Candace Owens responds to being “banned by Australia”


Diamond Member
Gold Supporting Member
May 12, 2022
The Australian people welcome Candace Owens. The Australian people are not the problem. It is a far left wing anti-West anti-Christian lobby that is controlling Australia. It’s sickening. The claim is that Owens made anti-Semitic and Islamophobia remarks. There’s absolutely no proof of it as shown in the video below, which of course the cancel culture beta male lefties will not even watch.

Owens has about 15,000,000+ followers on social media. She is crushing the mainstream media and even those folks from the daily wire who fired her… and they hate it. So they do what they can to try and mess with Owens, including banning her from an entire country.

Hopefully a Trump led America will be able to address these types of things. Because that’s a problem in western Europe, and the greater collective west. They seem to fall hook line and sinker with the radical left in America. It begs the question because the western populations of the world don’t want anything to do with this… Why is this happening?
The disgusting Gov of the day is full of pinko wannabes. They're revolting and hopefully they will be voted out come the next election like we just did their local cess pit!! Candice is of course welcome.

Candace Owens is a strange bird. I'm not hitching my wagon to that.
The Australian people welcome Candace Owens. The Australian people are not the problem. It is a far left wing anti-West anti-Christian lobby that is controlling Australia. It’s sickening.

Time was not that many years ago that I considered the UK and Australia as America's greatest friends and allies,
but I don't even know these people anymore and want nothing to do with them. These governments make me sick.
Libs fear free speech

And they fear having the illegal alien/fake asylum seeker pipeline shutfown

In solidarity, I am moving another trip to Australia down two notches to #2,142 on my bucket list.
What did the idiot have to say about being rejected from Australia for her bigotry?
. It is a far left wing anti-West anti-Christian lobby that is controlling Australia. It’s sickening. The claim is that Owens made anti-Semitic and Islamophobia remarks. There’s absolutely no proof of it as shown in the video below, which of course the cancel culture beta male lefties will not even watch.

My, Extremist Lefty Mutants , brigade .

I trust there is some behind the curtain group listing and tracking these potentially dangerous individuals .
If they are not tagged in some way and dealt with fast after the election has been won by Donny Boy, they could bring mayhem and chaos --- which is Deep State's primary objective . Always has been .
Which could then be turned into another False Flag by the Intel Agencies, just as they did in January 2021.

An alternative obviously is to bring in the Military --- always assuming that Donny Boy has near universal support from the top layer .
But I guess we all know the later potential downside to such action unless it has an overwhelming level of ground level initial and then continuing support .

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