Bush Declines Obama's Invitation to Ground Zero

Bush is showing real class as he has since the end of his presidency.......He fully knows the credit he deserves, but this is Obama's moment. Let him enjoy it.

As Bush himself has said, there is one CIC.

Yep, and only a VERY petty person would claim that Bush had ulterior motives in declining to attend .
I would wager that my leadership experience is the equal of anyone's on this board, and certainly I can tell you that giving the order =/= pulling the trigger. PERIOD. Claiming it is is dishonest.

Oh, and Bin Laden is still to blame for 911 even if he is dead.

My question is why do you insist on wording it the way you do instead of correctly saying that Obama gave the order to kill Bin Laden, which he certainly did? There is no reason to go out of your way to say he killed Bin Laden rather than saying he had him killed ? There is only one explanation.......

The person who gives the order bears the responsibility

Harry Truman didn't design the atomic bomb, he didn't pilot the Enola Gay, but he was the one who bore the responsibility for bombing Hiroshima

RW, some of us here have led men in combat, and speaking for myself at least, it was always my understanding that while a leader is responsible for the orders he gives, and the results of same, when successful, he makes certain that the primary credit for that success goes to the men who actually carried out that order and took the objective, while all he has really done, is exert the modicum of leadership expected of a commander at any level. My men, not me, took the objective; all I did, was show them the way. Without them, no order I gave would have ever been successful. That's leadership 101.
A leader is only as good as those whom he/she leads.
The person who gives the order bears the responsibility

Harry Truman didn't design the atomic bomb, he didn't pilot the Enola Gay, but he was the one who bore the responsibility for bombing Hiroshima

RW, some of us here have led men in combat, and speaking for myself at least, it was always my understanding that while a leader is responsible for the orders he gives, and the results of same, when successful, he makes certain that the primary credit for that success goes to the men who actually carried out that order and took the objective, while all he has really done, is exert the modicum of leadership expected of a commander at any level. My men, not me, took the objective; all I did, was show them the way. Without them, no order I gave would have ever been successful. That's leadership 101.
A leader is only as good as those whom he/she leads.

A good leader uses three we's for every I when taking credit and exactly the opposite when assigning blame. That's what I was taught.
RW, some of us here have led men in combat, and speaking for myself at least, it was always my understanding that while a leader is responsible for the orders he gives, and the results of same, when successful, he makes certain that the primary credit for that success goes to the men who actually carried out that order and took the objective, while all he has really done, is exert the modicum of leadership expected of a commander at any level. My men, not me, took the objective; all I did, was show them the way. Without them, no order I gave would have ever been successful. That's leadership 101.
A leader is only as good as those whom he/she leads.

A good leader uses three we's for every I when taking credit and exactly the opposite when assigning blame. That's what I was taught.
Yanno...........everytime we made a move in Pakistan/Afghanistan, Jr. told them what he was going to do.

We never caught Bin Laden.

Obama didn't tell anyone other than those involved what was going to happen.

Guess what? Bin Laden is dead.

Leadership is knowing what needs to be done, doing it, and making sure the right people have the right information, leaving the others to be surprised in a good way.

Obama did good. Jr. failed.
Yanno...........everytime we made a move in Pakistan/Afghanistan, Jr. told them what he was going to do.

We never caught Bin Laden.

Obama didn't tell anyone other than those involved what was going to happen.

Guess what? Bin Laden is dead.

Leadership is knowing what needs to be done, doing it, and making sure the right people have the right information, leaving the others to be surprised in a good way.

Obama did good. Jr. failed.

We get it , you hate Dubya and would suck Obama off. crawl back under your rock.
Yanno...........everytime we made a move in Pakistan/Afghanistan, Jr. told them what he was going to do.

We never caught Bin Laden.

Obama didn't tell anyone other than those involved what was going to happen.

Guess what? Bin Laden is dead.

Leadership is knowing what needs to be done, doing it, and making sure the right people have the right information, leaving the others to be surprised in a good way.

Obama did good. Jr. failed.
So, when we captured the most important Al Qaeda figure to date, KSM (Yes, tactically more important than OBL), Bush told them what they were going to do?

Get off it, ABS.
Can't blame Bush at all. I'm pretty picky about who I hang around with too.

Obama got Bin Laden. Bush not only let Bin Laden go, he said Bin Laden didn't even concern him. Not sure I would want to stand up in front of thousands of people I let down either.

You're a tool. Obama should thank Bush for emplacing Policies and tactics that set Obama up for this kill. The same policies and tactics that then senator Obama did not support.
He should go...Obama should share the spotlight with him.

SEAL team of course can't go....but I'm sure they're getting free beer from their shipmates for a LOOOONG time.

Actually..no..he shouldn't.

Bush and Cheney..and their ideas should be swept into the dustbin of history..and discarded for the utter failures they were.

They deserve nothing but scorn.

This is what President Bush is doing and the people he's hanging out with, now that he has the free time......

Armstrong, Bush ride with wounded veterans - Air Force News | News from Afghanistan & Iraq - Air Force Times

Armstrong, Bush ride with wounded veterans
By Juan Carlos Llorca - The Associated Press
Posted : Wednesday Apr 27, 2011 10:06:32 EDT
TERLINGUA, Texas — Kenneth Butler touched the metal end of his prosthetic arm instinctively as he recalled the horrors he witnessed in Iraq.

Four years after losing his limb when his vehicle was hit by a bomb in Baghdad, the retired Army staff sergeant got his first chance this week to meet former President George W. Bush during a three-day bike ride in West Texas attended by more than a dozen other wounded veterans and cycling legend Lance Armstrong.

Bush rode in the event for a chance to meet with veterans and thank them for their sacrifice. But for Butler, he holds no ill-will toward the man who sent thousands of Americans to war in 2003.

“I feel his compassion,” the retired parachute infantry squad leader said Wednesday, with a note of melancholy. “It feels like he really cares about us.”

Bush and 15 wounded veterans were joined Wednesday in the last leg of a 62.5-mile ride through the rugged desert trails of Big Bend National Park by Armstrong, the seven-time Tour de France champion.

Although Bush acknowledges struggling to keep up during the trek, he said he relished the opportunity.

“As a commander in chief, it was my decision to put them in harm’s way in the first place,” he said. “I feel a special bond toward them and I want them to know I’ll never forget them.”

This is another way he and Laura spend a morning near their home.......

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lOC_JjNFkVw]YouTube - President George W Bush Greeting Troops at DFW[/ame]

This is what someone with class looks like.
This is what President Bush is doing and the people he's hanging out with, now that he has the free time......

Armstrong, Bush ride with wounded veterans - Air Force News | News from Afghanistan & Iraq - Air Force Times

Armstrong, Bush ride with wounded veterans
By Juan Carlos Llorca - The Associated Press
Posted : Wednesday Apr 27, 2011 10:06:32 EDT
TERLINGUA, Texas — Kenneth Butler touched the metal end of his prosthetic arm instinctively as he recalled the horrors he witnessed in Iraq.

Four years after losing his limb when his vehicle was hit by a bomb in Baghdad, the retired Army staff sergeant got his first chance this week to meet former President George W. Bush during a three-day bike ride in West Texas attended by more than a dozen other wounded veterans and cycling legend Lance Armstrong.

Bush rode in the event for a chance to meet with veterans and thank them for their sacrifice. But for Butler, he holds no ill-will toward the man who sent thousands of Americans to war in 2003.

“I feel his compassion,” the retired parachute infantry squad leader said Wednesday, with a note of melancholy. “It feels like he really cares about us.”

Bush and 15 wounded veterans were joined Wednesday in the last leg of a 62.5-mile ride through the rugged desert trails of Big Bend National Park by Armstrong, the seven-time Tour de France champion.

Although Bush acknowledges struggling to keep up during the trek, he said he relished the opportunity.

“As a commander in chief, it was my decision to put them in harm’s way in the first place,” he said. “I feel a special bond toward them and I want them to know I’ll never forget them.”

This is another way he and Laura spend a morning near their home.......

YouTube - President George W Bush Greeting Troops at DFW

This is what someone with class looks like.

They look like the past to me and not a particularly happy memory. Once we get beyond Bush wars, America can make some headway.
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Can't blame Bush at all. I'm pretty picky about who I hang around with too.

Obama got Bin Laden. Bush not only let Bin Laden go, he said Bin Laden didn't even concern him. Not sure I would want to stand up in front of thousands of people I let down either.

Bush did not let bin Laden go. And he pretty much was not a big concern.

The only reason Obama "got" bin laden is that he happened to be in office when the CIA found out where he was hiding. Obama had nothing to do with it. Nothing.

If anything, Bush deserves the credit because of the intel we got by interrogating those Muslim animals at Guantanamo - a policy Obama explicitly denounced.
Obama got lucky plain and simple. It was our military personal and CIA that got Osama plain and simple it was just luck which president was in office!!!
Yanno...........everytime we made a move in Pakistan/Afghanistan, Jr. told them what he was going to do.

We never caught Bin Laden.

Obama didn't tell anyone other than those involved what was going to happen.

Guess what? Bin Laden is dead.

Leadership is knowing what needs to be done, doing it, and making sure the right people have the right information, leaving the others to be surprised in a good way.

Obama did good. Jr. failed.

You just pulled that out of your ass because you have absolutely zero proof of it.
Has anyone wondered why Obama kills and not captures these guys. Supposedly he was unarmed. Why couldn't he capture him is the first question that comes to mind? Is it because Obama didn't have control of the situation, or was it because Obama wanted him dead?

Somebody please explain why today is reported to be the first time Obama has visited Ground Zero, and this isn't spiking the football.:eusa_whistle:
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This is what President Bush is doing and the people he's hanging out with, now that he has the free time......

Armstrong, Bush ride with wounded veterans - Air Force News | News from Afghanistan & Iraq - Air Force Times

Armstrong, Bush ride with wounded veterans
By Juan Carlos Llorca - The Associated Press
Posted : Wednesday Apr 27, 2011 10:06:32 EDT
TERLINGUA, Texas — Kenneth Butler touched the metal end of his prosthetic arm instinctively as he recalled the horrors he witnessed in Iraq. Four years after losing his limb when his vehicle was hit by a bomb in Baghdad, the retired Army staff sergeant got his first chance this week to meet former President George W. Bush during a three-day bike ride in West Texas attended by more than a dozen other wounded veterans and cycling legend Lance Armstrong

Bush rode in the event for a chance to meet with veterans and thank them for their sacrifice. But for Butler, he holds no ill-will toward the man who sent thousands of Americans to war in 2003.

“I feel his compassion,” the retired parachute infantry squad leader said Wednesday, with a note of melancholy. “It feels like he really cares about us.”

Bush and 15 wounded veterans were joined Wednesday in the last leg of a 62.5-mile ride through the rugged desert trails of Big Bend National Park by Armstrong, the seven-time Tour de France champion.

Although Bush acknowledges struggling to keep up during the trek, he said he relished the opportunity.

“As a commander in chief, it was my decision to put them in harm’s way in the first place,” he said. “I feel a special bond toward them and I want them to know I’ll never forget them.”

This is another way he and Laura spend a morning near their home.......

YouTube - President George W Bush Greeting Troops at DFW

This is what someone with class looks like.

They look like the past to me and not a particularly happy memory. Once we get beyond Bush wars, America can make some headway.

The 62 mile mountain bike ride happened a week and a half ago........ how ca you not commend him for that? . President Bush hangs out with his wife and injured military, Obama hangs out with domestic terrorist and idiots in academia that couldn't put enough common sense together to close their mouths while staring up at rain coming down
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This poster...."thebrain"....is just, well, um...not representative of his screen name at all. Lets just leave it there.

You've been here almost 2 years. I've been here almost a week. My rep is almost half of what yours is. I would say that our fellow posters have spoken as to who they think is the better poster.

Actually it says you are playing to the peanut gallery....just sayin'....

and it says that thebrain does not yet understand the growth of the rep function.

2 years ago the max rep power of a poster was something like 400, if at all.
This is what President Bush is doing and the people he's hanging out with, now that he has the free time......

Armstrong, Bush ride with wounded veterans - Air Force News | News from Afghanistan & Iraq - Air Force Times

Armstrong, Bush ride with wounded veterans
By Juan Carlos Llorca - The Associated Press
Posted : Wednesday Apr 27, 2011 10:06:32 EDT
TERLINGUA, Texas — Kenneth Butler touched the metal end of his prosthetic arm instinctively as he recalled the horrors he witnessed in Iraq.

Four years after losing his limb when his vehicle was hit by a bomb in Baghdad, the retired Army staff sergeant got his first chance this week to meet former President George W. Bush during a three-day bike ride in West Texas attended by more than a dozen other wounded veterans and cycling legend Lance Armstrong.

Bush rode in the event for a chance to meet with veterans and thank them for their sacrifice. But for Butler, he holds no ill-will toward the man who sent thousands of Americans to war in 2003.

“I feel his compassion,” the retired parachute infantry squad leader said Wednesday, with a note of melancholy. “It feels like he really cares about us.”

Bush and 15 wounded veterans were joined Wednesday in the last leg of a 62.5-mile ride through the rugged desert trails of Big Bend National Park by Armstrong, the seven-time Tour de France champion.

Although Bush acknowledges struggling to keep up during the trek, he said he relished the opportunity.

“As a commander in chief, it was my decision to put them in harm’s way in the first place,” he said. “I feel a special bond toward them and I want them to know I’ll never forget them.”

This is another way he and Laura spend a morning near their home.......

YouTube - President George W Bush Greeting Troops at DFW

This is what someone with class looks like.

They look like the past to me and not a particularly happy memory. Once we get beyond Bush wars, America can make some headway.

LOl, now we have to get beyond the Obama's wars to being making headway, don't we?
And lets see he's started ANOTHER ONE.
This is what President Bush is doing and the people he's hanging out with, now that he has the free time......

Armstrong, Bush ride with wounded veterans - Air Force News | News from Afghanistan & Iraq - Air Force Times

Armstrong, Bush ride with wounded veterans
By Juan Carlos Llorca - The Associated Press
Posted : Wednesday Apr 27, 2011 10:06:32 EDT
TERLINGUA, Texas — Kenneth Butler touched the metal end of his prosthetic arm instinctively as he recalled the horrors he witnessed in Iraq.

Four years after losing his limb when his vehicle was hit by a bomb in Baghdad, the retired Army staff sergeant got his first chance this week to meet former President George W. Bush during a three-day bike ride in West Texas attended by more than a dozen other wounded veterans and cycling legend Lance Armstrong.

Bush rode in the event for a chance to meet with veterans and thank them for their sacrifice. But for Butler, he holds no ill-will toward the man who sent thousands of Americans to war in 2003.

“I feel his compassion,” the retired parachute infantry squad leader said Wednesday, with a note of melancholy. “It feels like he really cares about us.”

Bush and 15 wounded veterans were joined Wednesday in the last leg of a 62.5-mile ride through the rugged desert trails of Big Bend National Park by Armstrong, the seven-time Tour de France champion.

Although Bush acknowledges struggling to keep up during the trek, he said he relished the opportunity.

“As a commander in chief, it was my decision to put them in harm’s way in the first place,” he said. “I feel a special bond toward them and I want them to know I’ll never forget them.”

This is another way he and Laura spend a morning near their home.......

YouTube - President George W Bush Greeting Troops at DFW

This is what someone with class looks like.

They look like the past to me and not a particularly happy memory. Once we get beyond Bush wars, America can make some headway.

Now if we can just get past the Obama wars, health care, massive unemployment, rising gas prices, a terrible housing market, and so-on.
This is what President Bush is doing and the people he's hanging out with, now that he has the free time......

Armstrong, Bush ride with wounded veterans - Air Force News | News from Afghanistan & Iraq - Air Force Times

Armstrong, Bush ride with wounded veterans
By Juan Carlos Llorca - The Associated Press
Posted : Wednesday Apr 27, 2011 10:06:32 EDT
TERLINGUA, Texas — Kenneth Butler touched the metal end of his prosthetic arm instinctively as he recalled the horrors he witnessed in Iraq.

Four years after losing his limb when his vehicle was hit by a bomb in Baghdad, the retired Army staff sergeant got his first chance this week to meet former President George W. Bush during a three-day bike ride in West Texas attended by more than a dozen other wounded veterans and cycling legend Lance Armstrong.

Bush rode in the event for a chance to meet with veterans and thank them for their sacrifice. But for Butler, he holds no ill-will toward the man who sent thousands of Americans to war in 2003.

“I feel his compassion,” the retired parachute infantry squad leader said Wednesday, with a note of melancholy. “It feels like he really cares about us.”

Bush and 15 wounded veterans were joined Wednesday in the last leg of a 62.5-mile ride through the rugged desert trails of Big Bend National Park by Armstrong, the seven-time Tour de France champion.

Although Bush acknowledges struggling to keep up during the trek, he said he relished the opportunity.

“As a commander in chief, it was my decision to put them in harm’s way in the first place,” he said. “I feel a special bond toward them and I want them to know I’ll never forget them.”

This is another way he and Laura spend a morning near their home.......

YouTube - President George W Bush Greeting Troops at DFW

This is what someone with class looks like.

They look like the past to me and not a particularly happy memory. Once we get beyond Bush wars, America can make some headway.

Now if we can just get past the Obama wars, health care, massive unemployment, rising gas prices, a terrible housing market, and so-on.

And if all of that belongs to Obama so it goes all the credit for the US finally getting Bin Laden goes to him as well. You don't get to pick and choose what the president is responsible for.

They look like the past to me and not a particularly happy memory. Once we get beyond Bush wars, America can make some headway.

Now if we can just get past the Obama wars, health care, massive unemployment, rising gas prices, a terrible housing market, and so-on.

And if all of that belongs to Obama so it goes all the credit for the US finally getting Bin Laden goes to him as well. You don't get to pick and choose what the president is responsible for.


LOL, as you see, MOST of the people don't care the Obama got himself a trophy terrorist. So much do the people not care, the Obama had to set up some sideshow at ground zero.
They are more worried about what the Obama is doing to them HERE AT HOME.
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