Bush Declines Obama's Invitation to Ground Zero

All politicians do.

But in this case, it is not for a speech or a ralley.....it is to offer comfort and resolve to the families of the victims..........

Why were some familes excluded? Do they not warrant the same?

Apparently not.

I just remember days of some snot-nosed kid telling a uniformed Colonel he wasn't welcome in the White House.

I also remember the days when our guys were prosecuted for fatting a prisoners' lip.

And now my bretheren in uniform are cool all of the sudden because of the thankless job they've done over the years since 9/11.

And let me guess: Hillary Clinton was throwing cups of coffee at Marines in the background?


She was under intense sniper fire.

She had to keep her head down.
Has anyone wondered why Obama kills and not captures these guys. Supposedly he was unarmed. Why couldn't he capture him is the first question that comes to mind? Is it because Obama didn't have control of the situation, or was it because Obama wanted him dead?

Somebody please explain why today is reported to be the first time Obama has visited Ground Zero, and this isn't spiking the football.:eusa_whistle:


Was the President on the radio giving you orders when you were in SF?


I think he a was chasing skirts at Columbia.
Apparently not.

I just remember days of some snot-nosed kid telling a uniformed Colonel he wasn't welcome in the White House.

I also remember the days when our guys were prosecuted for fatting a prisoners' lip.

And now my bretheren in uniform are cool all of the sudden because of the thankless job they've done over the years since 9/11.

And let me guess: Hillary Clinton was throwing cups of coffee at Marines in the background?


She was under intense sniper fire.

She had to keep her head down.
Holy shit!......I forgot about that one!

Hillary Rambo on a serious fuckin' mission. Kickin' ass and not takin' names. No mercy, Miss Percy!

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Let's forget all the spin, shall we? And let's deal with some cold hard truth.

In March of 2002, Bush said (on camera, I might add) that he didn't know where OBL was, and he wasn't that concerned about him, and he didn't spend much time thinking about him. And what happened? Bush didn't get him. In fact, in 2005, the CIA group that was supposed to be looking for OBL was shut down. So, it is ANY surprise that Bush didn't get him?

OBL was NOT a priority for Bush, PERIOD!

Contrast that with Obama. As a candidate, Obama CLEARLY stated that he would look for OBL, and if OBL was found in Pakistan, President Obama would send American troops to get him, even WITHOUT Pakistan help or permission.

And what happened?
Let's forget all the spin, shall we? And let's deal with some cold hard truth.

In March of 2002, Bush said (on camera, I might add) that he didn't know where OBL was, and he wasn't that concerned about him, and he didn't spend much time thinking about him. And what happened? Bush didn't get him. In fact, in 2005, the CIA group that was supposed to be looking for OBL was shut down. So, it is ANY surprise that Bush didn't get him?

OBL was NOT a priority for Bush, PERIOD!

Contrast that with Obama. As a candidate, Obama CLEARLY stated that he would look for OBL, and if OBL was found in Pakistan, President Obama would send American troops to get him, even WITHOUT Pakistan help or permission.

And what happened?
When you come up with actual "cold hard truth", we'll take ya' seriously.

Do you actually think Bush would give up on Bin Laden. That the CIA didn't continue looking for him?...... When in fact, Bush was advised by the CIA throughout his entire presidency on the hunt for Bin Laden. A hunt that NEVER ceased.......Yeah, a president would NEVER use false hyperbole to get inside the enemies head. To falsely make them believe one thing, while another thing is happening.

Fact is, both Obama and Bush deserve credit for his demise.........Bush put in action the blasting of his safe havens in Afghanistan. Put him on the run like a whipped dog. Killed or captured a hell of a lot of his main men.....Too include capturing the man in Al qaeda who was far more tactically important than OBL, Kaleid Sheik Mohammed.

You people can spit and spin until the cows come home. It will not change the FACTS.
Let's forget all the spin, shall we? And let's deal with some cold hard truth.

In March of 2002, Bush said (on camera, I might add) that he didn't know where OBL was, and he wasn't that concerned about him, and he didn't spend much time thinking about him. And what happened? Bush didn't get him. In fact, in 2005, the CIA group that was supposed to be looking for OBL was shut down. So, it is ANY surprise that Bush didn't get him?

OBL was NOT a priority for Bush, PERIOD!

Contrast that with Obama. As a candidate, Obama CLEARLY stated that he would look for OBL, and if OBL was found in Pakistan, President Obama would send American troops to get him, even WITHOUT Pakistan help or permission.

And what happened?
When you come up with actual "cold hard truth", we'll take ya' seriously.

Do you actually think Bush would give up on Bin Laden. That the CIA didn't continue looking for him?...... When in fact, Bush was advised by the CIA throughout his entire presidency on the hunt for Bin Laden. A hunt that NEVER ceased.......Yeah, a president would NEVER use false hyperbole to get inside the enemies head. To falsely make them believe one thing, while another thing is happening.

Fact is, both Obama and Bush deserve credit for his demise.........Bush put in action the blasting of his safe havens in Afghanistan. Put him on the run like a whipped dog. Killed or captured a hell of a lot of his main men.....Too include capturing the man in Al qaeda who was far more tactically important than OBL, Kaleid Sheik Mohammed.

You people can spit and spin until the cows come home. It will not change the FACTS.


Bush said OBL was NOT a priority, and he never found him in over 7 years.

Obama said OBL WAS a priority, and he found him in just over 2 years.

Those ARE the facts!
Let's forget all the spin, shall we? And let's deal with some cold hard truth.

In March of 2002, Bush said (on camera, I might add) that he didn't know where OBL was, and he wasn't that concerned about him, and he didn't spend much time thinking about him. And what happened? Bush didn't get him. In fact, in 2005, the CIA group that was supposed to be looking for OBL was shut down. So, it is ANY surprise that Bush didn't get him?

OBL was NOT a priority for Bush, PERIOD!

Contrast that with Obama. As a candidate, Obama CLEARLY stated that he would look for OBL, and if OBL was found in Pakistan, President Obama would send American troops to get him, even WITHOUT Pakistan help or permission.

And what happened?
When you come up with actual "cold hard truth", we'll take ya' seriously.

Do you actually think Bush would give up on Bin Laden. That the CIA didn't continue looking for him?...... When in fact, Bush was advised by the CIA throughout his entire presidency on the hunt for Bin Laden. A hunt that NEVER ceased.......Yeah, a president would NEVER use false hyperbole to get inside the enemies head. To falsely make them believe one thing, while another thing is happening.

Fact is, both Obama and Bush deserve credit for his demise.........Bush put in action the blasting of his safe havens in Afghanistan. Put him on the run like a whipped dog. Killed or captured a hell of a lot of his main men.....Too include capturing the man in Al qaeda who was far more tactically important than OBL, Kaleid Sheik Mohammed.

You people can spit and spin until the cows come home. It will not change the FACTS.


Bush said OBL was NOT a priority, and he never found him in over 7 years.

Obama said OBL WAS a priority, and he found him in just over 2 years.

Those ARE the facts!
NO!........They are not the FACTS.

It's just typical left wing talking points.

Even the CIA says they never stopped hunting. If Bush had ordered them too, they would have stopped on presidential orders.........Bin Laden was always a priority of Bush.

Seriously, are you naive enough to believe that Bush wouldn't say things to keep Bin Laden off guard. To make him believe that yeah, we're not really concerned about you?

Give me a fuckin' break.
When you come up with actual "cold hard truth", we'll take ya' seriously.

Do you actually think Bush would give up on Bin Laden. That the CIA didn't continue looking for him?...... When in fact, Bush was advised by the CIA throughout his entire presidency on the hunt for Bin Laden. A hunt that NEVER ceased.......Yeah, a president would NEVER use false hyperbole to get inside the enemies head. To falsely make them believe one thing, while another thing is happening.

Fact is, both Obama and Bush deserve credit for his demise.........Bush put in action the blasting of his safe havens in Afghanistan. Put him on the run like a whipped dog. Killed or captured a hell of a lot of his main men.....Too include capturing the man in Al qaeda who was far more tactically important than OBL, Kaleid Sheik Mohammed.

You people can spit and spin until the cows come home. It will not change the FACTS.


Bush said OBL was NOT a priority, and he never found him in over 7 years.

Obama said OBL WAS a priority, and he found him in just over 2 years.

Those ARE the facts!
NO!........They are not the FACTS.

It's just typical left wing talking points.

Even the CIA says they never stopped hunting. If Bush had ordered them too, they would have stopped on presidential orders.........Bin Laden was always a priority of Bush.

Seriously, are you naive enough to believe that Bush wouldn't say things to keep Bin Laden off guard. To make him believe that yeah, we're not really concerned about you?

Give me a fuckin' break.

Exactly what was it in my post that was not factual?
Has anyone wondered why Obama kills and not captures these guys. Supposedly he was unarmed. Why couldn't he capture him is the first question that comes to mind? Is it because Obama didn't have control of the situation, or was it because Obama wanted him dead?

Somebody please explain why today is reported to be the first time Obama has visited Ground Zero, and this isn't spiking the football.:eusa_whistle:


Was the President on the radio giving you orders when you were in SF?


I think he a was chasing skirts at Columbia.
It couldn't have been Hillary's, she only wears pants. Glad to see an SF guy on here.

Bush said OBL was NOT a priority, and he never found him in over 7 years.

Obama said OBL WAS a priority, and he found him in just over 2 years.

Those ARE the facts!
NO!........They are not the FACTS.

It's just typical left wing talking points.

Even the CIA says they never stopped hunting. If Bush had ordered them too, they would have stopped on presidential orders.........Bin Laden was always a priority of Bush.

Seriously, are you naive enough to believe that Bush wouldn't say things to keep Bin Laden off guard. To make him believe that yeah, we're not really concerned about you?

Give me a fuckin' break.

Exactly what was it in my post that was not factual?

It's not factual to claim that Bush didn't want UBL dead.

I have in fact participated in man hunts. None as complicated as this one was to be sure, but manhunts nonetheless, and I can tell you that a trail doesn't just magically appear because you really really want it to . The CIA busted their ass for YEARS following leads that led Seal Team Six to Bin Laden.

Further, the CIA is manned by professionals who don't really care who is in power, they have a job to do and that job was to hunt Bin Laden. You insult THEM by suggesting that they weren't serious about it until Obama stepped in.
NO!........They are not the FACTS.

It's just typical left wing talking points.

Even the CIA says they never stopped hunting. If Bush had ordered them too, they would have stopped on presidential orders.........Bin Laden was always a priority of Bush.

Seriously, are you naive enough to believe that Bush wouldn't say things to keep Bin Laden off guard. To make him believe that yeah, we're not really concerned about you?

Give me a fuckin' break.

Exactly what was it in my post that was not factual?

It's not factual to claim that Bush didn't want UBL dead.

I have in fact participated in man hunts. None as complicated as this one was to be sure, but manhunts nonetheless, and I can tell you that a trail doesn't just magically appear because you really really want it to . The CIA busted their ass for YEARS following leads that led Seal Team Six to Bin Laden.

Further, the CIA is manned by professionals who don't really care who is in power, they have a job to do and that job was to hunt Bin Laden. You insult THEM by suggesting that they weren't serious about it until Obama stepped in.

I didn't say that Bush didn't WANT bin Laden dead.

But you know what? It's kinda like wanting a job. Wanting it is not enough. You've got to go out and actually LOOK for a job.
Exactly what was it in my post that was not factual?

It's not factual to claim that Bush didn't want UBL dead.

I have in fact participated in man hunts. None as complicated as this one was to be sure, but manhunts nonetheless, and I can tell you that a trail doesn't just magically appear because you really really want it to . The CIA busted their ass for YEARS following leads that led Seal Team Six to Bin Laden.

Further, the CIA is manned by professionals who don't really care who is in power, they have a job to do and that job was to hunt Bin Laden. You insult THEM by suggesting that they weren't serious about it until Obama stepped in.

I didn't say that Bush didn't WANT bin Laden dead.

But you know what? It's kinda like wanting a job. Wanting it is not enough. You've got to go out and actually LOOK for a job.

It's not that they stopped trying but when you divert your top CIA manpower to try to prove that Hussein had WMDs you lose some of your momentum.
It's not factual to claim that Bush didn't want UBL dead.

I have in fact participated in man hunts. None as complicated as this one was to be sure, but manhunts nonetheless, and I can tell you that a trail doesn't just magically appear because you really really want it to . The CIA busted their ass for YEARS following leads that led Seal Team Six to Bin Laden.

Further, the CIA is manned by professionals who don't really care who is in power, they have a job to do and that job was to hunt Bin Laden. You insult THEM by suggesting that they weren't serious about it until Obama stepped in.

I didn't say that Bush didn't WANT bin Laden dead.

But you know what? It's kinda like wanting a job. Wanting it is not enough. You've got to go out and actually LOOK for a job.

It's not that they stopped trying but when you divert your top CIA manpower to try to prove that Hussein had WMDs you lose some of your momentum.

Exactly. When Bush said that OBL was not a priority, it was because Iraq was his priority. Countless CIA and Defense Dept personnel who were previously working on finding OBL etc, were retasked with the invasion of Iraq, looking for WMDs, and later on, fighting the insurgency.

Obama made it clear that Iraq was a mistake, and he would rectify that by drawing down the forces there in favor of shifting resources in the search for OBL.

I think the results speak for themselves. The fact that the GOP (and Bush) feel that the former president isn't getting enough credit is for a good reason. He doesn't deserve it.

And today it's reported that Bush feels slighted? Well, maybe he shouldn't have turned down President Obama's invitation to visit the victims' families and the firefighters at ground zero, then. DUH!
Let's forget all the spin, shall we? And let's deal with some cold hard truth.

In March of 2002, Bush said (on camera, I might add) that he didn't know where OBL was, and he wasn't that concerned about him, and he didn't spend much time thinking about him. And what happened? Bush didn't get him. In fact, in 2005, the CIA group that was supposed to be looking for OBL was shut down. So, it is ANY surprise that Bush didn't get him?

OBL was NOT a priority for Bush, PERIOD!

Contrast that with Obama. As a candidate, Obama CLEARLY stated that he would look for OBL, and if OBL was found in Pakistan, President Obama would send American troops to get him, even WITHOUT Pakistan help or permission.

And what happened?

tsk tsk

Former Clinton WH Counsel Lanny Davis: "We Democrats Shouldn't Be Running Clips Saying George Bush Didn't Care About Osama Bin Laden"
[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CT-nKaGvPXM&feature=player_embedded]YouTube - Lanny Davis[/ame]

DAVIS: "So who knows whether, at the moment in time that they decided to use these techniques -- it's easy to second-guess them -- but we Democrats at least shouldn't be running clips of George Bush saying that he didn't care about Osama bin Laden when clearly that was a strategic message that we weren't going to judge our success on whether we killed this guy.

And then this cheap shot on one of the cable networks running the clip as if George Bush didn't care about killing Osama bin Laden is a Democratic, partisan Left at its very worst, and I wanted to make that comment as a strong liberal Democrat that on both sides of the spectrum here, if this isn't a moment to say time-out on partisan cheap-shots, I don't know what is.

CLIFF MAY, guest co-host, president of the Foundation for the Defense of Democracies: You know, I think that's right, and again I salute you on that as well.

thanks to.
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Let's forget all the spin, shall we? And let's deal with some cold hard truth.

In March of 2002, Bush said (on camera, I might add) that he didn't know where OBL was, and he wasn't that concerned about him, and he didn't spend much time thinking about him. And what happened? Bush didn't get him. In fact, in 2005, the CIA group that was supposed to be looking for OBL was shut down. So, it is ANY surprise that Bush didn't get him?

OBL was NOT a priority for Bush, PERIOD!

Contrast that with Obama. As a candidate, Obama CLEARLY stated that he would look for OBL, and if OBL was found in Pakistan, President Obama would send American troops to get him, even WITHOUT Pakistan help or permission.

And what happened?

tsk tsk

Former Clinton WH Counsel Lanny Davis: "We Democrats Shouldn't Be Running Clips Saying George Bush Didn't Care About Osama Bin Laden"
[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CT-nKaGvPXM&feature=player_embedded]YouTube - Lanny Davis[/ame]

DAVIS: "So who knows whether, at the moment in time that they decided to use these techniques -- it's easy to second-guess them -- but we Democrats at least shouldn't be running clips of George Bush saying that he didn't care about Osama bin Laden when clearly that was a strategic message that we weren't going to judge our success on whether we killed this guy.

And then this cheap shot on one of the cable networks running the clip as if George Bush didn't care about killing Osama bin Laden is a Democratic, partisan Left at its very worst, and I wanted to make that comment as a strong liberal Democrat that on both sides of the spectrum here, if this isn't a moment to say time-out on partisan cheap-shots, I don't know what is.

CLIFF MAY, guest co-host, president of the Foundation for the Defense of Democracies: You know, I think that's right, and again I salute you on that as well.

thanks to.
Lanny Davis, who cares?
Let's forget all the spin, shall we? And let's deal with some cold hard truth.

In March of 2002, Bush said (on camera, I might add) that he didn't know where OBL was, and he wasn't that concerned about him, and he didn't spend much time thinking about him. And what happened? Bush didn't get him. In fact, in 2005, the CIA group that was supposed to be looking for OBL was shut down. So, it is ANY surprise that Bush didn't get him?

OBL was NOT a priority for Bush, PERIOD!

Contrast that with Obama. As a candidate, Obama CLEARLY stated that he would look for OBL, and if OBL was found in Pakistan, President Obama would send American troops to get him, even WITHOUT Pakistan help or permission.

And what happened?

tsk tsk

Former Clinton WH Counsel Lanny Davis: "We Democrats Shouldn't Be Running Clips Saying George Bush Didn't Care About Osama Bin Laden"
[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CT-nKaGvPXM&feature=player_embedded]YouTube - Lanny Davis[/ame]

DAVIS: "So who knows whether, at the moment in time that they decided to use these techniques -- it's easy to second-guess them -- but we Democrats at least shouldn't be running clips of George Bush saying that he didn't care about Osama bin Laden when clearly that was a strategic message that we weren't going to judge our success on whether we killed this guy.

And then this cheap shot on one of the cable networks running the clip as if George Bush didn't care about killing Osama bin Laden is a Democratic, partisan Left at its very worst, and I wanted to make that comment as a strong liberal Democrat that on both sides of the spectrum here, if this isn't a moment to say time-out on partisan cheap-shots, I don't know what is.

CLIFF MAY, guest co-host, president of the Foundation for the Defense of Democracies: You know, I think that's right, and again I salute you on that as well.

thanks to.
Lanny Davis, who cares?
Yeah, Lanny Davis just stabbed us loony liberals in the backs by speaking the truth!


DAMMIT!......It's bad enough that our fellow loony lib's like Obama, Pelosi, Hillary, Kerry, Joe B, and many others were exposed for being wrong YET AGAIN on the waterboarding issue, now this Lanny Davis asshole has to come out and make us look like bigger fools!


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I don't blame Bush for not going.... it's nothing more than an "Vote Obama '12' event. Good for Bush for not being part of this disgrace.

Was the Bush appearance at Ground Zero on Sept 14 2001 a political event?

Remember a flight suit and a big sign that said Mission accomplished? Well, this time the mission really was accomplished.

My Best bush voice "hee hee, dead or alive"...well, we chose dead.

Go Seal team 6.
I don't blame Bush for not going.... it's nothing more than an "Vote Obama '12' event. Good for Bush for not being part of this disgrace.

Was the Bush appearance at Ground Zero on Sept 14 2001 a political event?

Remember a flight suit and a big sign that said Mission accomplished? Well, this time the mission really was accomplished.

My Best bush voice "hee hee, dead or alive"...well, we chose dead.

Go Seal team 6.
YOU......didn't choose Jack Shit!
Was the Bush appearance at Ground Zero on Sept 14 2001 a political event?

Remember a flight suit and a big sign that said Mission accomplished? Well, this time the mission really was accomplished.

My Best bush voice "hee hee, dead or alive"...well, we chose dead.

Go Seal team 6.
YOU......didn't choose Jack Shit!

By "we" I mean real Americans like Obama and HIS seal team. You see, he is the boss of all the military. :) Thankfully for you he wasnt your boss when you were expaining your drug charge to the Army. Remember that one? I am not speaking to bush who disbanded a group dedicated to getting him in 2005. You do know he said he didnt care about bin laden dont you?

Again, WE GOT HIM. WE shot him in the fucking face and the mission is finally accomplished. Now Ranger, go back to picking up marijuana seeds out of your fucking barracks room you fucking pothead. God bless.
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