California Senate Approves Reduced Penalties for Marijuana Possession


Gold Member
Jun 11, 2010
On Monday, members of the California Assembly approved Senate Bill 1449, which reduces adult marijuana possession offenses in California from a criminal misdemeanor to an infraction, by a vote of 43 to 33.

The vote split largely along party lines, with Democrats voting 40 to 8 in favor of more lenient penalties and Republicans voting 2 to 23 against. Senate lawmakers had previously approved the measure in June by a vote of 21 to 13.

The marijuana infraction bill now goes to the Governor’s desk for his approval.

Under present law, minor marijuana possession for non-medical purposes is classified as a criminal misdemeanor. While the offense is not punishable by jail time, defendants charged under the law must appear in court, pay court costs, and attend a court-ordered diversion program. Offenders who refuse to attend the program may retain a criminal record for up to two years.

Senate Bill 1449 amends the California Health and Safety Code so that the adult possession of up to 28.5 grams of marijuana is classified as a noncriminal infraction, punishable by no more than a $100 fine — no court appearance, no court costs, and no criminal record.

Passage of bill would save the state millions of dollars in court costs by keeping minor pot offenders out of court. The number of misdemeanor pot arrests has surged in recent years, reaching 61,388 in 2008, the highest level since the state partially decriminalized pot possession in 1976.

Adults who consume marijuana responsibly are not part of the crime problem, and the state should stop treating them like criminals

Governor Schwarzenegger, a Republican, has vetoed several different marijuana law reform bills in the past. Therefore, if you live in California, it is vital that you please e-mail or call Gov. Arnold Schwarzenegger and urge him to sign SB 1449 into law.
wait, dont they have a referendum on the upcoming ballot to totally legalize pot?
why yes, they do

California Proposition 19, the Marijuana Legalization Initiative (2010) - Ballotpedia

so this is nothing more than a political waste of time

It would be if that bill passed, but there is a possibility it won't pass so I don't consider it a waste of time.

Besides if they can get the bill passed soon than that would be great news for anyone arrested for weed in CA between then and November.
the polling for it looks like it stands a pretty good chance of passage
I decided it was legal a long time ago then just lived as if it all worked out pretty well
Wingnuts will lose millions of votes in November by continuing the
Racist immoral prohibition of cannabis.
I decided it was legal a long time ago then just lived as if it all worked out pretty well

So did I, and penalties can be a bit harsher here than they are in California. :lol:
I have no problem with it. People who do drugs deserve my pity, and compassion. They are dumb fucks but I totally support their right to be dumb fucks.

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