Bush Declines Obama's Invitation to Ground Zero

Actually..no..he shouldn't.

Bush and Cheney..and their ideas should be swept into the dustbin of history..and discarded for the utter failures they were.

They deserve nothing but scorn.

If not for waterboarding, which the Marxist Monumental Fraud and Pathological Liar Obami Salaami and his Obamarrhoidal stooges denounced.......Osama would still be munching on the falafel.

You said that before so I'll ask you again....how do we know that to be true?

It's as true as Bin Laden being dead. All released in the same order of events.
Someone called the CIA "desk jockeys". Some of them are, and some are called "field officers". They do the difficult, dangerous, but quiet job no one else wants to do, without personal glory.
Ya' heard about that, huh????

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7AMMqFttN9c]YouTube - Valerie Plame on Sixty Minutes - Part Two[/ame]
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Now we've taken out their figurehead... but there are still vast numbers of minions and leaders that we need to remove from the world before this is done.


Al Franken doesn't count.

He ROCKS!!!!!

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=b_mwsDFm7bQ]YouTube - SOLID GOLD - Al Franken & Tom Davis - The Rolling Stones!![/ame]​

Fuck off, commie. When you get your lips unwrapped from your lying-ass hero's pole, you might be able to speak.
Class move by Obama to invite him
Class move by Bush to decline
CA Girl, please don't tell me you are falling for that "messiah" crap that I hear so much from Rightwingers.......:doubt:

Oh, she's not a Rightwinger!

Um...let's see....did I call her a Rightwinger?

Still using that stolen ID, huh?
It was nice of Obama to invite him. If it is true that declined, I'm sure it wasn't to slight him. That's not his style. I would bet that his view is more that now is Obama's time, his is past. One thing Bush is not is vindictive.

Bush is not vindictive..........

"One of the most disturbing things about Bush is that he consistently works to silence his critics using his money and power, including state police and expensive lawyers. Not since Richard Nixon has a major presidential candidate been so quick to prevent his opponents from free speech. At the very least, this shows he doesn't understand big-league politics and may not be tough enough to handle more serious opponents, such as hostile foreign countries and terrorists. At worst, it may be a sign of Nixon-like paranoia; that president's thin-skin started out with similar small potatos and grew to bring down his presidency amid enemies' lists, illegal break-ins of his opponent's offices, and forcing the IRS to audit his enemies.

Bush can't blame this on his staff, either; it comes from the top. When asked about one critical web site, he told the press "There ought to be limits to freedom. We're aware of this site, and this guy is just a garbage man, that's all he is."

Can't blame Bush at all. I'm pretty picky about who I hang around with too.

Obama got Bin Laden. Bush not only let Bin Laden go, he said Bin Laden didn't even concern him. Not sure I would want to stand up in front of thousands of people I let down either.

Your punk boy obama just had to say yes,And your liberal boy clinton had many chances
but refused to get him.Now we find out that Bush's waterboarding helped.You liberals are losers.
well, if obama invited him I give him props. That was the classy thing to do.

as to why he won't go again, if true, who knows, maybe he feels its obamas moment *shrugs*...

The only reason Obama invited him is to insure he doesn't get booed by New Yorkers.

Not to mention I'm sure Obama, being the classy guy he is, wouldn't miss the opportunity to take some snarky dig at Bush while he's standing right there.

Bush is smart... fuck Obama. Let him stand there all alone with his impressive resume thinking he pulled this all off by himself. Why lend any credibility to it? Let the emperor stand there... buck naked.
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I respect the former Presidents desire to stay out of the limelight.

I also respect President Obama for inviting him.
He should go...Obama should share the spotlight with him.

SEAL team of course can't go....but I'm sure they're getting free beer from their shipmates for a LOOOONG time.

Actually..no..he shouldn't.

Bush and Cheney..and their ideas should be swept into the dustbin of history..and discarded for the utter failures they were.

They deserve nothing but scorn.
I love the sound of partisan bigots in the morning.
It sounds like... Sallow.
Someone called the CIA "desk jockeys". Some of them are, and some are called "field officers". They do the difficult, dangerous, but quiet job no one else wants to do, without personal glory.
Ya' heard about that, huh????

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7AMMqFttN9c]YouTube - Valerie Plame on Sixty Minutes - Part Two[/ame][ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8k3GuVTfWLw]YouTube - Valerie Plame testifies in CIA leak hearings (part 1)[/ame]​

If you're going to quote me, smartass, kindly quote the whole comment, not just the part that suits you. You liberals have been blaming the people at Langley for everything under the sun for years. Now, give them the credit they deserve for this success (you've been quick enough to blame them for every failing, real or imagined), or shut the hell up!
I agree with what you say Liability - however - it will be extremely LOW CLASS if this does turn into a campaign speech.

And it will be extremely LOW CLASS if Mitt Romney comes out and says that bin Laden shouldn't have been killed.

And it will be extremely LOW CLASS if Poor Sarah comes out and says that she admires al Qaeda.

And it will be extremely LOW CLASS if Huckabee claims that Obama was born and raised in Kenya.

Oh, wait . . .
POLITICO Forums:Whiteboard: 05/03/2011 @ 08:17 PM - POLITICO.com

BUSH DECLINES NYC INVITE: President Obama invited former President George W. Bush on a visit to Ground Zero on Thursday but Bush has declined, according to two people familiar with the situation.

Obama will travel to the site of the World Trade Center attacks of Sept. 11 in the days following the killing of Osama bin Laden in a U.S. special forces operation in Pakistan. He will meet with families of Sept. 11 victims, according to the Associated Press.

Classy act by both men. Maybe there is hope for this country yet. :eusa_pray:

The tea partiers and birthers should take some notes that every itch doesn't need to be scratched and perhaps that the best thing for you to do is leave a little bit on the table when you don't have to.
I agree with what you say Liability - however - it will be extremely LOW CLASS if this does turn into a campaign speech.

And it will be extremely LOW CLASS if Mitt Romney comes out and says that bin Laden shouldn't have been killed.

And it will be extremely LOW CLASS if Poor Sarah comes out and says that she admires al Qaeda.

And it will be extremely LOW CLASS if Huckabee claims that Obama was born and raised in Kenya.

Oh, wait . . .

Why are you so bitter, angry and hateful
inviting him was the right thing to do

declining the invitation was the right thing to do

where's the problem?

Inviting him was absolutely the right thing. However, I personally think Bush should have accepted and gone. I think it would send a good message to the country, and to the world. Namely, that it does not matter whether it is a Democrat or a Republican running the country... no one will harm us and go unpunished.

And, then, I'd like to see Obama get tough on terror and chase every damned one of these creatures and send them to meet their Allah.... at which time they will find there is no Allah... and God is seriously pissed at them. No 72 virgins, but eternity in hell.
Obama HAS gotten tough on terror. He has gotten more high value targets in under 2.5 years than Bush did in 7.5 years.

it bugs you that he did what bush couldn't, huh?

i understand. :thup:

Or.... maybe it was because it was never really THAT important to get Bin Laden. He is just a figurehead. It was far more important to destroy the network. Which, to a large extent, has been done. Had we got Bin Laden in the first couple of years, would we have had the stomach for the real fight... against the real enemy? No, probably not. And it had to be done. I, for one, am glad Bush didn't get him. I'm glad we went after the minions first. Now we've taken out their figurehead... but there are still vast numbers of minions and leaders that we need to remove from the world before this is done.

Then I guess you have no issues with Pakistan's behaviour concerning OBL?

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