California Vows To Fight Trump's Cutting Funding of Sanctuary Cities

What kind of artillery piece do you have, amigo?
i don't; just left wing musing for fun and practice.
You need more practice because I am having all of the fun, amigo.
I like to argue, for fun and practice.

You need lots of practice because you should never go into a battle of wits unarmed and believe me, you are outgunned and out of ammo.
lol. only in right wing, national socialist fantasy.
Take the bananas out of your ears!

What kind of artillery piece do you have, amigo?
i don't; just left wing musing for fun and practice.
You need more practice because I am having all of the fun, amigo.
I like to argue, for fun and practice.

You need lots of practice because you should never go into a battle of wits unarmed and believe me, you are outgunned and out of ammo.
lol. only in right wing, national socialist fantasy.

More mindless drivel.

You are useless.
If Congress allocated the money and the executive signed off on it….I’m not certain how the executive can come back years later and say, “no”.

But hey, that was the system before the GOP took over; you know, a Republic.
We still have a Republic.

The President is merely utilizing his Constitutional powers to enforce the laws of the Republic, as he is sworn to do, yes?

did you know that we could solve simple poverty in our Republic, by executive order as well. Guess what the national socialist right wing, preferred to do first with the Peoples' exorbitantly expensive, super power.
...Apparently they love their illegals there so much that Californians are willing to raise taxes and perhaps cut back on some services to compensate for the loss of federal funds.
Wait until US Marshals show up at a couple of Sancturary City Halls and arrest the mayors and council-folk for Conspiracy to Obstruct Justice and the Laws of the United States.

The little whiny bitches will piss their pants and break down and cry on-camera as they're being led to a Federal detention facility for booking; making examples out of them.

We will then see a tsunami of Miami-Dade-County -like Surrender Events unfolding at the speed of light.

Sounds like great fun.
We have a federal government to enforce federal law.
i don't; just left wing musing for fun and practice.
You need more practice because I am having all of the fun, amigo.
I like to argue, for fun and practice.

You need lots of practice because you should never go into a battle of wits unarmed and believe me, you are outgunned and out of ammo.
lol. only in right wing, national socialist fantasy.
Take the bananas out of your ears!

lol. what do you thing the national socialist right wing prefers to do, over having valid arguments.
i don't; just left wing musing for fun and practice.
You need more practice because I am having all of the fun, amigo.
I like to argue, for fun and practice.

You need lots of practice because you should never go into a battle of wits unarmed and believe me, you are outgunned and out of ammo.
lol. only in right wing, national socialist fantasy.

More mindless drivel.

You are useless.
you only have fallacy; how useful, is that?
You need more practice because I am having all of the fun, amigo.
I like to argue, for fun and practice.

You need lots of practice because you should never go into a battle of wits unarmed and believe me, you are outgunned and out of ammo.
lol. only in right wing, national socialist fantasy.
Take the bananas out of your ears!

lol. what do you thing the national socialist right wing prefers to do, over having valid arguments.

You need more practice because I am having all of the fun, amigo.
I like to argue, for fun and practice.

You need lots of practice because you should never go into a battle of wits unarmed and believe me, you are outgunned and out of ammo.
lol. only in right wing, national socialist fantasy.

More mindless drivel.

You are useless.
you only have fallacy; how useful, is that?

Your post stopped making sense long ago. They now are a word salad and nothing more. No sign of intelligence there at all.
I like to argue, for fun and practice.

You need lots of practice because you should never go into a battle of wits unarmed and believe me, you are outgunned and out of ammo.
lol. only in right wing, national socialist fantasy.

More mindless drivel.

You are useless.
you only have fallacy; how useful, is that?

Your post stopped making sense long ago. They now are a word salad and nothing more. No sign of intelligence there at all.
it is your reading comprehension that can't cope. that is all.
You need lots of practice because you should never go into a battle of wits unarmed and believe me, you are outgunned and out of ammo.
lol. only in right wing, national socialist fantasy.

More mindless drivel.

You are useless.
you only have fallacy; how useful, is that?

Your post stopped making sense long ago. They now are a word salad and nothing more. No sign of intelligence there at all.
it is your reading comprehension that can't cope. that is all.
California is a blue State not a welfare-queen red State.

Daniel you have zero credibility on this scamper around spouting twisted bullshit and lies. Third graders know that California is in a state of crisis across the board socially and economically. Further, YES, California is a blue state and YES you're right California isn't a "welfare-queen" it's actually the WELFARE KING and the welfare capital of the country with only 12% of the nations population and home to 1/3 of the nations welfare recipients. LOOK IT UP and pull your head from your ass please...Thank you, much appreciated.
Nobody takes the right wing seriously about economics.

The economy of California is the largest in the United States. As of 2015, California's gross state product (GSP) is about $2.496 trillion. The state's GSP grew 4.1% in 2015.--

Haha...Daniel we already did this once before.
But I have no problem making you look stupid once again.
California is home to many large companies and many wealthy people who turn a lot of cash and bring the averages way up but that doesn't change the facts....we have more human cockroaches from the far south and more overall human filth than anywhere else and we represent 33% of the nations welfare recipients. Stop reaching, stop to consider facts and apply simple logic once in a while.
Consider this; Bill Gates could move to Detroit, the poorest city in the country and bring economical averages way up...I'll bet Detroit would look like an econ powerhouse on paper...right?
Would that make Detroit a utopian paradise?
Try again Danny!

Despite with 2.5 millions illegals we are not the poorest, drugiest, ugliest, dumbest, highest crimes states in US ( Google before you respond).

California's economy is the 6th largest in this planet, economy is booming new houses and new buildings are popping up everywhere. With the latest rain and snow we are almost over with the drought and it's only January. We are expecting a record output from agricultural products this year. We might stop buying avocados from Mexico. Guest what? Who do we need to work for these farms? Just wondering are Americans willing or even try to apply for these jobs? Get real dude.

Why do you hate your fellow Americans?

Well, I guess so long as California is doing better than Chicago and Detroit we're kicking ass...right?
Liberals refuse to look past their nose...they always have. They know nothing about cause and effect...Anyone descent who has lived in CA for years is fully aware of the collision course that CA is on...both socially and economically. Make no mistake about it Southern California is a hands-down, absolute, total fucking shithole! For every nice, safe neighborhood there is ten filthy, dangerous neighborhoods. For every stand up descent person there is five filthy human cockroaches. Good quality people have been flooding out of California at an alarming rate and the giant corporations that bring up the Econ averages you boast about will follow in time as the quality potential in employees decreases. The are are more uneducated Spanish speaking Guadalupe Gonzalez's here than there are educated John your local news, you'll think your watching a news channel in Tijuana Mexico, I'm starting to wonder if Caucasian's even break the law anymore, all I ever see is Pedro's and Jose's making the news. Soon there will be more takers from the system than there are givers.
Face it bud, those filthy third world villagers from the far south that you love so much destroy everything they touch, they don't know any better, it's embedded in their culture. Descent humans don't leave dirty diapers and Bud Light cans lying in the sand at the beach but your filthy cockroaches sure do. Descent people don't dump trash, old couches and mattresses in vacant lots but your filthy cockroaches sure do.
To sum it all up; if you stay in LaJolla or Carlsbad and never leave the immediate area you could sell yourself that you live in paradise but venture out just a couple of miles for a reality check.

You are very wrong dude very wrong but I'm very impressed how many you hate America and your fellow Americans. For the sake of your hatred and ignorance I've traveled and visited all over America. Let me clear it up for you.

California is a mixtures of different races like Guadalupes but they are not running our states or corporates. The smiths and other races like asians, middle easterners or Europeans etc etc runs my state.
Most Juan and Juanita don't run businesses or corporates but they do the dirty jobs which helps propelled our economy.
As far as better than Chicago and Detroit? I *strongly* suggest you google who is the richest, poorest, concentrations of rich people, unemployment, drugiest, high crime states, most beautiful states (see link), most visited states, economy etc etc etc.

10 Most Beautiful States In The US | Travel Away

Does these look like a shit hole to you?


lol. only in right wing, national socialist fantasy.

More mindless drivel.

You are useless.
you only have fallacy; how useful, is that?

Your post stopped making sense long ago. They now are a word salad and nothing more. No sign of intelligence there at all.
it is your reading comprehension that can't cope. that is all.

only the national socialist right wing, has nothing but fallacy, and cannot compete.
Daniel you have zero credibility on this scamper around spouting twisted bullshit and lies. Third graders know that California is in a state of crisis across the board socially and economically. Further, YES, California is a blue state and YES you're right California isn't a "welfare-queen" it's actually the WELFARE KING and the welfare capital of the country with only 12% of the nations population and home to 1/3 of the nations welfare recipients. LOOK IT UP and pull your head from your ass please...Thank you, much appreciated.
Nobody takes the right wing seriously about economics.

The economy of California is the largest in the United States. As of 2015, California's gross state product (GSP) is about $2.496 trillion. The state's GSP grew 4.1% in 2015.--

Haha...Daniel we already did this once before.
But I have no problem making you look stupid once again.
California is home to many large companies and many wealthy people who turn a lot of cash and bring the averages way up but that doesn't change the facts....we have more human cockroaches from the far south and more overall human filth than anywhere else and we represent 33% of the nations welfare recipients. Stop reaching, stop to consider facts and apply simple logic once in a while.
Consider this; Bill Gates could move to Detroit, the poorest city in the country and bring economical averages way up...I'll bet Detroit would look like an econ powerhouse on paper...right?
Would that make Detroit a utopian paradise?
Try again Danny!

Despite with 2.5 millions illegals we are not the poorest, drugiest, ugliest, dumbest, highest crimes states in US ( Google before you respond).

California's economy is the 6th largest in this planet, economy is booming new houses and new buildings are popping up everywhere. With the latest rain and snow we are almost over with the drought and it's only January. We are expecting a record output from agricultural products this year. We might stop buying avocados from Mexico. Guest what? Who do we need to work for these farms? Just wondering are Americans willing or even try to apply for these jobs? Get real dude.

Why do you hate your fellow Americans?

Well, I guess so long as California is doing better than Chicago and Detroit we're kicking ass...right?
Liberals refuse to look past their nose...they always have. They know nothing about cause and effect...Anyone descent who has lived in CA for years is fully aware of the collision course that CA is on...both socially and economically. Make no mistake about it Southern California is a hands-down, absolute, total fucking shithole! For every nice, safe neighborhood there is ten filthy, dangerous neighborhoods. For every stand up descent person there is five filthy human cockroaches. Good quality people have been flooding out of California at an alarming rate and the giant corporations that bring up the Econ averages you boast about will follow in time as the quality potential in employees decreases. The are are more uneducated Spanish speaking Guadalupe Gonzalez's here than there are educated John your local news, you'll think your watching a news channel in Tijuana Mexico, I'm starting to wonder if Caucasian's even break the law anymore, all I ever see is Pedro's and Jose's making the news. Soon there will be more takers from the system than there are givers.
Face it bud, those filthy third world villagers from the far south that you love so much destroy everything they touch, they don't know any better, it's embedded in their culture. Descent humans don't leave dirty diapers and Bud Light cans lying in the sand at the beach but your filthy cockroaches sure do. Descent people don't dump trash, old couches and mattresses in vacant lots but your filthy cockroaches sure do.
To sum it all up; if you stay in LaJolla or Carlsbad and never leave the immediate area you could sell yourself that you live in paradise but venture out just a couple of miles for a reality check.

You are very wrong dude very wrong but I'm very impressed how many you hate America and your fellow Americans. For the sake of your hatred and ignorance I've traveled and visited all over America. Let me clear it up for you.

California is a mixtures of different races like Guadalupes but they are not running our states or corporates. The smiths and other races like asians, middle easterners or Europeans etc etc runs my state.
Most Juan and Juanita don't run businesses or corporates but they do the dirty jobs which helps propelled our economy.
As far as better than Chicago and Detroit? I *strongly* suggest you google who is the richest, poorest, concentrations of rich people, unemployment, drugiest, high crime states, most beautiful states (see link), most visited states, economy etc etc etc.

10 Most Beautiful States In The US | Travel Away

Does these look like a shit hole to you?

View attachment 110341

View attachment 110342

Oh make no mistake about it, Juan, Guadalupe, ShaQuita and Tyrone are running our communities...running them straight into the ground that is. Sure there are many nice 'pockets' in California but those pockets are getting smaller and harder to find as Juan and his friends continue to overproduce more of their filthy, degenerate same. What happens when you end up with more bottom feeders than positive contributors...yep, Southern California. I know this truth hurts a lot of feelings but its time people stop with all the PC sugar coated bullshit and call shit as it actually is. For every nice image you can post of SoCal I can post five nasty shithole .images. Sorry bud, I use to love this place...I have my boat out on the Pacific every weekend...I love the ocean...I'm born and raised here but the scales have tipped, there are just to many indecent humans here far out numbering the good quality folks.







You can do that with every State in the Union.

Here is something you cannot beat:

The economy of California is the largest in the United States. As of 2015, California's gross state product (GSP) is about $2.496 trillion. The state's GSP grew 4.1% in 2015.
Nobody takes the right wing seriously about economics.

Haha...Daniel we already did this once before.
But I have no problem making you look stupid once again.
California is home to many large companies and many wealthy people who turn a lot of cash and bring the averages way up but that doesn't change the facts....we have more human cockroaches from the far south and more overall human filth than anywhere else and we represent 33% of the nations welfare recipients. Stop reaching, stop to consider facts and apply simple logic once in a while.
Consider this; Bill Gates could move to Detroit, the poorest city in the country and bring economical averages way up...I'll bet Detroit would look like an econ powerhouse on paper...right?
Would that make Detroit a utopian paradise?
Try again Danny!

Despite with 2.5 millions illegals we are not the poorest, drugiest, ugliest, dumbest, highest crimes states in US ( Google before you respond).

California's economy is the 6th largest in this planet, economy is booming new houses and new buildings are popping up everywhere. With the latest rain and snow we are almost over with the drought and it's only January. We are expecting a record output from agricultural products this year. We might stop buying avocados from Mexico. Guest what? Who do we need to work for these farms? Just wondering are Americans willing or even try to apply for these jobs? Get real dude.

Why do you hate your fellow Americans?

Well, I guess so long as California is doing better than Chicago and Detroit we're kicking ass...right?
Liberals refuse to look past their nose...they always have. They know nothing about cause and effect...Anyone descent who has lived in CA for years is fully aware of the collision course that CA is on...both socially and economically. Make no mistake about it Southern California is a hands-down, absolute, total fucking shithole! For every nice, safe neighborhood there is ten filthy, dangerous neighborhoods. For every stand up descent person there is five filthy human cockroaches. Good quality people have been flooding out of California at an alarming rate and the giant corporations that bring up the Econ averages you boast about will follow in time as the quality potential in employees decreases. The are are more uneducated Spanish speaking Guadalupe Gonzalez's here than there are educated John your local news, you'll think your watching a news channel in Tijuana Mexico, I'm starting to wonder if Caucasian's even break the law anymore, all I ever see is Pedro's and Jose's making the news. Soon there will be more takers from the system than there are givers.
Face it bud, those filthy third world villagers from the far south that you love so much destroy everything they touch, they don't know any better, it's embedded in their culture. Descent humans don't leave dirty diapers and Bud Light cans lying in the sand at the beach but your filthy cockroaches sure do. Descent people don't dump trash, old couches and mattresses in vacant lots but your filthy cockroaches sure do.
To sum it all up; if you stay in LaJolla or Carlsbad and never leave the immediate area you could sell yourself that you live in paradise but venture out just a couple of miles for a reality check.

You are very wrong dude very wrong but I'm very impressed how many you hate America and your fellow Americans. For the sake of your hatred and ignorance I've traveled and visited all over America. Let me clear it up for you.

California is a mixtures of different races like Guadalupes but they are not running our states or corporates. The smiths and other races like asians, middle easterners or Europeans etc etc runs my state.
Most Juan and Juanita don't run businesses or corporates but they do the dirty jobs which helps propelled our economy.
As far as better than Chicago and Detroit? I *strongly* suggest you google who is the richest, poorest, concentrations of rich people, unemployment, drugiest, high crime states, most beautiful states (see link), most visited states, economy etc etc etc.

10 Most Beautiful States In The US | Travel Away

Does these look like a shit hole to you?

View attachment 110341

View attachment 110342

Oh make no mistake about it, Juan, Guadalupe, ShaQuita and Tyrone are running our communities...running them straight into the ground that is. Sure there are many nice 'pockets' in California but those pockets are getting smaller and harder to find as Juan and his friends continue to overproduce more of their filthy, degenerate same. What happens when you end up with more bottom feeders than positive contributors...yep, Southern California. I know this truth hurts a lot of feelings but its time people stop with all the PC sugar coated bullshit and call shit as it actually is. For every nice image you can post of SoCal I can post five nasty shithole .images. Sorry bud, I use to love this place...I have my boat out on the Pacific every weekend...I love the ocean...I'm born and raised here but the scales have tipped, there are just to many indecent humans here far out numbering the good quality folks.








I never said California is perfect but I feel sorry for you and your bitterness. I am not sugar coating it is what it is.............. LOL pictures you posted can be seen all over America or the world but pictures I posted cannot be seen any where else.
Again. New housing developments and new buildings are popping up all over California. I don't see any of these people that you hate are moving in to these places. So you are wrong.
These people remained or bolted to the communities where they belong as per your picture but not taking by over any good decent communities. Again you are wrong.
I've live here 75% of my life (25% in Miami )and *never* move but I don't see these people moving in my community. I've seen lots of very good successful communities that grew and grew............ Again ........... I don't see these people moving in taking over. Some do but these are the higher elites of immigrants. Again you are wrong.
However these people that you hate are talking over dirty jobs that Americans don't like.
Again. California is not the drugiest, ugliest, poorest, most criminal states................ BUT it is the 6th largest economy of the world, one of the most beautiful states and most visited states in America........ AAAAAAAMEN.

I traveled all over the globe and I will not live anywhere else but here in Southern California or Key Biscayne. The almost perfect places I've seen is in UAE Dubai but I will never live there.
Since you are stuck and bitter why don't you move so you don't get so stressed out?

Here is a picture of poor neighborhoods in Saudi Arabia which is one of the richest country in the world. Just to show you that the world is not perfect.


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