gorgeous, you fucking Muslim. But yes, some are ugly whores: the Muslim ones.

What's up with all the cow shit all over the place? Don't you guys want to be a real country?

Pakistan and Iran are the next targets for military action in the war on terror.

If you have family there, get em out. Those fucking terrorist countries are about to be reduced to rubble.

Actually, leave your family there. They will have a chance to get their 72 virgins if they stay.

God bless Israel and India in the war on evil.

At least Iran isn't full of cow shit, you guys need to clean the place up. Maybe get some toilet paper...
What's up with all the cow shit all over the place? Don't you guys want to be a real country?

Pakistan and Iran are the next targets for military action in the war on terror.

If you have family there, get em out. Those fucking terrorist countries are about to be reduced to rubble.

Actually, leave your family there. They will have a chance to get their 72 virgins if they stay.

God bless Israel and India in the war on evil.

At least Iran isn't full of cow shit, you guys need to clean the place up. Maybe get some toilet paper...

Iran is full of Muslim shiite.
Talking of shit, by the time that India and the USA have finished with Pakistan, and by the time that Israel has finished with Iran, both Pakistan and Iran will be free of ANY shit, cos those terrorist countries will be incapable of supporting any life form (except perhaps cockroaches).

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