Bush Declines Obama's Invitation to Ground Zero

I just noticed that...he DID miss your point that they must hate being OUT of the spotlight...not that they hate OBL being dead. I thought it was quite clearly made.

This poster...."thebrain"....is just, well, um...not representative of his screen name at all. Lets just leave it there.

You've been here almost 2 years. I've been here almost a week. My rep is almost half of what yours is. I would say that our fellow posters have spoken as to who they think is the better poster.

Actually it says you are playing to the peanut gallery....just sayin'....
*HE* can do as he wishes...But don't expect those of us that think for ourselves *unlike the likes of YOU* don't follow in lockstep and know his record...

You mean his record where he killed Ossama?

Obama Followed the plan already in place by Bush...He had no choice but to follow it...as he has every thing else.

Oh....so Bush had a plan in place to attack a compound in Abbottabad and kill Bin Laden?

If so, why didn't he execute it himself?
You mean his record where he killed Ossama?

Let's be clear that Obama didn't kill anyone. There is a VAST difference between being the guy in the Oval who gives the okay, and being one of the guys who executed the mission, and wording it otherwise is insulting the sacrifice of the guys in the field.


Can you explain who Osama bin Laden killed then?

An unknown shooter from Seal Team Six was the lucky American who got to pull that trigger.
Let's be clear that Obama didn't kill anyone. There is a VAST difference between being the guy in the Oval who gives the okay, and being one of the guys who executed the mission, and wording it otherwise is insulting the sacrifice of the guys in the field.


Can you explain who Osama bin Laden killed then?

An unknown shooter from Seal Team Six was the lucky American who got to pull that trigger.

That is not the question

The question is.......if you didn't actually kill someone and all you were was the person who gave the OK.

Why did we hunt Bin Laden for ten years? He didn't kill anyone and had what you would call a minor role because all he did was OK the 9-11 mission

Can you explain who Osama bin Laden killed then?

An unknown shooter from Seal Team Six was the lucky American who got to pull that trigger.

That is not the question

The question is.......if you didn't actually kill someone and all you were was the person who gave the OK.

Why did we hunt Bin Laden for ten years? He didn't kill anyone and had what you would call a minor role because all he did was OK the 9-11 mission

So you're comparing Obama to Bin Laden? That's REALLY the argument you want to make?
An unknown shooter from Seal Team Six was the lucky American who got to pull that trigger.

That is not the question

The question is.......if you didn't actually kill someone and all you were was the person who gave the OK.

Why did we hunt Bin Laden for ten years? He didn't kill anyone and had what you would call a minor role because all he did was OK the 9-11 mission

So you're comparing Obama to Bin Laden? That's REALLY the argument you want to make?

You are dodging now....I thought you were better than that?

You attacked me when I said that Obama had killed Bin Laden. I am merely pointing out that we have been saying for a decade that Bin Laden killed 3000 people on 9-11

So, Brain....you can't have it both ways. Either the guy who gives the final approval of a mission is a big deal or he isn't

You seem to be saying he is just a minor player
Obvious that there are few, if any, posters here that have ever held any position of leadership or authority and passed the baton on to someone else and left with style.
Bush declined this event to allow Obama to shine in this event. Bush has class and does not want to upstage Obama as this is his turn.
This is American tradtition on display. Amazing how shallow most of you are and do not have a clue.
You mean his record where he killed Ossama?

Let's be clear that Obama didn't kill anyone. There is a VAST difference between being the guy in the Oval who gives the okay, and being one of the guys who executed the mission, and wording it otherwise is insulting the sacrifice of the guys in the field.


Can you explain who Osama bin Laden killed then?

It would be easier to explain who Charles Manson killed.
That is not the question

The question is.......if you didn't actually kill someone and all you were was the person who gave the OK.

Why did we hunt Bin Laden for ten years? He didn't kill anyone and had what you would call a minor role because all he did was OK the 9-11 mission

So you're comparing Obama to Bin Laden? That's REALLY the argument you want to make?

You are dodging now....I thought you were better than that?

You attacked me when I said that Obama had killed Bin Laden. I am merely pointing out that we have been saying for a decade that Bin Laden killed 3000 people on 9-11

So, Brain....you can't have it both ways. Either the guy who gives the final approval of a mission is a big deal or he isn't

You seem to be saying he is just a minor player

No sir, you don't get away that easy. NO ONE, that I am aware of, claimed that Bin Laden personally killed anyone, instead everyone has correctly pointed out that he was the leader of a group who killed 3000 Americans, a correct statement. But NOW today there are people who are implying that Obama personally killed Bin Laden, a falsehood. He is the President who was in office when it happened, but the flat out truth is he didn't have jack to do with the mission. That was done far below his level. Do you imagine the SEAL team commander was on the phone to the White House and waited until Obama hollered "kill his ass" or some other cowboy phrase like you have seen in the movies or read in a book?

It doesn't work that way. Guarantee it went down this way. Obama met with the director of the CIA, and his JCOS who informed him that they knew where Bin Laden was and that the boys in Little Creek had a plan to deal with his ass. Obama was then given an overview of the plan and okayed it, at which point he was out of the loop until the mission was accomplished.

As I said, some people watch watch too much fiction.
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So you're comparing Obama to Bin Laden? That's REALLY the argument you want to make?

You are dodging now....I thought you were better than that?

You attacked me when I said that Obama had killed Bin Laden. I am merely pointing out that we have been saying for a decade that Bin Laden killed 3000 people on 9-11

So, Brain....you can't have it both ways. Either the guy who gives the final approval of a mission is a big deal or he isn't

You seem to be saying he is just a minor player

No sir, you don't get away that easy. NO ONE, that I am aware of, claimed that Bin Laden personally killed anyone, instead everyone has correctly pointed out that he was the leader of a group who killed 3000 Americans, a correct statement. But NOW today there are people who are implying that Obama personally killed Bin Laden, a falsehood. He is the President who was in office when it happened, but the flat out truth is he didn't have jack to do with the mission. That was done far below his level. Do you imagine the SEAL team commander was on the phone to the White House and waited until Obama hollered "kill his ass" or some other cowboy phrase like you have seen in the movies or read in a book?

It doesn't work that way. Guarantee it went down this way. Obama met with the director of the CIA, and his JCOS who informed him that they knew where Bin Laden was and that the boys in Little Creek had a plan to deal with his ass. Obama was then given an overview of the plan and okayed it, at which point he was out of the loop until the mission was accomplished.

As I said, some people watch watch too much fiction.

Again you don't understand the responsibilities and burdens of leadership. Nobody has claimed that Obama personally killed Bin Laden just like nobody claimed that Bin Laden personally flew those planes.

Obama was given several options. bomb the compound, land a strike force or wait. Obama saw several plans and gave the final approval for the operation.

So yes, you can definitely claim Obama killed Bin Laden....he gave the order and approved the operation.

Bin Laden never flew the planes, he didn't plan the attacks. He did give the order for the 9-11 attacks and bore the blame for his decision........until Obama got him
Can't blame Bush at all. I'm pretty picky about who I hang around with too.

Obama got Bin Laden. Bush not only let Bin Laden go, he said Bin Laden didn't even concern him. Not sure I would want to stand up in front of thousands of people I let down either.

Bush did not let bin Laden go. And he pretty much was not a big concern.

The only reason Obama "got" bin laden is that he happened to be in office when the CIA found out where he was hiding. Obama had nothing to do with it. Nothing.

If anything, Bush deserves the credit because of the intel we got by interrogating those Muslim animals at Guantanamo - a policy Obama explicitly denounced.

Bush deserves the credit? I would think if he did, he would go. If the right wing is screaming, "Bush deserves the credit" and then Bush stays home, it looks as if everyone on the right feels Bush deserved the credit -------------- except Bush.
You are dodging now....I thought you were better than that?

You attacked me when I said that Obama had killed Bin Laden. I am merely pointing out that we have been saying for a decade that Bin Laden killed 3000 people on 9-11

So, Brain....you can't have it both ways. Either the guy who gives the final approval of a mission is a big deal or he isn't

You seem to be saying he is just a minor player

No sir, you don't get away that easy. NO ONE, that I am aware of, claimed that Bin Laden personally killed anyone, instead everyone has correctly pointed out that he was the leader of a group who killed 3000 Americans, a correct statement. But NOW today there are people who are implying that Obama personally killed Bin Laden, a falsehood. He is the President who was in office when it happened, but the flat out truth is he didn't have jack to do with the mission. That was done far below his level. Do you imagine the SEAL team commander was on the phone to the White House and waited until Obama hollered "kill his ass" or some other cowboy phrase like you have seen in the movies or read in a book?

It doesn't work that way. Guarantee it went down this way. Obama met with the director of the CIA, and his JCOS who informed him that they knew where Bin Laden was and that the boys in Little Creek had a plan to deal with his ass. Obama was then given an overview of the plan and okayed it, at which point he was out of the loop until the mission was accomplished.

As I said, some people watch watch too much fiction.

Again you don't understand the responsibilities and burdens of leadership. Nobody has claimed that Obama personally killed Bin Laden just like nobody claimed that Bin Laden personally flew those planes.

Obama was given several options. bomb the compound, land a strike force or wait. Obama saw several plans and gave the final approval for the operation.

So yes, you can definitely claim Obama killed Bin Laden....he gave the order and approved the operation.

Bin Laden never flew the planes, he didn't plan the attacks. He did give the order for the 9-11 attacks and bore the blame for his decision........until Obama got him

I would wager that my leadership experience is the equal of anyone's on this board, and certainly I can tell you that giving the order =/= pulling the trigger. PERIOD. Claiming it is is dishonest.

Oh, and Bin Laden is still to blame for 911 even if he is dead.

My question is why do you insist on wording it the way you do instead of correctly saying that Obama gave the order to kill Bin Laden, which he certainly did? There is no reason to go out of your way to say he killed Bin Laden rather than saying he had him killed ? There is only one explanation.......
I don't blame Bush for not going.... it's nothing more than an "Vote Obama '12' event. Good for Bush for not being part of this disgrace.

Was the Bush appearance at Ground Zero on Sept 14 2001 a political event?

No, but the stupid Mission Accomplished speech from aboard the USS Abraham Lincoln certainly was.

Yes, it was; I didn't like THAT, then, and, I don't like THIS, now. Obama has tried to take virtually all the credit for this, and that is disingenuous. Had it happened on Bush's watch, and he had tried to do the same, it would have been equally disingenuous. I do not care to see the gallant and largely thankless efforts of our Special Operations forces and our intelligence services misused in such a fashion by any president, of any party. Their selfless dedication to the safety of this nation deserves better than to be turned into a moment for political grandstanding by any self-absorbed political figure, of whatever party. PERIOD! This shameless political opportunism on the part of both sides is a good part of what is wrong with our body politic today, and I for one, have had just about enough of it. Many of you, sadly, want to continue these charades (which is precisely what they are!) Do we have no politicians with even an ounce of humility left? Disgusting; simply disgusting, and the majority here can't see past their ideological noses long enough to even recognize it!
No sir, you don't get away that easy. NO ONE, that I am aware of, claimed that Bin Laden personally killed anyone, instead everyone has correctly pointed out that he was the leader of a group who killed 3000 Americans, a correct statement. But NOW today there are people who are implying that Obama personally killed Bin Laden, a falsehood. He is the President who was in office when it happened, but the flat out truth is he didn't have jack to do with the mission. That was done far below his level. Do you imagine the SEAL team commander was on the phone to the White House and waited until Obama hollered "kill his ass" or some other cowboy phrase like you have seen in the movies or read in a book?

It doesn't work that way. Guarantee it went down this way. Obama met with the director of the CIA, and his JCOS who informed him that they knew where Bin Laden was and that the boys in Little Creek had a plan to deal with his ass. Obama was then given an overview of the plan and okayed it, at which point he was out of the loop until the mission was accomplished.

As I said, some people watch watch too much fiction.

Again you don't understand the responsibilities and burdens of leadership. Nobody has claimed that Obama personally killed Bin Laden just like nobody claimed that Bin Laden personally flew those planes.

Obama was given several options. bomb the compound, land a strike force or wait. Obama saw several plans and gave the final approval for the operation.

So yes, you can definitely claim Obama killed Bin Laden....he gave the order and approved the operation.

Bin Laden never flew the planes, he didn't plan the attacks. He did give the order for the 9-11 attacks and bore the blame for his decision........until Obama got him

I would wager that my leadership experience is the equal of anyone's on this board, and certainly I can tell you that giving the order =/= pulling the trigger. PERIOD. Claiming it is is dishonest.

Oh, and Bin Laden is still to blame for 911 even if he is dead.

My question is why do you insist on wording it the way you do instead of correctly saying that Obama gave the order to kill Bin Laden, which he certainly did? There is no reason to go out of your way to say he killed Bin Laden rather than saying he had him killed ? There is only one explanation.......

The person who gives the order bears the responsibility

Harry Truman didn't design the atomic bomb, he didn't pilot the Enola Gay, but he was the one who bore the responsibility for bombing Hiroshima
Again you don't understand the responsibilities and burdens of leadership. Nobody has claimed that Obama personally killed Bin Laden just like nobody claimed that Bin Laden personally flew those planes.

Obama was given several options. bomb the compound, land a strike force or wait. Obama saw several plans and gave the final approval for the operation.

So yes, you can definitely claim Obama killed Bin Laden....he gave the order and approved the operation.

Bin Laden never flew the planes, he didn't plan the attacks. He did give the order for the 9-11 attacks and bore the blame for his decision........until Obama got him

I would wager that my leadership experience is the equal of anyone's on this board, and certainly I can tell you that giving the order =/= pulling the trigger. PERIOD. Claiming it is is dishonest.

Oh, and Bin Laden is still to blame for 911 even if he is dead.

My question is why do you insist on wording it the way you do instead of correctly saying that Obama gave the order to kill Bin Laden, which he certainly did? There is no reason to go out of your way to say he killed Bin Laden rather than saying he had him killed ? There is only one explanation.......

The person who gives the order bears the responsibility

Harry Truman didn't design the atomic bomb, he didn't pilot the Enola Gay, but he was the one who bore the responsibility for bombing Hiroshima

Yes, but the person who is actually a leader doesn't stand on top of the dead bodies crowing about HIS accomplishments. Please stop acting like Obama is the definition of a great leader. He's an opportunistic politician and you are being VERY partisan on this subject.

Simple analogy. Harry S Truman was nowhere near the US Missouri when Japan officially capitulated to the United States to celebrate that great victory. There is noway Obama would have missed that oppurtunity, and to be fair neither would Bush have missed it. Which proves MY point. They are BOTH publicity whores and you appear completely dishonest when you attempt to claim Obama did something he didn't do.
Again you don't understand the responsibilities and burdens of leadership. Nobody has claimed that Obama personally killed Bin Laden just like nobody claimed that Bin Laden personally flew those planes.

Obama was given several options. bomb the compound, land a strike force or wait. Obama saw several plans and gave the final approval for the operation.

So yes, you can definitely claim Obama killed Bin Laden....he gave the order and approved the operation.

Bin Laden never flew the planes, he didn't plan the attacks. He did give the order for the 9-11 attacks and bore the blame for his decision........until Obama got him

I would wager that my leadership experience is the equal of anyone's on this board, and certainly I can tell you that giving the order =/= pulling the trigger. PERIOD. Claiming it is is dishonest.

Oh, and Bin Laden is still to blame for 911 even if he is dead.

My question is why do you insist on wording it the way you do instead of correctly saying that Obama gave the order to kill Bin Laden, which he certainly did? There is no reason to go out of your way to say he killed Bin Laden rather than saying he had him killed ? There is only one explanation.......

The person who gives the order bears the responsibility

Harry Truman didn't design the atomic bomb, he didn't pilot the Enola Gay, but he was the one who bore the responsibility for bombing Hiroshima

RW, some of us here have led men in combat, and speaking for myself at least, it was always my understanding that while a leader is responsible for the orders he gives, and the results of same, when successful, he makes certain that the primary credit for that success goes to the men who actually carried out that order and took the objective, while all he has really done, is exert the modicum of leadership expected of a commander at any level. My men, not me, took the objective; all I did, was show them the way. Without them, no order I gave would have ever been successful. That's leadership 101.
I would wager that my leadership experience is the equal of anyone's on this board, and certainly I can tell you that giving the order =/= pulling the trigger. PERIOD. Claiming it is is dishonest.

Oh, and Bin Laden is still to blame for 911 even if he is dead.

My question is why do you insist on wording it the way you do instead of correctly saying that Obama gave the order to kill Bin Laden, which he certainly did? There is no reason to go out of your way to say he killed Bin Laden rather than saying he had him killed ? There is only one explanation.......

The person who gives the order bears the responsibility

Harry Truman didn't design the atomic bomb, he didn't pilot the Enola Gay, but he was the one who bore the responsibility for bombing Hiroshima

RW, some of us here have led men in combat, and speaking for myself at least, it was always my understanding that while a leader is responsible for the orders he gives, and the results of same, when successful, he makes certain that the primary credit for that success goes to the men who actually carried out that order and took the objective, while all he has really done, is exert the modicum of leadership expected of a commander at any level. My men, not me, took the objective; all I did, was show them the way. Without them, no order I gave would have ever been successful. That's leadership 101.

Yep, pretty much the first thing they teach at OCS or any other leadership training course.
Seems like many people think Obama killed bin Laden.

Bush makes his own choices...in 'retirement'.
I don't blame Bush at all for not going. Why would he accept the invite when Obama can't even acknowledge that it was Bush's enhanced interrogation policy that led to Bin Laden's death.
Bush is showing real class as he has since the end of his presidency.......He fully knows the credit he deserves, but this is Obama's moment. Let him enjoy it.

As Bush himself has said, there is one CIC.

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