Bush Declines Obama's Invitation to Ground Zero

you shut the fuck up. We are not QUESTIONING the integrity of OUR COUNTRY. we are QUESTIONING the Integrity OF This ADMINISTRATION.

you all didn't have a problem with pictures from Abu-Ghraib and what it did to our service members, BECAUSE IT COULD HURT President Bush...how many time were those posted over and over..
you damn right I want to SEE PICTURES.

Lord, you are stupid.

Do you think the Bush Administration released the Abu Gherub pictures?

If so, you are really stupid.

If not, worst.analogy.ever.
you shut the fuck up. We are not QUESTIONING the integrity of OUR COUNTRY. we are QUESTIONING the Integrity OF This ADMINISTRATION.

you all didn't have a problem with pictures from Abu-Ghraib and what it did to our service members, BECAUSE IT COULD HURT President Bush...how many time were those posted over and over..
you damn right I want to SEE PICTURES.

Lord, you are stupid.

Do you think the Bush Administration released the Abu Gherub pictures?

If so, you are really stupid.

If not, worst.analogy.ever.

Actually, the pictures were released when some idiot Reservist weekend warrior thought they were doing real military stuff Rambo style and got caught.

Stupid She doesn't bother to check with facts, just spews bullshit.

And.........just out of curiosity, why the fuck would they allow a bunch of reservists to run the prison? Oh yeah.........I remember.........they didn't want anyone getting killed on the battlefield so they left them to guard the prison.

Too bad they fucked it up.
Actually, the SEALs can't release any information or tell anyone what they did, as all their missions are classified SECRET or above.

They're not gonna turn on their code of honor and start bragging about it. A quiet ceremony in some secret room is all they're gonna get.

However...........that being said...........I personally believe that since those guys got him, and there's been a 25 million dollar bounty on him since 9/11, all the people that actually went on the mission and risked their asses should be able to divvy up that 25 mil equally among themselves.

Yep, that would be an excellent way to reward them.

BikerSailor, you know how it works...any seal team could have done that mission. I say, spread that money amongst every seal team member serving right now. That would be cool.

But I heard a rumor seal team 6 is the same team that took out the somali pirates? If so, they must be picked to do certain missions for a reason.

Eh, either way, GO SEALS!

Actually, I do. I was stationed in a couple of places where I ran into them on a regular basis, and some were my friends. Steve had a little beeper that he carried aroud with him, and no matter when it went off, he had about 30 min to be at work.

As far as SEAL TEAM 6 getting all the high profile assignments? Well.......that's easy......

After a SEAL leaves training, they are stationed at one of the commands that gently brings them along in tactics and work. After they've proven themselves worthy on the battlefield, they keep training and eventually (if they're really good) they make it to Team 6.

Think of Team 6 this way..........an assignment to Team 6 is like a fighter pilot being assigned to Top Gun in Fallon.

Dammit, in my day, Top Gun was in hngr 2 and I was in hngr 5 in Miramar! To hell with fallon.:cool: Went on plenty of dets in fallon and the only cool thing there is the nugget on dollar night. :)

I really didnt know they had a upper upper seal team. Damn. Talk about best of the best.
In this case it is....

Are you doubting the integrity of those Navy SEALS when they say they got him?

"EKIA" was a lie?

I have been all over this board saying I am 100% sure he is dead.
And you know that becuse you have respionded to my posts saying it.
So there you go again......intentionally trying to characterize me as something I am not.

I find that tactic as childish.

Oh yeah...and by the way....please offer me a Navy Seal that was quoted as sayiung theat they shot him dead.

Please offer me proof of a Navy Sael that admitted to being there.

How dare you fucking question my allegience to those that serve us.....

Jarhead, you are a marine correct? If so, then you know damn well no seal is going to go to fox and have an exclusive interview with Hannity and say he is the one who killed bin laden.
NO seal team member or members will ever say anything outside their circle and you know this. They will privately celebrate this and continue on with the next mission.

Don't embarrass yourself.


I was the one who asked him exactly what seal said that...cause I KNOW DAM WELL NO SEAL WILL EVER SPEAK OUT ABOUT A MISSION.

You are a fucking illiterate asshole.

Where's Trump when you need him?

Obama won't release the photos.

Why do you want them released?

Reasons Obama should release the photos:

1 Because they said they would
2 Because they disposed of the body too quickly
3 Because Muslims think it's a fake
4 Because Americans will suspect it was faked
5 Because it provides closure
6 Because Obama has been too dishonest in the past
7 Because too many conflicting stories were released byu this White House
8 Because Muslims are pissed already
9 Because Deathers demand it
10 Because they said they would

  1. No, they didn't.
  2. They followed Muslim tradition to not inflame non-radicals into becoming radicals.
  3. False. Cite your sources.
  4. Who gives a fuck? They are a small minority, like birthers.
  5. Nothing will provide closure.
  6. Name 'em.
  7. Fog of war.
  8. Actually, most of the Muslim world is happy about this. He no longer is the face of Islam.
  9. Fuck them.
  10. You're a moron.
Deathers are worse than burfers because they are insulting the fucking seals. That makes me sick.

How are they insulting the Seals?

What Seals are claiming they killed Bin Laden?


Not one Seal has claimed to have even been in Pakistan.

How do I know he is dead? Becuase he is not out there saying "looky me....I am alive I tell you...I AM ALIVE"
Obama is rdean's Messiah. I use the term very specifically, it's not a comment about Obama... it's mocking those who worship him.

You don't worship him, so I don't refer to Obama as 'your Messiah'. I differentiate between intelligent liberals - with whom I disagree politically on most (but not all) issues - and the Obamanation - who think Obama is actually the Savior of the World.

I, for one, like when the rightwing refers to Obama as the Messiah

I enjoy the fact that our healthcare system will forever be known as "Obamacare"
I enjoy how pissed off the rightwing is that Obama won a Nobel Peace Price

And I really enjoy how pissed off the rightwing is that Obama killed Osama bin Laden

Claims he killed him, but showed no proof.

I think he enjoys causing controversy.
You wouldn't believe the proof.
you shut the fuck up. We are not QUESTIONING the integrity of OUR COUNTRY. we are QUESTIONING the Integrity OF This ADMINISTRATION.

you all didn't have a problem with pictures from Abu-Ghraib and what it did to our service members, BECAUSE IT COULD HURT President Bush...how many time were those posted over and over..
you damn right I want to SEE PICTURES.

Lord, you are stupid.

Do you think the Bush Administration released the Abu Gherub pictures?

If so, you are really stupid.

If not, worst.analogy.ever.

My wife asked me why wont we release the bin laden pics now. I said, remember how much danger our service members would have been in if that idiot "preacher" would have burned the Koran.

Imagine them seeing bin laden with his face blown off. Talk about raising the threat level to our guys and ladies out there. The bad part is, some will not care about this and DEMAND to see pics and not care.
you shut the fuck up. We are not QUESTIONING the integrity of OUR COUNTRY. we are QUESTIONING the Integrity OF This ADMINISTRATION.

you all didn't have a problem with pictures from Abu-Ghraib and what it did to our service members, BECAUSE IT COULD HURT President Bush...how many time were those posted over and over..
you damn right I want to SEE PICTURES.

Lord, you are stupid.

Do you think the Bush Administration released the Abu Gherub pictures?

If so, you are really stupid.

If not, worst.analogy.ever.

Actually, the pictures were released when some idiot Reservist weekend warrior thought they were doing real military stuff Rambo style and got caught.

Stupid She doesn't bother to check with facts, just spews bullshit.

And.........just out of curiosity, why the fuck would they allow a bunch of reservists to run the prison? Oh yeah.........I remember.........they didn't want anyone getting killed on the battlefield so they left them to guard the prison.

Too bad they fucked it up.

well your concern for them is touching.
you shut the fuck up. We are not QUESTIONING the integrity of OUR COUNTRY. we are QUESTIONING the Integrity OF This ADMINISTRATION.

you all didn't have a problem with pictures from Abu-Ghraib and what it did to our service members, BECAUSE IT COULD HURT President Bush...how many time were those posted over and over..
you damn right I want to SEE PICTURES.

Lord, you are stupid.

Do you think the Bush Administration released the Abu Gherub pictures?

If so, you are really stupid.

If not, worst.analogy.ever.

My wife asked me why wont we release the bin laden pics now. I said, remember how much danger our service members would have been in if that idiot "preacher" would have burned the Koran.

Imagine them seeing bin laden with his face blown off. Talk about raising the threat level to our guys and ladies out there. The bad part is, some will not care about this and DEMAND to see pics and not care.

oh well ok, like just ANNOUNCING THEY KILLED HIM isn't going to put our men and women in DANGER. what a JOKE.
Deathers are worse than burfers because they are insulting the fucking seals. That makes me sick.

How are they insulting the Seals?

What Seals are claiming they killed Bin Laden?


Not one Seal has claimed to have even been in Pakistan.

How do I know he is dead? Becuase he is not out there saying "looky me....I am alive I tell you...I AM ALIVE"

IN the entire history of the seals, have you ever seen one on the news explaining a mission? EVER? Fucking ever?

Dammit, you served. Stop embarrassing yourself.
you shut the fuck up. We are not QUESTIONING the integrity of OUR COUNTRY. we are QUESTIONING the Integrity OF This ADMINISTRATION.

you all didn't have a problem with pictures from Abu-Ghraib and what it did to our service members, BECAUSE IT COULD HURT President Bush...how many time were those posted over and over..
you damn right I want to SEE PICTURES.

Lord, you are stupid.

Do you think the Bush Administration released the Abu Gherub pictures?

If so, you are really stupid.

If not, worst.analogy.ever.

My wife asked me why wont we release the bin laden pics now. I said, remember how much danger our service members would have been in if that idiot "preacher" would have burned the Koran.

Imagine them seeing bin laden with his face blown off. Talk about raising the threat level to our guys and ladies out there. The bad part is, some will not care about this and DEMAND to see pics and not care.

Did your wife ask you that before or after she asked if your diaper needs changing?

Realx...just having a littrle fun.
Obama got Bin Laden. Bush not only let Bin Laden go, he said Bin Laden didn't even concern him. Not sure I would want to stand up in front of thousands of people I let down either.

Bush did not let bin Laden go. And he pretty much was not a big concern.

The only reason Obama "got" bin laden is that he happened to be in office when the CIA found out where he was hiding. Obama had nothing to do with it. Nothing.

If anything, Bush deserves the credit because of the intel we got by interrogating those Muslim animals at Guantanamo - a policy Obama explicitly denounced.


I don't care who the CINC is. If you think Special Operations Units routinely fly into other nations (that have Air Forces) in helicopters to perform raids on compounds without the approval and involvement of the President, you have your head up your ass.

It's the whole command and control thing. Obama deserves credit for doing his part. It was a ballsy move to authorize this raid. We could have just bombed the damn thing. Obama made the call and deserves credit for his role in the matter.

Acting like this all happened on autopilot is comically stupid.

And that would have been very dangerous and very stupid. Since the Pakis were not informed of this action, they could have very well assumed these missiles were coming from India. They would not think they were U.S., or at the least, there could have been great confusion. When a country thinks they are under missile attack, anything could happen.
Lord, you are stupid.

Do you think the Bush Administration released the Abu Gherub pictures?

If so, you are really stupid.

If not, worst.analogy.ever.

My wife asked me why wont we release the bin laden pics now. I said, remember how much danger our service members would have been in if that idiot "preacher" would have burned the Koran.

Imagine them seeing bin laden with his face blown off. Talk about raising the threat level to our guys and ladies out there. The bad part is, some will not care about this and DEMAND to see pics and not care.

oh well ok, like just ANNOUNCING THEY KILLED HIM isn't going to put our men and women in DANGER. what a JOKE.

and the annoucement did raise the danger level world wide for us.

A pic of him with his face blown off will raise the danger level much much higher. Are you kidding me?
deathers are worse than burfers because they are insulting the fucking seals. That makes me sick.

how are they insulting the seals?

What seals are claiming they killed bin laden?

None you idiot!

Not one seal has claimed to have even been in pakistan.

How do i know he is dead? Becuase he is not out there saying "looky me....i am alive i tell you...i am alive"

in the entire history of the seals, have you ever seen one on the news explaining a mission? Ever? Fucking ever?

Dammit, you served. Stop embarrassing yourself.

what the fuck are you missing you illiterate bastard?

Are you trying to make one who served look silly?

You got nothing better to do with your time youy fucking loser?

Please show me where i have done nothing other than say that a seal would never speak about a mission.

Show me where you fucking lying fucking piece of shit.
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My wife asked me why wont we release the bin laden pics now. I said, remember how much danger our service members would have been in if that idiot "preacher" would have burned the Koran.

Imagine them seeing bin laden with his face blown off. Talk about raising the threat level to our guys and ladies out there. The bad part is, some will not care about this and DEMAND to see pics and not care.

oh well ok, like just ANNOUNCING THEY KILLED HIM isn't going to put our men and women in DANGER. what a JOKE.

and the annoucement did raise the danger level world wide for us.

A pic of him with his face blown off will raise the danger level much much higher. Are you kidding me?

no, you are the kidder here. We are IN DANGER now no matter what they do, idiot.
Lord, you are stupid.

Do you think the Bush Administration released the Abu Gherub pictures?

If so, you are really stupid.

If not, worst.analogy.ever.

My wife asked me why wont we release the bin laden pics now. I said, remember how much danger our service members would have been in if that idiot "preacher" would have burned the Koran.

Imagine them seeing bin laden with his face blown off. Talk about raising the threat level to our guys and ladies out there. The bad part is, some will not care about this and DEMAND to see pics and not care.

Did your wife ask you that before or after she asked if your diaper needs changing?

Realx...just having a littrle fun.

What we do in the bedroom is non of your business sir.


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