Buttigieg 2020: Afghan vet who got re-elected as South Bend mayor with 80% after coming out as gay!

interviewer: how fucked is the current political system...on a scale from 'kind of fucked' to 'Hitler'

Buttigieg: it's very fucked!

"Buttigieg is a white gay version of Cory Booker" - DonnA Brazil

if Mayor Pete can win his home state of Indiana, that means he can win Wisconsin, Michigan, Pennsylvania, Ohio. and if he can put Texas in play and win the Midwest, he will easily beat Trump in 2020.

electability is key here my friends!
"Buttigieg" means "King Of The Poultry" in Maltese. he'll do well in farm country.

can you feel the Buttmentum?!
Buttigieg is getting rare praise from some unlikely voices — conservatives. Conservative commentator Ben Shapiro called Buttigieg “nice and refreshing." Former GOP speaker of the House Newt Gingrich said Republicans should start paying attention to the mayor, who “may be the unknown outsider who grows into authenticity.” Republicans aren’t swayed by Buttigieg’s policy, who calls the Green New Deal a "sound framework" and calls for abolishing the Electoral College. Some simply find him interesting or likable.
“He’s said some things that are critical of my Christian faith and about me personally. And he knows better,” Pence said Thursday. “He knows me.” Conservatives have accused the 37-year-old candidate of bashing the vice president to endear his campaign
Perhaps it’s unusual...But Pete’s a young, accomplished man. Why not? He’s my age. I'm accomplished. He’s accomplished. Why not?
Pence said he and Buttigieg "worked very closely together when I was (Indiana's) governor, and I considered him a friend." "And he knows I don't have a problem with him," he added.

Pence said Mayor Pete is attacking his Christian faith
Celebrating Mayor Pete today as he enters the 2020 race as the first out LGBTQ candidate. Wow, what that means to so many of us
Mayor Pete has learned almost subconsciously to seek the meaning of things, to seek the meaning in life. and found that his calling is to save the world from Trump!
"After 9/11 we all said we were changed. That we were stronger and more united. That’s what “never forget” was about. Now, a president uses that dark day to incite his base against a member of Congress, as if for sport. As if we learned nothing that day about the workings of hate.

That day, some people did this: killed thousands of Americans in order to try to make us smaller, more divided and less free. To weaken us by distancing us from our own values through fear and anger. This is the function of terrorism.

I served overseas, at risk to my life, in the struggle against such terrorism. But it can only be fully defeated if we have leaders at home who defuse its capacity to sow hate—hate against Islam or against any number of “others.”

The president today made America smaller. It is not enough to condemn him; we must model something better.

The threats against the life of @IlhanMN make clear what is at stake if we fail to to do this, and to beat back hate in all all its forms." - Mayor Pete
I think it would be valuable to have a commander in chief who’s had to make life-or-death decisions before. I think we need someone who you know, for whom standing up to a bully like Trump isn’t the biggest challenge he has ever faced in life...and I think we need leaders who are focused on the future. Who are respectful of the past but are ready to turn the page, and chart a bright new course for this country.
"Back home in South Bend, while the mayor was on the road, two shootings took place. Buttigieg released a two-sentence statement saying that “law enforcement and neighborhoods must work together to intervene and stop the cycle of violence.” The local NBC-affiliate reporter Joshua Short took to Twitter to express bewilderment, writing, “People are expecting more of a presence than just a response.” Buttigieg flew to Boston on Tuesday, and he plans to be in Minneapolis on Thursday, Dallas on Friday, and Houston on Saturday."
“Let the rest of the country learn from our city’s story. Let the rest of the country learn that just because we can’t rewind doesn’t mean we turn our back on a great heritage in manufacturing, or a traditional work ethic, or the way that a community is built around its diversity,” Buttigieg said. “Let them learn from a community that knows how to look dead in the eye the things that we haven’t fixed yet, from the need for better economic growth to the need to conquer racial disparities … but knows with each passing day we have to make it better than the day before.”

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