Canada officially enters recession


Platinum Member
Oct 26, 2011
I think that the biggest indicator we are in real trouble is the price of oil. As much as I like paying less then 2 bucks a gallon it either is an indicator that the oil companies had been ripping us off all these years or the world's economy is in complete retraction.

Any way, another liberal utopia in trouble:

Ottawa (AFP) - Reeling from low oil prices, Canada fell into a recession in the first half of the year, government data confirmed Tuesday, putting Conservative Prime Minister Stephen Harper on the defensive in the run-up to October elections.

According to Statistics Canada, the economy contracted 0.5 percent in the second quarter after retreating 0.8 percent in the previous three months.

Canada officially enters recession
Domestic production in the US is up probably because of N. Dakota so the cost of a barrel of oil is down.

Canada will recover and probably faster and better than the US did. They don't have Barry and his pack of incompetent boobs running the show with their green bullshit.
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