Can one of the board's trump supporters guess the point of this post?


Diamond Member
Oct 28, 2017

Georgia Republican Party official voted illegally nine times, judge rules

A judge ruled this week that a top Georgia Republican Party official, who has promoted former President Donald Trump's claims of widespread voter fraud affecting the outcome of the 2020 presidential election, has repeatedly voted illegally.

Brian Pritchard, first vice chairman of the Georgia Republican Party and a conservative talk show host, was fined $5,000 for voting illegally and registering to vote while serving a sentence for a felony conviction. Pritchard was also ordered not to commit further violations, to face public reprimand for his conduct and to pay the State Election Board's investigative costs.

It probably isn't what you may think it is. It's the same point as this story, having nothing to do with party affiliation.

Mass. couple charged with illegally voting in NH

A Massachusetts couple is facing charges for allegedly voting illegally in multiple New Hampshire elections despite residing in the Bay State, New Hampshire Attorney General John M. Formella announced Thursday.

The Merrimack County Grand Jury returned six indictments charging Joshua and Lisa Urovitch, ages 56 and 54, respectively, with three class B felony counts of wrongful voting each, according to Formella’s office.

The indictments accuse the pair of voting multiple times in Concord, New Hampshire, despite allegedly living in Ashland at the time.

Here's the point. These folks were caught having cast votes illegally. There are other voters like them. Yet trump would have you believe millions of votes were cast illegally for his opponent without the voters being caught.

Without evidence, Trump tells lawmakers 3 million to 5 million illegal ballots cost him the popular vote

That was the moment when you should have realized he is an inveterate liar who will say anything, no matter how big the lie, to achieve his ends. Just as he did when he lost the last election and just as he will if he loses this one.


Georgia Republican Party official voted illegally nine times, judge rules

A judge ruled this week that a top Georgia Republican Party official, who has promoted former President Donald Trump's claims of widespread voter fraud affecting the outcome of the 2020 presidential election, has repeatedly voted illegally.

Brian Pritchard, first vice chairman of the Georgia Republican Party and a conservative talk show host, was fined $5,000 for voting illegally and registering to vote while serving a sentence for a felony conviction. Pritchard was also ordered not to commit further violations, to face public reprimand for his conduct and to pay the State Election Board's investigative costs.

It probably isn't what you may think it is. It's the same point as this story, having nothing to do with party affiliation.

Mass. couple charged with illegally voting in NH

A Massachusetts couple is facing charges for allegedly voting illegally in multiple New Hampshire elections despite residing in the Bay State, New Hampshire Attorney General John M. Formella announced Thursday.

The Merrimack County Grand Jury returned six indictments charging Joshua and Lisa Urovitch, ages 56 and 54, respectively, with three class B felony counts of wrongful voting each, according to Formella’s office.

The indictments accuse the pair of voting multiple times in Concord, New Hampshire, despite allegedly living in Ashland at the time.

Here's the point. These folks were caught having cast votes illegally. There are other voters like them. Yet trump would have you believe millions of votes were cast illegally for his opponent without the voters being caught.

Without evidence, Trump tells lawmakers 3 million to 5 million illegal ballots cost him the popular vote

That was the moment when you should have realized he is an inveterate liar who will say anything, no matter how big the lie, to achieve his ends. Just as he did when he lost the last election and just as he will if he loses this one.

They don't care. They'll just go after you.
Here's the point. These folks were caught having cast votes illegally. There are other voters like them. Yet trump would have you believe millions of votes were cast illegally for his opponent without the voters being caught.
There are multiple claims made by Team Trump:
a) Votes COUNTED for Biden that were not cast
b) Votes cast for Trump that were not COUNTED
c) Illegal votes for Biden

You are addressing part c) in your OP. What about a) and b) ??
Let's review: In the 2020 election, Mark Z spent a half a billion of his own money to hire election "volunteers" in large cities in "swing state" to canvas overwhelmingly Democrat neighborhoods, nursing homes, homeless encampments, and anyplace else they could find humans. They "assisted" the locals in registering to vote, and to cast their votes, invariably for Joe Biden and the Democrat ticket.

This entire campaign was illegal. It is perfectly legal to participate in a "get out the vote" campaign if it is not structured to give one party an advantage; this one was manifestly intended to steal the election for the Democrats.

Knowledgeable observers have noted that this campaign swung the election to Joe Biden. Indeed, he had no chance of winning without it. You might recall that he never even campaigned for President, choosing instead to spend hit time taking naps in his basement.

On the other side, Democrat operatives working over the past four years have been able to locate a couple dozen Republicans who, for one reason or another, have been alleged to have voted illegally. So what? Those votes had no impact.

One might also note the ACTUAL CONSPIRACY by the Democrats, the Media, and the Justice Department to bury the real news story of the Hunter Biden laptop, a story which, if given appropriate public notoriety, would have swung the election to Trump, even with Zuckerberg's illegal vote-stealing campaign.

The election was stolen. Everyone knows it. Because TRUTH is not a highly valued characteristic on the Left, they continue to publicly deny it, but the facts are the facts. One hopes they cannot steal another one this year.
There are multiple claims made by Team Trump:
a) Votes COUNTED for Biden that were not cast
b) Votes cast for Trump that were not COUNTED
c) Illegal votes for Biden

You are addressing part c) in your OP. What about a) and b) ??
a and b are as ridiculous as c. trump lost because he flunked the leadership test. no one had to cheat
There are multiple claims made by Team Trump:
a) Votes COUNTED for Biden that were not cast
b) Votes cast for Trump that were not COUNTED
c) Illegal votes for Biden

You are addressing part c) in your OP. What about a) and b) ??
None were ever proven to exist. 60+ judges said so, many Trump appointees!

The biggest election fraudsters are and have always been the Trumpsters. The reason is that their minds are so infected with conspiracy laden bullsh*t that they think, “Since everyone does it, why not me?” No, not everyone cheats. What they don’t get is that the cheaters are them. What Pogo said years ago is apropos to MAGAs everywhere, “We have met the enemy and the enemy is us.”
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The election was stolen. Everyone knows it.
Only in your closed universe. That is YOUR truth, only. Clearly you people cannot distinguish between opinion and fact.

The rest of the country, all across the political spectrum, instead believe the two companies TRUMP PAID to find corruption and COULD NOT, the Cyber Ninjas, Trump's Justice Department, Trump's DHS, Trump's Attorney General, Trump's Supreme Court, Trump-appointed judges, Trump's White House staff, Trump's White House lawyers, Trump's campaign manager, Trump cybersecurity officials, several Republican lawmakers, Republican state and local election officials, state Supreme Courts and Republican State Attorneys General.

Oh, and the conservative judges and lawyers who penned the comprehensive report that addresses the various accusations, below.

Oh, and when Steve Bannon laid out the whole scam on tape:

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There are multiple claims made by Team Trump:
a) Votes COUNTED for Biden that were not cast
b) Votes cast for Trump that were not COUNTED
c) Illegal votes for Biden

You are addressing part c) in your OP. What about a) and b) ??
Let's stick with part C for the moment. How do you account for the instances of voter fraud being detected by single individuals who are prosecuted but not on a mass scale?
Let's review: In the 2020 election, Mark Z spent a half a billion of his own money to hire election "volunteers" in large cities in "swing state" to canvas overwhelmingly Democrat neighborhoods, nursing homes, homeless encampments, and anyplace else they could find humans. They "assisted" the locals in registering to vote, and to cast their votes, invariably for Joe Biden and the Democrat ticket.

This entire campaign was illegal.
Got a link? How does your anecdote, of dubious accuracy, account for fraudulent votes going undetected?
How do you account for the instances of voter fraud being detected by single individuals who are prosecuted but not on a mass scale?
Sigh. I don't account for anything but you have to know that accusations of rigging were directed at the tabulation process, not at individual voters.
Sigh. I don't account for anything but you have to know that accusations of rigging were directed at the tabulation process, not at individual voters.
I see. So hundreds if not thousands of election workers were in on the conspiracy?

Do you understand there are failsafe vote counting procedures at the county level involving both Dems and Repubs to prevent voter fraud on even an individual level, let alone the massive fraud you are alleging?
He has nothing but delusion.
What typically happens when I ask for a link is the promoters of these conspiracy theories fail to produce them because they are embarrassed to display their batshyte crazy sources.
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