Bush Declines Obama's Invitation to Ground Zero

I think it very bad PR for Obama to go to ground zero. Find it no different from Bush's Mission Accomplished. There was also too much "I, I, I" in his speech. He should be humble, thank the services for their contribution. His PR people do him no favours suggesting he do this.
By the way......Donald who? Sarah who?

They have got to be hating this. lolololol

NO ONE is hating that Bin Laden is dead you lying little troll.

What the fuck are you talking about. when you respond to a post I did, here is a hint, stay on point you dumb fuck.

Palin and Trump being forgotten about has nothing to do with what you are saying.

Some would say what you just did was troll like. I say, stay on point dumb ass.

Oh and god bless.

I just noticed that...he DID miss your point that they must hate being OUT of the spotlight...not that they hate OBL being dead. I thought it was quite clearly made.
It was nice of Obama to invite him. If it is true that declined, I'm sure it wasn't to slight him. That's not his style. I would bet that his view is more that now is Obama's time, his is past. One thing Bush is not is vindictive.

That is not his style? This is the guy who flew onto an aircraft carrier as a co-pilot and then gave a speech under a "MISSION ACCOMPLISHED" banner. Not his style...:doubt:
It was nice of Obama to invite him. If it is true that declined, I'm sure it wasn't to slight him. That's not his style. I would bet that his view is more that now is Obama's time, his is past. One thing Bush is not is vindictive.

That is not his style? This is the guy who flew onto an aircraft carrier as a co-pilot and then gave a speech under a "MISSION ACCOMPLISHED" banner. Not his style...:doubt:

Tell that one to the families waiting on the North Island quaywall an extra day with the Carrier within sight off Pt Loma.
no. there isn't any contest about who travels more. but bush had way more vacation days. doesn't that strike you odd? the difference is obama has to go places to vacation, he doesn't have the family estate to run off to. there is no reason in the world that the president shouldn't fly to chicago.... same as bush flew to crawford.

it's just another thing the right likes to whine about. we can do better. i made fun of bush for always being on vaction, absolutely. but i never said a word when he traveled as head of state.... even though he did embarrassing things like walk into doors and treat merkel inappropriately.

Just stop. Obama loves his airplane and he flies WAY too often. Crying about what Bush did or didn't do is deflecting. You certainly wouldn't want people defending Bush by bashing Obama would you?

Many on this board do exactly that.

They bash Obama by saying he's not from here, is a Muslim, or a Nazi or whatever the crazy of the week is.

And then, some say that they wish for Jr. to come back. And still others defend Jr.'s policies by bashing Obama and telling everyone that Obama is continuing Jr's failed presidency.
And tomorrow, in some economic thread, those same people will denounce Bush, say he wasn't a conservative, and claim that they've never defended him.
NO ONE is hating that Bin Laden is dead you lying little troll.

What the fuck are you talking about. when you respond to a post I did, here is a hint, stay on point you dumb fuck.

Palin and Trump being forgotten about has nothing to do with what you are saying.

Some would say what you just did was troll like. I say, stay on point dumb ass.

Oh and god bless.

You just posted in a thread about Bin Laden being dead that Palin and Trump must be hating this. So either you believe they hate that Bin Laden is dead, or YOU don't know how to stay on point; or you're a liar; or any combination of the three.

How about ALL three?
It was nice of Obama to invite him. If it is true that declined, I'm sure it wasn't to slight him. That's not his style. I would bet that his view is more that now is Obama's time, his is past. One thing Bush is not is vindictive.

That is not his style? This is the guy who flew onto an aircraft carrier as a co-pilot and then gave a speech under a "MISSION ACCOMPLISHED" banner. Not his style...:doubt:

In defense of Bush, he has maintained a low profile since leaving office and has refrained from partisan Obama bashing on every issue. I respect Bush for acknowledging that this is Obamas day

Bush will get his due on the tenth anniversary memorial
Why would GW, put himself on the same podium with this gomer? He did the right thing. I wonder how Obama, will fare politically after refusing to have the 09/11 families attend? He's toast. :up:
Why would GW, put himself on the same podium with this gomer? He did the right thing. I wonder how Obama, will fare politically after refusing to have the 09/11 families attend? He's toast. :up:

He refused to have 9-11 families attend?

That is news
Why would GW, put himself on the same podium with this gomer? He did the right thing. I wonder how Obama, will fare politically after refusing to have the 09/11 families attend? He's toast. :up:

Yep...this is just another tidbit...another distraction from the elites...Ohh! Watch this...(as they do something else)...to throw the people off-focus.

Our largest problem is the Economy...followed by the WOT...

Too many have a treble hook embedded in thier mouth...as the elites reel 'em in...
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NO ONE is hating that Bin Laden is dead you lying little troll.

What the fuck are you talking about. when you respond to a post I did, here is a hint, stay on point you dumb fuck.

Palin and Trump being forgotten about has nothing to do with what you are saying.

Some would say what you just did was troll like. I say, stay on point dumb ass.

Oh and god bless.

You just posted in a thread about Bin Laden being dead that Palin and Trump must be hating this. So either you believe they hate that Bin Laden is dead, or YOU don't know how to stay on point; or you're a liar; or any combination of the three.

I read it that Palin and Trump are hating all the credit that Obama is getting, not that bin Laden is dead.
It was nice of Obama to invite him. If it is true that declined, I'm sure it wasn't to slight him. That's not his style. I would bet that his view is more that now is Obama's time, his is past. One thing Bush is not is vindictive.

Except for going after Saddam because he tried to kill Bush's daddy.
He should go...Obama should share the spotlight with him.

SEAL team of course can't go....but I'm sure they're getting free beer from their shipmates for a LOOOONG time.

Actually..no..he shouldn't.

Bush and Cheney..and their ideas should be swept into the dustbin of history..and discarded for the utter failures they were.

They deserve nothing but scorn.

Geez why sugar coat it why don't you tell us how you really feel.....:lol:

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