Bush Declines Obama's Invitation to Ground Zero

I, for one, like when the rightwing refers to Obama as the Messiah

I enjoy the fact that our healthcare system will forever be known as "Obamacare"
I enjoy how pissed off the rightwing is that Obama won a Nobel Peace Price

And I really enjoy how pissed off the rightwing is that Obama killed Osama bin Laden

Claims he killed him, but showed no proof.

I think he enjoys causing controversy.
You wouldn't believe the proof.

That's where you're wrong.

Drudge has the proof.

Too bad Obama didn't have the stones to release it.
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you shut the fuck up. We are not QUESTIONING the integrity of OUR COUNTRY. we are QUESTIONING the Integrity OF This ADMINISTRATION.

you all didn't have a problem with pictures from Abu-Ghraib and what it did to our service members, BECAUSE IT COULD HURT President Bush...how many time were those posted over and over..
you damn right I want to SEE PICTURES.

Lord, you are stupid.

Do you think the Bush Administration released the Abu Gherub pictures?

If so, you are really stupid.

If not, worst.analogy.ever.

I thought they got leaked.
Deathers are worse than burfers because they are insulting the fucking seals. That makes me sick.

How are they insulting the Seals?

What Seals are claiming they killed Bin Laden?


Not one Seal has claimed to have even been in Pakistan.

How do I know he is dead? Becuase he is not out there saying "looky me....I am alive I tell you...I AM ALIVE"

Wouldn't that be the first thing he did? How damaging would it be to Obama if bin Laden appeared, holding today's Karachi Times?

You really should think these things through before hitting that 'Submit' button.
you shut the fuck up. We are not QUESTIONING the integrity of OUR COUNTRY. we are QUESTIONING the Integrity OF This ADMINISTRATION.

you all didn't have a problem with pictures from Abu-Ghraib and what it did to our service members, BECAUSE IT COULD HURT President Bush...how many time were those posted over and over..
you damn right I want to SEE PICTURES.

Lord, you are stupid.

Do you think the Bush Administration released the Abu Gherub pictures?

If so, you are really stupid.

If not, worst.analogy.ever.

I thought they got leaked.

They did. Hence: Worst.analogy.ever.
Deathers are worse than burfers because they are insulting the fucking seals. That makes me sick.

How are they insulting the Seals?

What Seals are claiming they killed Bin Laden?


Not one Seal has claimed to have even been in Pakistan.

How do I know he is dead? Becuase he is not out there saying "looky me....I am alive I tell you...I AM ALIVE"

Wouldn't that be the first thing he did? How damaging would it be to Obama if bin Laden appeared, holding today's Karachi Times?

You really should think these things through before hitting that 'Submit' button.

Absolutely. He'd send out a polaroid of himself holding the paper to Al Jazeera, and it would be all over the world in a matter of minutes.

Hey...........maybe that's what OBL is waiting for........he wants to pre-empt Trump's show again like Obama did.
I don't care if they were LEAKED. It didn't stop you Bush Haters from using them over and over with no care about our SERVICE MEMBERS. Hell some here even had them as their Avatars.. BUT NOW all of a sudden you all give a shit about them (our service members) if we were to release a picture of a dead Bin Laden.

two faced is what I call it.
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Deathers are worse than burfers because they are insulting the fucking seals. That makes me sick.

How are they insulting the Seals?

What Seals are claiming they killed Bin Laden?


Not one Seal has claimed to have even been in Pakistan.

How do I know he is dead? Becuase he is not out there saying "looky me....I am alive I tell you...I AM ALIVE"

Wouldn't that be the first thing he did? How damaging would it be to Obama if bin Laden appeared, holding today's Karachi Times?

You really should think these things through before hitting that 'Submit' button.


Are you another illiterate asshole?????

I hit submit becuase I believe the fucking asshole is dead....

and I made it clear that I believe he is dead by saying

if he wasnt he would be all over the place showing people he were alive.

You are a fucking illiterate asshole...LIBERALS REALLY ARE STUPID.
How are they insulting the Seals?

What Seals are claiming they killed Bin Laden?


Not one Seal has claimed to have even been in Pakistan.

How do I know he is dead? Becuase he is not out there saying "looky me....I am alive I tell you...I AM ALIVE"

Wouldn't that be the first thing he did? How damaging would it be to Obama if bin Laden appeared, holding today's Karachi Times?

You really should think these things through before hitting that 'Submit' button.

Absolutely. He'd send out a polaroid of himself holding the paper to Al Jazeera, and it would be all over the world in a matter of minutes.

Hey...........maybe that's what OBL is waiting for........he wants to pre-empt Trump's show again like Obama did.

Your fi.....hey, is that bin laden? :lol:
I don't care if they were LEAKED. It didn't stop you Bush Haters from using them over and over with no care about our SERVICE MEMBERS. Hell some here even had them as their Avatars.. BUT NOW all of a sudden you all give a shit about them (our service members) if we were to release a picture of a dead Bin Laden.

two faced is what I call it.

The hamster running on the wheel that occupies the space in your head that should house a brain just stopped to take a drink of water.
POLITICO Forums:Whiteboard: 05/03/2011 @ 08:17 PM - POLITICO.com

BUSH DECLINES NYC INVITE: President Obama invited former President George W. Bush on a visit to Ground Zero on Thursday but Bush has declined, according to two people familiar with the situation.

Obama will travel to the site of the World Trade Center attacks of Sept. 11 in the days following the killing of Osama bin Laden in a U.S. special forces operation in Pakistan. He will meet with families of Sept. 11 victims, according to the Associated Press.

the president did the right thing inviting bush. bush did the right thing saying no. it isn't his victory. bush standing next to the president would just emphasize how bush blew it at tora bora.

:thup:.. 'zactly.
I don't care if they were LEAKED. It didn't stop you Bush Haters from using them over and over with no care about our SERVICE MEMBERS. Hell some here even had them as their Avatars.. BUT NOW all of a sudden you all give a shit about them (our service members) if we were to release a picture of a dead Bin Laden.

two faced is what I call it.

The hamster running on the wheel that occupies the space in your head that should house a brain just stopped to take a drink of water.

well aren't you so cute and witty.:rolleyes:
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Claims he killed him, but showed no proof.

I think he enjoys causing controversy.
You wouldn't believe the proof.

That's where you wrong.

Drudge has the proof.

Too bad Obama didn't have the stones to release it.

well, you might feel differently if you were in afghanistan right now. it doesn't take "stones" to put out the pictures.

but it doesn't really matter... if he put them out, you'd whine that he did and say it was for effect or that they were doctored.

isn't it about time to put away the obama derangement syndrome. it's ok to disagree with someone else without disingenuously objecting to their every action or inaction.

in fact, it severely compromises your credibility.
The real reason? Because he absolutely loves the perk of AFOne and can't help himself. I would love a breakdown of how much airtime he has compared to his predecessors. Someone should tell the sumbitch to stay home once in awhile.

yeah, he should spend his time in crawford, texas. :rolleyes:

Give me a break, there is NO contest to which travels more. I just see no reason for it. the White House has the most sophisticated communications suite in the world and yet Obama has to fly to Chicago to say hi to grammy? It's just too much.

no. there isn't any contest about who travels more. but bush had way more vacation days. doesn't that strike you odd? the difference is obama has to go places to vacation, he doesn't have the family estate to run off to. there is no reason in the world that the president shouldn't fly to chicago.... same as bush flew to crawford.

it's just another thing the right likes to whine about. we can do better. i made fun of bush for always being on vaction, absolutely. but i never said a word when he traveled as head of state.... even though he did embarrassing things like walk into doors and treat merkel inappropriately.
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