Bunker buster bombs are dudes


Probie still throwin'em
Jun 6, 2010
Israel is seeking clarifications from the United States to ensure bunker buster bombs it recently purchased are not carrying defective fuses that could cause their premature detonation.

Last week the US settled a lawsuit against a defense contractor for allegedly supplying it with faulty fuses.

Bunker buster bombs from US may be defective - JPost - Defense

Maybe there is a shelf life or to you distracted folks a born on date.

Fuk it let's not worry about it. There's more important thangs......(fill in the blank)....
Life must be a joke in your case. Just go take out the garbage or something useful.
The missiles were sold to dudes ...from one dude to another...right but I'm glad you read and discovered they were duds.

Don't you think your messiah has fuk up enough things..infact he has pretty much pitted the US and Israel and against the entire ME( with exsception Saudi, emrites, maybe yemen) russia, china, and maybe south america. oh there may or may not be a chinese base in mexico. but i've read that damn drug cartel has a high tech radio com right behind us with this civil unrest.

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