Bush Declines Obama's Invitation to Ground Zero

His famous last words:

I need US Special Forces like I need a hole in the head.

Obama On security of this nation versus the MILITARY...

This man is an IDIOT.

So Obama, who re-activated the military Units and CIA grouips looking for Bin Laden; and actually had success in 3 years doing so..is an idiot.

So Bush, who promised to bring this guy in, dead or alive, let him slip away in Tora Bora, after which he said he didn't much care about him, deactivated the military and CIA units hunting for him..and completely went another direction by attacking a country unrelated to 9/11 or terrorism in general..is what? Oh wait..you and your ilk disowned him after all the policies you guys supported for the 8 years while he was in power wound up utterly failing.

Got it.:doubt:
Unfortunately for you loons, his one success will not erase his ever growing myriad of abject failures.

He's now about to watch his third class of High School and College students graduate with no hope and no jobs, just like the last two have on his watch......Next year he'll watch the fourth class graduate with no hope and no jobs....That's four classes he will have failed. That's a huge voting bloc....They are not going to give a damn about Bin Laden whatsover. They are going to look at him as a failure.
Obama On security of this nation versus the MILITARY...

This man is an IDIOT.

So Obama, who re-activated the military Units and CIA grouips looking for Bin Laden; and actually had success in 3 years doing so..is an idiot.

So Bush, who promised to bring this guy in, dead or alive, let him slip away in Tora Bora, after which he said he didn't much care about him, deactivated the military and CIA units hunting for him..and completely went another direction by attacking a country unrelated to 9/11 or terrorism in general..is what? Oh wait..you and your ilk disowned him after all the policies you guys supported for the 8 years while he was in power wound up utterly failing.

Got it.:doubt:
Unfortunately for you loons, his one success will not erase his ever growing myriad of abject failures.

He's now about to watch his third class of High School and College students graduate with no hope and no jobs, just like the last two have on his watch......Next year he'll watch the fourth class graduate with no hope and no jobs....That's four classes he will have failed. That's a huge voting bloc....They are not going to give a damn about Bin Laden whatsover. They are going to look at him as a failure.

the last two will especially view 9/11 as ancient history because they were not old enough to notice or have an opinion for themselves, just what mommy and daddy told them. Ancient history vs. current events of a failed economy, and no job awaiting tem upon graduation. I wonder which will have a better affect on those new batch of voters?
I don't blame Bush for not going.... it's nothing more than an "Vote Obama '12' event. Good for Bush for not being part of this disgrace.

Was the Bush appearance at Ground Zero on Sept 14 2001 a political event?

Remember a flight suit and a big sign that said Mission accomplished? Well, this time the mission really was accomplished.

My Best bush voice "hee hee, dead or alive"...well, we chose dead.

Go Seal team 6.
Oh, I sure hope your gloating doesn't literally blow up in your face. :eusa_whistle:

That Mission Accomplished deal was a media invention.

The sign was put there to congratulate the ship for a job well done. Nobody took the time to find out who put it there. That would be extremely revealing to it's intent.
His famous last words:

I need US Special Forces like I need a hole in the head.

Obama On security of this nation versus the MILITARY...

This man is an IDIOT.

So Obama, who re-activated the military Units and CIA grouips looking for Bin Laden; and actually had success in 3 years doing so..is an idiot.

So Bush, who promised to bring this guy in, dead or alive, let him slip away in Tora Bora, after which he said he didn't much care about him, deactivated the military and CIA units hunting for him..and completely went another direction by attacking a country unrelated to 9/11 or terrorism in general..is what? Oh wait..you and your ilk disowned him after all the policies you guys supported for the 8 years while he was in power wound up utterly failing.

Got it.:doubt:

Hmmmm, that's news to me.

Obama re-activated these units????

So Obama re-activated Seal Team 6???

Obama re-activated the CIA???

Obama re-activated the 160th Special Operations Aviation Regiment (Airborne) out here at Ft Campbell??

These are the guys that flew with me in Somalia in 93'. I've been helping keep up their HVAC systems on post the last 6 years. They're still here and in Afghanistan.

Oh good , yet another stupid partisan hack weighs in with his useless partisan opinion. As if Obama single handily hunted Bin Laden down and punched his ticket while the rest of America just stopped worrying about the guy.

That buffoon, your leader, Bush didn't have ONE thing to do with Bin Laden's discovery and death. Not one.

Sorry the truth offends you so much.

LoLing @ a hack calling someone else a hack.

He was too busy outing covert CIA assets.
Oh good , yet another stupid partisan hack weighs in with his useless partisan opinion. As if Obama single handily hunted Bin Laden down and punched his ticket while the rest of America just stopped worrying about the guy.

That buffoon, your leader, Bush didn't have ONE thing to do with Bin Laden's discovery and death. Not one.

Sorry the truth offends you so much.

LoLing @ a hack calling someone else a hack.



Former CIA Director Porter Goss said on Monday from his Sanibel home that Osama bin Laden’s capture and killing was the culmination of work that began even before the Sept. 11, 2001, attacks rocked the nation.

“The truth is, this started in the last century before many people knew much of anything about al-Qaida or Osama bin Laden,” Goss said, referring to the work that began with the Clinton administration to identify bin Laden’s whereabouts after lower-profile terror attacks in the 1990s
Former CIA director Goss: Bin Laden capture years in the making » Naples Daily News Mobile

Porter Goss was a disaster. How long did he last, again? :lol:
Was the Bush appearance at Ground Zero on Sept 14 2001 a political event?

Remember a flight suit and a big sign that said Mission accomplished? Well, this time the mission really was accomplished.

My Best bush voice "hee hee, dead or alive"...well, we chose dead.

Go Seal team 6.
Oh, I sure hope your gloating doesn't literally blow up in your face. :eusa_whistle:

That Mission Accomplished deal was a media invention.

The sign was put there to congratulate the ship for a job well done. Nobody took the time to find out who put it there. That would be extremely revealing to it's intent.


"We took care of the production of it," McClellan said. "We have people to do those things. But the Navy actually put it up."

The banner has been used by critics of the Bush administration as evidence of bravado and an unclear sense of how dangerous the postwar conflict in Iraq would be.

Assigning responsibility elsewhere, especially to the military, is not a typical move for the Bush administration and raised suspicions among critics.​
Now the mission is accomplished.

You know what's sad? After listening to Mark Levin and Rush (and many of their callers) on the radio, I am sorry to say that I get the very strong impression that many of them would rather see OBL be a free man on the loose than have President Obama be the one who is responsible for bringing him to justice.

They just can't stand it!
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Now the mission is accomplished.

You know what's sad? After listening to Mark Levin and Rush (and many of their callers) on the radio, I sorry to say that I get the very strong impression that many of them would rather see OBL be a free man on the loose than have President Obama be the one who is responsible for bringing him to justice.

They just can't stand it!

There is not a shred, not a speck, not an iota of truth in Missstang's ^ dishonest post.

I regularly listen (when I can) to Mark Levin; and on the Monday after the dispatch of Osama bin Pigfucker, Mark Levin celebrated it and gave President Obama some credit. He DID note that ANY President would have and should have issued the very same order. His contention was that there was nothing especially unusual about it regardless of political stripe.

I heard no caller on his show even suggest, much less imply or state that he or she would have preferred that Osama not be dispatched.

Certainly, neither Mark Levin nor Rush Limbaugh said anything of the kind.

Missstang simply detests honesty in his political rants.
Now the mission is accomplished.

You know what's sad? After listening to Mark Levin and Rush (and many of their callers) on the radio, I sorry to say that I get the very strong impression that many of them would rather see OBL be a free man on the loose than have President Obama be the one who is responsible for bringing him to justice.

They just can't stand it!

There is not a shred, not a speck, not an iota of truth in Missstang's ^ dishonest post.

I regularly listen (when I can) to Mark Levin; and on the Monday after the dispatch of Osama bin Pigfucker, Mark Levin celebrated it and gave President Obama some credit. He DID note that ANY President would have and should have issued the very same order. His contention was that there was nothing especially unusual about it regardless of political stripe.

I heard no caller on his show even suggest, much less imply or state that he or she would have preferred that Osama not be dispatched.

Certainly, neither Mark Levin nor Rush Limbaugh said anything of the kind.

Missstang simply detests honesty in his political rants.

Of COURSE they didn't SAY it. But the bile in their voices is unmistakable. They're simply choking on the fact that Obama was the one who got OBL.

And by the way, out of all the RW whack jobs on the radio, Mark Levin is the one who's the most in need of being committed to an extended stay at a mental health facility.
You know what's sad? After listening to Mark Levin and Rush (and many of their callers) on the radio, I sorry to say that I get the very strong impression that many of them would rather see OBL be a free man on the loose than have President Obama be the one who is responsible for bringing him to justice.

They just can't stand it!

There is not a shred, not a speck, not an iota of truth in Missstang's ^ dishonest post.

I regularly listen (when I can) to Mark Levin; and on the Monday after the dispatch of Osama bin Pigfucker, Mark Levin celebrated it and gave President Obama some credit. He DID note that ANY President would have and should have issued the very same order. His contention was that there was nothing especially unusual about it regardless of political stripe.

I heard no caller on his show even suggest, much less imply or state that he or she would have preferred that Osama not be dispatched.

Certainly, neither Mark Levin nor Rush Limbaugh said anything of the kind.

Missstang simply detests honesty in his political rants.

Of COURSE they didn't SAY it. But the bile in their voices is unmistakable. They're simply choking on the fact that Obama was the one who got OBL.

And by the way, out of all the RW whack jobs on the radio, Mark Levin is the one who's the most in need of being committed to an extended stay at a mental health facility.

Only a Soviet style statist like you would think that because Mark Levin is willing to give full voice to the views with which you disagree, "therefore" he must be crazy and in need of institutionalization.

Again, you are simply wrong. Actually, you are kind of irrational as well as ploddingly dim-witted.

Mark Levin is very close to being entirely right.

BTW: There was no "bile" in Levin's voice. I didn't catch any hint of it in Limbaugh's either.
There is not a shred, not a speck, not an iota of truth in Missstang's ^ dishonest post.

I regularly listen (when I can) to Mark Levin; and on the Monday after the dispatch of Osama bin Pigfucker, Mark Levin celebrated it and gave President Obama some credit. He DID note that ANY President would have and should have issued the very same order. His contention was that there was nothing especially unusual about it regardless of political stripe.

I heard no caller on his show even suggest, much less imply or state that he or she would have preferred that Osama not be dispatched.

Certainly, neither Mark Levin nor Rush Limbaugh said anything of the kind.

Missstang simply detests honesty in his political rants.

Of COURSE they didn't SAY it. But the bile in their voices is unmistakable. They're simply choking on the fact that Obama was the one who got OBL.

And by the way, out of all the RW whack jobs on the radio, Mark Levin is the one who's the most in need of being committed to an extended stay at a mental health facility.

Only a Soviet style statist like you would think that because Mark Levin is willing to give full voice to the views with which you disagree, "therefore" he must be crazy and in need of institutionalization.

Again, you are simply wrong. Actually, you are kind of irrational as well as ploddingly dim-witted.

Mark Levin is very close to being entirely right.

BTW: There was no "bile" in Levin's voice. I didn't catch any hint of it in Limbaugh's either.

Mark Levin is very close to being as mad as a shithouse rat. (with apologies to the rat)

I see that you haven't changed your schtick since you had a childish fit and ran away from the Hannity forum. I think they're still laughing about that one.

By the way, you STILL aren't self-actualized by any stretch of a sane man's imagination. But maybe Mark Levin thinks you are.
Of COURSE they didn't SAY it. But the bile in their voices is unmistakable. They're simply choking on the fact that Obama was the one who got OBL.

And by the way, out of all the RW whack jobs on the radio, Mark Levin is the one who's the most in need of being committed to an extended stay at a mental health facility.

Only a Soviet style statist like you would think that because Mark Levin is willing to give full voice to the views with which you disagree, "therefore" he must be crazy and in need of institutionalization.

Again, you are simply wrong. Actually, you are kind of irrational as well as ploddingly dim-witted.

Mark Levin is very close to being entirely right.

BTW: There was no "bile" in Levin's voice. I didn't catch any hint of it in Limbaugh's either.

Mark Levin is very close to being as mad as a shithouse rat. (with apologies to the rat)

I see that you haven't changed your schtick since you had a childish fit and ran away from the Hannity forum. I think they're still laughing about that one.

By the way, you STILL aren't self-actualized by any stretch of a sane man's imagination. But maybe Mark Levin thinks you are.

See? You can't even be honest once.

I dumped the Hannity Board when they started acting like thought police. Say whatever you want about this place, but it's free wheeling. It's so cool here, even YOU could be honest. But you never will be. You lie habitually and constantly. You hate honesty. Maybe you're related to truthdoesn'tmattertoher.

Anyway, your petty, ineffective ad hominem tripe aside, you remain entirely wrong about Mark Levin.

Your real problem with him is that you have not the slightest ability to address what he says. He has facts at his fingertips and a consistent coherent political philosophy that stymies statist lap dogs like you.

And by the way, a complete imbecile loser such as you wouldn't have the first clue about who is or isn't self-actualized. I am. You never can even rationally hope to be. You remain the complete loser, both here and in life.
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Only a Soviet style statist like you would think that because Mark Levin is willing to give full voice to the views with which you disagree, "therefore" he must be crazy and in need of institutionalization.

Again, you are simply wrong. Actually, you are kind of irrational as well as ploddingly dim-witted.

Mark Levin is very close to being entirely right.

BTW: There was no "bile" in Levin's voice. I didn't catch any hint of it in Limbaugh's either.

Mark Levin is very close to being as mad as a shithouse rat. (with apologies to the rat)

I see that you haven't changed your schtick since you had a childish fit and ran away from the Hannity forum. I think they're still laughing about that one.

By the way, you STILL aren't self-actualized by any stretch of a sane man's imagination. But maybe Mark Levin thinks you are.

See? You can't even be honest once.

I dumped the Hannity Board when they started acting like thought police. Say whatever you want about this place, but it's free wheeling. It's so cool here, even YOU could be honest. But you never will be. You lie habitually and constantly. You hate honesty. Maybe you're related to truthdoesn'tmattertoher.

Anyway, your petty, ineffective ad hominem tripe aside, you remain entirely wrong about Mark Levin.

Your real problem with him is that you have not the slightest ability to address what he says. He has facts at his fingertips and a consistent coherent political philosophy that stymies statist lap dogs like you.

And by the way, a complete imbecile loser such as you wouldn't have the first clue about ho is or isn't self-actualized. I am. You never can even rationally hope to be. You remain the complete loser, both here and in life.

I would have Quit, but I like being there to Irritate some Asshats with my Presence... A Bald Black Woman comes to Mind... And the Mods who suck her Cock. :thup:

Fuckin' ScotchSquatch. :lol:


Only a Soviet style statist like you would think that because Mark Levin is willing to give full voice to the views with which you disagree, "therefore" he must be crazy and in need of institutionalization.

Again, you are simply wrong. Actually, you are kind of irrational as well as ploddingly dim-witted.

Mark Levin is very close to being entirely right.

BTW: There was no "bile" in Levin's voice. I didn't catch any hint of it in Limbaugh's either.

Mark Levin is very close to being as mad as a shithouse rat. (with apologies to the rat)

I see that you haven't changed your schtick since you had a childish fit and ran away from the Hannity forum. I think they're still laughing about that one.

By the way, you STILL aren't self-actualized by any stretch of a sane man's imagination. But maybe Mark Levin thinks you are.

See? You can't even be honest once.

I dumped the Hannity Board when they started acting like thought police. Say whatever you want about this place, but it's free wheeling. It's so cool here, even YOU could be honest. But you never will be. You lie habitually and constantly. You hate honesty. Maybe you're related to truthdoesn'tmattertoher.

Anyway, your petty, ineffective ad hominem tripe aside, you remain entirely wrong about Mark Levin.

Your real problem with him is that you have not the slightest ability to address what he says. He has facts at his fingertips and a consistent coherent political philosophy that stymies statist lap dogs like you.

And by the way, a complete imbecile loser such as you wouldn't have the first clue about who is or isn't self-actualized. I am. You never can even rationally hope to be. You remain the complete loser, both here and in life.


Gawd, yer SUCH a baby! It's hilarious. You're a self-actualized child.

Go suck your thumb!
Now the mission is accomplished.

You know what's sad? After listening to Mark Levin and Rush (and many of their callers) on the radio, I am sorry to say that I get the very strong impression that many of them would rather see OBL be a free man on the loose than have President Obama be the one who is responsible for bringing him to justice.

They just can't stand it!

I've observed the exact same thing and I couldn't agree with you more.

There....I SAID it!!!!

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