Bush Declines Obama's Invitation to Ground Zero

Why do you want them released?

Reasons Obama should release the photos:

1 Because they said they would
2 Because they disposed of the body too quickly
3 Because Muslims think it's a fake
4 Because Americans will suspect it was faked
5 Because it provides closure
6 Because Obama has been too dishonest in the past
7 Because too many conflicting stories were released byu this White House
8 Because Muslims are pissed already
9 Because Deathers demand it
10 Because they said they would

Sounds like "birtherism" has now become "deathism".

To those who doubt the integrity of the United States...

Will a picture satisfy them?
It's nice that your Messiah is so much better a man than you are.

CA Girl, please don't tell me you are falling for that "messiah" crap that I hear so much from Rightwingers.......:doubt:

Obama is rdean's Messiah. I use the term very specifically, it's not a comment about Obama... it's mocking those who worship him.

You don't worship him, so I don't refer to Obama as 'your Messiah'. I differentiate between intelligent liberals - with whom I disagree politically on most (but not all) issues - and the Obamanation - who think Obama is actually the Savior of the World.

I, for one, like when the rightwing refers to Obama as the Messiah

I enjoy the fact that our healthcare system will forever be known as "Obamacare"
I enjoy how pissed off the rightwing is that Obama won a Nobel Peace Price

And I really enjoy how pissed off the rightwing is that Obama killed Osama bin Laden
Reasons Obama should release the photos:

1 Because they said they would
2 Because they disposed of the body too quickly
3 Because Muslims think it's a fake
4 Because Americans will suspect it was faked
5 Because it provides closure
6 Because Obama has been too dishonest in the past
7 Because too many conflicting stories were released byu this White House
8 Because Muslims are pissed already
9 Because Deathers demand it
10 Because they said they would

Sounds like "birtherism" has now become "deathism".

To those who doubt the integrity of the United States...

Will a picture satisfy them?

I think if he had released them and I had complained you would have said it was essential to release them.

And this country has no integrity anymore.

I've been giving him props but this blows that all to hell.

Once again he shows how weak a leader he is.
CA Girl, please don't tell me you are falling for that "messiah" crap that I hear so much from Rightwingers.......:doubt:

Obama is rdean's Messiah. I use the term very specifically, it's not a comment about Obama... it's mocking those who worship him.

You don't worship him, so I don't refer to Obama as 'your Messiah'. I differentiate between intelligent liberals - with whom I disagree politically on most (but not all) issues - and the Obamanation - who think Obama is actually the Savior of the World.

I, for one, like when the rightwing refers to Obama as the Messiah

I enjoy the fact that our healthcare system will forever be known as "Obamacare"
I enjoy how pissed off the rightwing is that Obama won a Nobel Peace Price

And I really enjoy how pissed off the rightwing is that Obama killed Osama bin Laden

can you get any more PETTY?
Obamacare. do we get to see his picture in every doctors office and have to salute it.
gawd you lefties are petty and shallow.
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CA Girl, please don't tell me you are falling for that "messiah" crap that I hear so much from Rightwingers.......:doubt:

Obama is rdean's Messiah. I use the term very specifically, it's not a comment about Obama... it's mocking those who worship him.

You don't worship him, so I don't refer to Obama as 'your Messiah'. I differentiate between intelligent liberals - with whom I disagree politically on most (but not all) issues - and the Obamanation - who think Obama is actually the Savior of the World.

I, for one, like when the rightwing refers to Obama as the Messiah

I enjoy the fact that our healthcare system will forever be known as "Obamacare"
I enjoy how pissed off the rightwing is that Obama won a Nobel Peace Price

And I really enjoy how pissed off the rightwing is that Obama killed Osama bin Laden

Claims he killed him, but showed no proof.

I think he enjoys causing controversy.
Reasons Obama should release the photos:

1 Because they said they would
2 Because they disposed of the body too quickly
3 Because Muslims think it's a fake
4 Because Americans will suspect it was faked
5 Because it provides closure
6 Because Obama has been too dishonest in the past
7 Because too many conflicting stories were released byu this White House
8 Because Muslims are pissed already
9 Because Deathers demand it
10 Because they said they would

Sounds like "birtherism" has now become "deathism".

To those who doubt the integrity of the United States...

Will a picture satisfy them?

Doubting the integrity of a man who has been caught in lies numerous times is not doubting the integrity of the United States.

Doubting the integrity of an administrastion is not doubting the integrity of the United States.
Sounds like "birtherism" has now become "deathism".

To those who doubt the integrity of the United States...

Will a picture satisfy them?

Doubting the integrity of a man who has been caught in lies numerous times is not doubting the integrity of the United States.

Doubting the integrity of an administrastion is not doubting the integrity of the United States.

In this case it is....

Are you doubting the integrity of those Navy SEALS when they say they got him?

"EKIA" was a lie?
Obama is rdean's Messiah. I use the term very specifically, it's not a comment about Obama... it's mocking those who worship him.

You don't worship him, so I don't refer to Obama as 'your Messiah'. I differentiate between intelligent liberals - with whom I disagree politically on most (but not all) issues - and the Obamanation - who think Obama is actually the Savior of the World.

I, for one, like when the rightwing refers to Obama as the Messiah

I enjoy the fact that our healthcare system will forever be known as "Obamacare"
I enjoy how pissed off the rightwing is that Obama won a Nobel Peace Price

And I really enjoy how pissed off the rightwing is that Obama killed Osama bin Laden

can you get any more PETTY?
Obamacare. do we get to see his picture in every doctors office and have to salute it.
gawd you lefties are petty and shallow.

I am going to love it when you have to apply for "Obamacare"
To those who doubt the integrity of the United States...

Will a picture satisfy them?

Doubting the integrity of a man who has been caught in lies numerous times is not doubting the integrity of the United States.

Doubting the integrity of an administrastion is not doubting the integrity of the United States.

In this case it is....

Are you doubting the integrity of those Navy SEALS when they say they got him?

"EKIA" was a lie?

We haven't heard one word from the Seals dumb-ass. Only this lying Administration.

What was the point of risking their lives if they wanted to sit on the evidence?
Doubting the integrity of a man who has been caught in lies numerous times is not doubting the integrity of the United States.

Doubting the integrity of an administrastion is not doubting the integrity of the United States.

In this case it is....

Are you doubting the integrity of those Navy SEALS when they say they got him?

"EKIA" was a lie?

We haven't heard one word from the Seals dumb-ass. Only this lying Administration.

What was the point of risking their lives if they wanted to sit on the evidence?

So you are claiming that that group of 24 heroic Navy SEALs who are celebrating today are a bunch of liars?
To those who doubt the integrity of the United States...

Will a picture satisfy them?

Doubting the integrity of a man who has been caught in lies numerous times is not doubting the integrity of the United States.

Doubting the integrity of an administrastion is not doubting the integrity of the United States.

In this case it is....

Are you doubting the integrity of those Navy SEALS when they say they got him?

"EKIA" was a lie?

I have been all over this board saying I am 100% sure he is dead.
And you know that becuse you have respionded to my posts saying it.
So there you go again......intentionally trying to characterize me as something I am not.

I find that tactic as childish.

Oh yeah...and by the way....please offer me a Navy Seal that was quoted as sayiung theat they shot him dead.

Please offer me proof of a Navy Sael that admitted to being there.

How dare you fucking question my allegience to those that serve us.....
So...72 hours later, this is what the "hate Obama at all costs" partisans have devolved to?

"We want pics or it didn't happen"?

you damn right I want pictures, I don't TRUST anything this administration says.
In this case it is....

Are you doubting the integrity of those Navy SEALS when they say they got him?

"EKIA" was a lie?

We haven't heard one word from the Seals dumb-ass. Only this lying Administration.

What was the point of risking their lives if they wanted to sit on the evidence?

So you are claiming that that group of 24 heroic Navy SEALs who are celebrating today are a bunch of liars?

You are saying that those 24 bravest broke their silence and thus their orders?
You have little faith in thoise that serve with such greqat heroism?
Doubting the integrity of a man who has been caught in lies numerous times is not doubting the integrity of the United States.

Doubting the integrity of an administrastion is not doubting the integrity of the United States.

In this case it is....

Are you doubting the integrity of those Navy SEALS when they say they got him?

"EKIA" was a lie?

I have been all over this board saying I am 100% sure he is dead.
And you know that becuse you have respionded to my posts saying it.
So there you go again......intentionally trying to characterize me as something I am not.

I find that tactic as childish.

Oh yeah...and by the way....please offer me a Navy Seal that was quoted as sayiung theat they shot him dead.

Please offer me proof of a Navy Sael that admitted to being there.

How dare you fucking question my allegience to those that serve us.....

Actually, the SEALs can't release any information or tell anyone what they did, as all their missions are classified SECRET or above.

They're not gonna turn on their code of honor and start bragging about it. A quiet ceremony in some secret room is all they're gonna get.

However...........that being said...........I personally believe that since those guys got him, and there's been a 25 million dollar bounty on him since 9/11, all the people that actually went on the mission and risked their asses should be able to divvy up that 25 mil equally among themselves.

Yep, that would be an excellent way to reward them.
Can't blame Bush at all. I'm pretty picky about who I hang around with too.

Obama got Bin Laden. Bush not only let Bin Laden go, he said Bin Laden didn't even concern him. Not sure I would want to stand up in front of thousands of people I let down either.

Bush did not let bin Laden go. And he pretty much was not a big concern.

The only reason Obama "got" bin laden is that he happened to be in office when the CIA found out where he was hiding. Obama had nothing to do with it. Nothing.

If anything, Bush deserves the credit because of the intel we got by interrogating those Muslim animals at Guantanamo - a policy Obama explicitly denounced.


I don't care who the CINC is. If you think Special Operations Units routinely fly into other nations (that have Air Forces) in helicopters to perform raids on compounds without the approval and involvement of the President, you have your head up your ass.

It's the whole command and control thing. Obama deserves credit for doing his part. It was a ballsy move to authorize this raid. We could have just bombed the damn thing. Obama made the call and deserves credit for his role in the matter.

Acting like this all happened on autopilot is comically stupid.
So...72 hours later, this is what the "hate Obama at all costs" partisans have devolved to?

"We want pics or it didn't happen"?

Have you ever considered that Obama likes it that way?

It must have been one of the issues discussed.

Obama should have a private meeting with the 9/11 families and many of them will be wondering if he's lying to them now.
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Doubting the integrity of a man who has been caught in lies numerous times is not doubting the integrity of the United States.

Doubting the integrity of an administrastion is not doubting the integrity of the United States.

In this case it is....

Are you doubting the integrity of those Navy SEALS when they say they got him?

"EKIA" was a lie?

I have been all over this board saying I am 100% sure he is dead.
And you know that becuse you have respionded to my posts saying it.
So there you go again......intentionally trying to characterize me as something I am not.

I find that tactic as childish.

Oh yeah...and by the way....please offer me a Navy Seal that was quoted as sayiung theat they shot him dead.

Please offer me proof of a Navy Sael that admitted to being there.

How dare you fucking question my allegience to those that serve us.....

Nothing personal Jarhead

But nothing pisses me off more than when someone questions the integrity of my country and the integrity of our brave military for no other reason than to grind a personal hatred for President Obama

My country says we got that Son of a Bitch....We GOT THAT SON OF A BITCH

You want to piss and moan about a trophy picture......You come up with a picture of Osama bin Laden holding up a headline claiming he is dead

Until you can do that....Shut the FUCK UP
In this case it is....

Are you doubting the integrity of those Navy SEALS when they say they got him?

"EKIA" was a lie?

I have been all over this board saying I am 100% sure he is dead.
And you know that becuse you have respionded to my posts saying it.
So there you go again......intentionally trying to characterize me as something I am not.

I find that tactic as childish.

Oh yeah...and by the way....please offer me a Navy Seal that was quoted as sayiung theat they shot him dead.

Please offer me proof of a Navy Sael that admitted to being there.

How dare you fucking question my allegience to those that serve us.....

Actually, the SEALs can't release any information or tell anyone what they did, as all their missions are classified SECRET or above.

They're not gonna turn on their code of honor and start bragging about it. A quiet ceremony in some secret room is all they're gonna get.

However...........that being said...........I personally believe that since those guys got him, and there's been a 25 million dollar bounty on him since 9/11, all the people that actually went on the mission and risked their asses should be able to divvy up that 25 mil equally among themselves.

Yep, that would be an excellent way to reward them.

uh...that was my point.

They are bound to a code and a Navy Seal would never breach that code.

But RW is using a tactic of "guilt" by saying that you are doubting the word of a Navy Seal if you doubt he is dead.

I believe he is dead as if he werent he would have let the world know by now. I dont believe Obama would lie about it as he could easily be proiven to have lied...by Bin Laden himself.

But by his word itself? I would never believe a word Obama says as he has already lied to the American People numerous times....and I am not referring to campaign proimises....I am referring to outright lies.

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