But so late !! Anti-Mass Migration Populist Geert Wilders Wins Most Seats in Dutch Elections

Libby von H

Platinum Member
Nov 10, 2023
Okay, but this was all out there so long ago...

Remember mindless purposeless Macron

Macron left red-faced after ambassador praises Hungary’s Orban​

French President Emmanuel Macron firmly rebuked the outgoing ambassador to Hungary after he praised Viktor Orban’s migration policy in a leaked confidential cable

BUT Hungary is right, the minister was right, there is no question at all.
What is now going to happen is seen in Dublin. When trouble breaks out involving children and immigrants are anywhere near, it won't matter about responsibility. This was never anything for childles Macron, May, and Merkel or gay PM of Ireland. But now normal good decent folk have had it.

Lincoln pointed to this as the KEY deciding factor in the world

good men, men who love tranquility, who desire to abide by the laws, and enjoy their benefits, who would gladly spill their blood in the defense of their country; seeing their property destroyed; their families insulted, and their lives endangered; their persons injured; and seeing nothing in prospect that forebodes a change for the better; become tired of, and disgusted with, a Government that offers them no protection; and are not much averse to a change in which they imagine they have nothing to lose. Thus, then, by the operation of this mobocractic spirit, which all must admit, is now abroad in the land, the strongest bulwark of any Government, and particularly of those constituted like ours, may effectually be broken down and destroyed--I mean the attachment of the People. Whenever this effect shall be produced among us; whenever the vicious portion of population shall be permitted to gather in bands of hundreds and thousands, and burn churches, ravage and rob provision-stores, throw printing presses into rivers, shoot editors, and hang and burn obnoxious persons at pleasure, and with impunity; depend on it, this Government cannot last. By such things, the feelings of the best citizens will become more or less alienated from it; and thus it will be left without friends, or with too few, and those few too weak, to make their friendship effectual. At such a time and under such circumstances, men of sufficient talent and ambition will not be wanting to seize the opportunity, strike the blow, and overturn that fair fabric

BIDEN IS BEING A FOOL to neglect this, But he is filthy rich and waiting to die so why should he care.
The problem in the US is that we are too large and widespread.

The countries you mention could all fit in the state of Texas and not even take-up half of it.
That was answered very positively in

Federalist Paper No 10​

In response, Madison explored majority rule v. minority rights in this essay. He countered that it was exactly the great number of factions and diversity that would avoid tyranny. Groups would be forced to negotiate and compromise among themselves, arriving at solutions that would respect the rights of minorities. Further, he argued that the large size of the country would actually make it more difficult for factions to gain control over others. “The influence of factious leaders may kindle a flame within their particular States, but will be unable to spread a general conflagration through the other States.”
That was answered very positively in

Federalist Paper No 10​

In response, Madison explored majority rule v. minority rights in this essay. He countered that it was exactly the great number of factions and diversity that would avoid tyranny. Groups would be forced to negotiate and compromise among themselves, arriving at solutions that would respect the rights of minorities. Further, he argued that the large size of the country would actually make it more difficult for factions to gain control over others. “The influence of factious leaders may kindle a flame within their particular States, but will be unable to spread a general conflagration through the other States.”
The reverse also holds very true, in fact it's the norm now.

Take Virginia, when the dems held total sway for two years they enacted all kinds of odious laws that affect the areas outside NOtVA and the I-95 corridor (dem strongholds) that normal Virginians find intrusive and for the most part won't follow.

Same with dems in DC passing laws and the agencies under them making "rules" that the sane states want no part of.

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