Cat's Eye (Fan-Fiction)


VIP Member
Sep 22, 2013
I don't want to sign off with all these heist/theft tales, so here's a fan-fiction for the holiday-season, inspired by one of my favorite movies, adapted, Cat's Eye (Stephen King), a cinematic presentation of imaginaton...gone awry. Thanks for reading,


A curious cat, orphaned, in LA, was wandering around southern California and encountered three separate incidents or experiences of pure metaphysics. This cat was about to witness the awesome contours of real darkness. This cat was about to encounter three unique tales of magic gone deep.


TALE 1: The Narcissist (UCLA)


A young professor at UCLA was obsessed with photography and began taking photos of himself for his academic profile page. In fact, photos of himself was all he was interested in for his academic presentations online. This professor, Isaac, seemed to be focused on the prestige and aura of himself on camera and on screen.


Isaac believed he looked good on his academic profile pages, and he liked the way his photos looked online. He became more obsessed with his online photos of himself than he was with his own photojournalism research at UCLA. Isaac became a true Narcissist.


Then, one day, Isaac came across a woman in red, walking down the street, in pretty blonde hair. She was stunning. Isaac had to pull out his camera and requested he take a photo of her for his new academic feature on the styles of pedestrians in California in the 21st Century. The woman admitted she was flattered and allowed Isaac to take the photo. Isaac suddenly had a flash of revelation, realizing he was now obsessed with this 'woman in red' than he was with his own online profile photos. This became his new curse.


The moral of this story is of course, never underestimate where your obsession will lead you!


TALE 2: The Druglord

A very nasty druglord in Mexico named Pablo was being tracked by an idealistic California policeman named Damon. This druglord owned over half the dominion of narcotics in Mexico. Officer Damon believed he was on the trail of the real prince of darkness.


Damon was given permission to track Pablo all over Mexico and stakeout his supposed palace near Tijuana. Damon knew this druglord was worse than Al Capone himself possibly. Damon resolved to somehow crack this druglord's reign in North America.


Damon broke into Pablo's palace and tied him up and forced him to give up information about his narcotics circles. After Pablo did so, having no choice, he insisted Officer Damon help him commit suicide, for Pablo was now entrenched in a dark international narcotics conspiracy tied to corrupt politicians which had dried up all his idealism. Damon reluctantly helped the sad evil man commit suicide with some sleeping pills and kept his secrets, but afterwards, Damon was nevertheless haunted by this memory of a very strange law and order ordeal.


TALE 3: The Green Dragon

A pretty young American woman living in modern-day LA loved fantasy-adventure tales of great warriors and swordsmen and magicians and wizards contending with strange dragons in fantastic realms and lands. This young woman, Shelbye, loved Italian food and on one night drank too much wine with her Italian pasta dinner. That's the night Shelbye had a very disturbing dream while sleeping.


During this dream-sleep, the pretty young woman Shelbye dreamt she was visited by a mythical large green dragon while being transported to the mystical but dark creature's strange lands. Shelbye was confronted by the strange green dragon who insisted she answer its questions about the nature of immortality and fear.


When Shelbye awoke from her very unusual dream-sleep, she realized her encounter with the strange green dragon signified her newfound mission in life to write about dragons and their symbolism. Shelbye went on to become a very popular American novel writer, a fantasy-adventure storyteller offering fantastic tales about outrageous dragons. However, perhaps out of respect and perhaps out of pure fear, Shelbye never wrote about the green dragon she confronted years ago during dreaming.


"Money is everything" (Ecclesiastes)

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