Catholic Bishops Reject Biden -Pelosi Murder Stance


May 23, 2014

Either you stand with murder or you don't.

Either you stand with murder or you don't.
The Papacy sides with God and God is a murderer of untold amounts of humans, all over an apple, the great flood to destroy what he created and the assault on Egypt showed no mercy for the innocent.

Either you stand with murder or you don't.
Those who covered up for pedophiles? Oh....meaningful....:rolleyes:

Either you stand with murder or you don't.
The Papacy sides with God and God is a murderer of untold amounts of humans, all over an apple, the great flood to destroy what he created and the assault on Egypt showed no mercy for the innocent.
God kills 100% of the human beings he creates and all the animals too.

Your argument is stupid.

Either you stand with murder or you don't.
The Papacy sides with God and God is a murderer of untold amounts of humans, all over an apple, the great flood to destroy what he created and the assault on Egypt showed no mercy for the innocent.
God kills 100% of the human beings he creates and all the animals too.

Your argument is stupid.
Then his creation will kill also. The history of the Papacy is one of war and desolation they learned well from the God they worship.
As leaders of a private religion, Roman Catholicism, they can establish whatever rules they want to. That's what Freedom of Religion as affirmed in the Bill of Rights is about.

Ditto, BTW, with the bishops of the Episcopalianist Religion when they dreamed up Gay Marriage.

However, if you know Catholicism, you would know that Sleepy Joe, Nasty Nancy and Chuck U. Schumer can appeal to His Holiness in Rome if they disagree with the bishops' decision.

Either you stand with murder or you don't.
Oh no rejected by the Bishop?!?!?! What will they do now????
Bishops are cowards as a rule, that is how they got themselves elevated to that post, by kissing ass and never stepping on anyone's toes. If Biden has gone so far the bishops actually want to do something about it, that's very impressive.

Either you stand with murder or you don't.

Considering the fact the Catholics have been republicans since day one, there's nothing new about it. What is new is they are using their silly church laws and simultaneously fabricate new ones to threaten democrats and gather further support from republican godbotherers.

This Eucharist crap is in house rubbish. It means nothing and will have no effect on Biden if they refused other stupid church laws.

It's not as if trump was pestering the Catholics for communion daily. Funny how those same legal abortions were happening under trump but they said nothing. This bullshit always surfaces when democrats get power or suggest something against the church.

I feel for the stupid ignorant fools who believe there's a god. Base their lives on a ghost. Give paedophile central money to exploit kids.
But the irony is how religious women have abortions at the same rate as non believers. Then go to church using contraceptives, against gods wishes.
How's that for hypocrisy boys.
Biden and Pelosi understand that they hold their offices on behalf of all Americans, not just those who are Catholic. Freedom of religion means that each individual can choose their own religion and not have politicians forcing their own choices on them.

The Catholic bishops have never done anything about many issues that are a lot more pressing than abortion and gay marriage. They basically are just a fat boys' club.
Biden and Pelosi understand that they hold their offices on behalf of all Americans, not just those who are Catholic. Freedom of religion means that each individual can choose their own religion and not have politicians forcing their own choices on them.

The Catholic bishops have never done anything about many issues that are a lot more pressing than abortion and gay marriage. They basically are just a fat boys' club.

Marriage is one of the top 7 sacraments in the Catholic Church, and abortion is a violation of one of the top 10 commandments of Almighty God.

I'd say they are important issues indeed.

Now, no one has to obey the bishops here in the US, but the consequences are they can throw you out of the church on your keister if you don't follow their rules. Apparently, Sleepy Joe thinks Abortion and Gay Marriage are just hunky-dory. Good for him, but he might have to find a new religion.
Biden and Pelosi understand that they hold their offices on behalf of all Americans, not just those who are Catholic. Freedom of religion means that each individual can choose their own religion and not have politicians forcing their own choices on them.

The Catholic bishops have never done anything about many issues that are a lot more pressing than abortion and gay marriage. They basically are just a fat boys' club.

Marriage is one of the top 7 sacraments in the Catholic Church, and abortion is a violation of one of the top 10 commandments of Almighty God.

I'd say they are important issues indeed.

Now, no one has to obey the bishops here in the US, but the consequences are they can throw you out of the church on your keister if you don't follow their rules. Apparently, Sleepy Joe thinks Abortion and Gay Marriage are just hunky-dory. Good for him, but he might have to find a new religion.

What are sacraments? I'll tell you. These are items to which Catholics believe is a gift from God or must never be violated.

In fact, none came from God because has never existed. It originated from the church itself attempting to keep the punters in line with the church's laws.

As for Biden finding a new religion because he won't now to the demands of the church, suck eggs. The illegality of abortion comes from religion, not God.
Catholic women do it everyday and you know it. Don't sanctamoniously declare it is unique to to every one but Catholics.
You worry about a woman having an abortion but go to church and hand you money over so the priest can rape another alter boy. You hypocrite.

Either you stand with murder or you don't.
Is Foxnews a reliable company? Why should Catholic bishops discuss about to throw out 50% of the people from the Catholic church, who vote for the democrats - so only the voters for the republicans will be able to continue to abort human beings and to be members of the Catholic church the same time?

(By the way: No one is really able to throw any Catholic out of the Holy Catholic Church. Once a Catholic always a Catholic.)

Either you stand with murder or you don't.
The Papacy sides with God and God is a murderer of untold amounts of humans, all over an apple, the great flood to destroy what he created and the assault on Egypt showed no mercy for the innocent.
God kills 100% of the human beings he creates and all the animals too.

Your argument is stupid.
Then his creation will kill also.


Panta rhei - everything flows. Nothing is able to be stable in this world here. An astonishing thing in this context is for example the eldest culture of the world, which existed continously and is still alive: the Jewish culture. And no one is able to say the Jews were many people nor able to say they had not many - and mighty - enemies. If I think about now again ... Is it possible this has something to do with the centre "god" and perhaps also with his son, who orbits around the human beings. Or orbit human beings around him? ... ? ... Whatever.

The history of the Papacy is one of war and desolation they learned well from the God they worship.

The history of the Holy Church was it for example to rebear and bear most important elements of two big civilisations of the world: the West and the East.

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Either you stand with murder or you don't.
The Papacy sides with God and God is a murderer of untold amounts of humans, all over an apple, the great flood to destroy what he created and the assault on Egypt showed no mercy for the innocent.
God kills 100% of the human beings he creates and all the animals too.

Your argument is stupid.
Then his creation will kill also.


Panta rhei - everything flows. Nothing is able to be stable in this world here. An astonishing thing in this context is for example the eldest culture of the world, which existed continously and is still alive: the Jewish culture. And no one is able to say the Jews were many people nor able to say they had not many enemies. If I think about now again ... Is it possible this has something to do with the centre "god" and perhaps also with his son, who orbits around the human beings ? ...

The history of the Papacy is one of war and desolation they learned well from the God they worship.

The history of the Holy Church was it for example to rebear and bear most important elements of two big civilisations of the world: the West and the East.

Not really since the schism which rend the Eastern Orthodox church and the Roman Western church

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