Cementing Power: Left-wing Rioters Are Released While Conservatives Are Persecuted

Looks like they draw the line at attacking the capital, attempting to overthrow free elections and hang the Vice-President. The dumb ass insurrectionists and trump were just to dumb to know the difference between rioting in liberal cities where governors won't even activate the guard and attacking the seat of government of the whole United States itself. OK, so now you know. Too late for a do over. Guess you shouldn't pull that crap again. Ever.
You really are stupid enough to believe that....What a shame.
You really are stupid enough not to believe that.....What a shame( to know your just waiting your time to go to jail for something similar because you refuse to believe your own eyes). You are like a kid that cannot believe reality is real.
If you watch people riot and burn shit down, attack federal buildings and police stations, shove, fight, and throw things at cops, including incendiary devices, and the big media companies refer to it all as "mostly peaceful", and the rioters get released on bail and the charges dropped, over and over again, then you might get an understandably skewed view of what behavior is and is not allowed at a protest in this country.

See, the thing is, most normal Americans believe in and value things like fairness. So they are always unprepared for the dishonest and deceitful way certain hypocritical power-tripping shitbags behave. A comment I read on the net (I think it was from Ace of Spades HQ but I'm not sure) was something along the lines of; "We show up with our pocket copies of The Constitution, and the Bill of Rights, and they show up with a brick and a Molotov Cocktail. How do you think that's going to go?"

But sooner or later, these regular Americans are going to quit trying to figure out the new rules, and just realize that there aren't any, and then a lot of people are going to get dead, really fast...... and those who are left will reinstate a set of rules that they decide on. If we're all really really lucky, they will be the basic Constitutional rules our founders agreed on.

Sure. That's going to happen. :itsok:

If you read history, that's what does happen, in every society since...... ever.

But don't take my word for it, you could always go look it up.:rolleyes:
Hasn't happened here but once and they failed also, if you remember. Really bad idea. Better forget it.
When me and my company landed in Iraq after just returning from a long trip to Afghanistan, we lost 3 guys in the first 10 days. We adapted and made adjustments to the new environment and didn't lose any others the entire remainder of the deployment.
In fact, we adapted so well, that when the insurgency kicked off with a vengeance, with a tet offensive style assault on all coalition forces, the one element they left completely alone..... was us.

I have great faith in Americans to be able to do the same.
Congrats on making the correct modifications to your environment. Try to remember, this ain't Iraq or Afghanistan and not going to be.
That's what you all seem to be trying to make it through.

And we're not going to let you.

Meh. You won't do shit.
Looks like they draw the line at attacking the capital, attempting to overthrow free elections and hang the Vice-President. The dumb ass insurrectionists and trump were just to dumb to know the difference between rioting in liberal cities where governors won't even activate the guard and attacking the seat of government of the whole United States itself. OK, so now you know. Too late for a do over. Guess you shouldn't pull that crap again. Ever.
You really are stupid enough to believe that....What a shame.
You really are stupid enough not to believe that.....What a shame( to know your just waiting your time to go to jail for something similar because you refuse to believe your own eyes). You are like a kid that cannot believe reality is real.
If you watch people riot and burn shit down, attack federal buildings and police stations, shove, fight, and throw things at cops, including incendiary devices, and the big media companies refer to it all as "mostly peaceful", and the rioters get released on bail and the charges dropped, over and over again, then you might get an understandably skewed view of what behavior is and is not allowed at a protest in this country.

See, the thing is, most normal Americans believe in and value things like fairness. So they are always unprepared for the dishonest and deceitful way certain hypocritical power-tripping shitbags behave. A comment I read on the net (I think it was from Ace of Spades HQ but I'm not sure) was something along the lines of; "We show up with our pocket copies of The Constitution, and the Bill of Rights, and they show up with a brick and a Molotov Cocktail. How do you think that's going to go?"

But sooner or later, these regular Americans are going to quit trying to figure out the new rules, and just realize that there aren't any, and then a lot of people are going to get dead, really fast...... and those who are left will reinstate a set of rules that they decide on. If we're all really really lucky, they will be the basic Constitutional rules our founders agreed on.

Sure. That's going to happen. :itsok:

If you read history, that's what does happen, in every society since...... ever.

But don't take my word for it, you could always go look it up.:rolleyes:
Hasn't happened here but once and they failed also, if you remember. Really bad idea. Better forget it.
When me and my company landed in Iraq after just returning from a long trip to Afghanistan, we lost 3 guys in the first 10 days. We adapted and made adjustments to the new environment and didn't lose any others the entire remainder of the deployment.
In fact, we adapted so well, that when the insurgency kicked off with a vengeance, with a tet offensive style assault on all coalition forces, the one element they left completely alone..... was us.

I have great faith in Americans to be able to do the same.
Congrats on making the correct modifications to your environment. Try to remember, this ain't Iraq or Afghanistan and not going to be.
That's what you all seem to be trying to make it through.

And we're not going to let you.

Meh. You won't do shit.
Hide and watch.
A complete violation of teh equal protection clause. EVERYONE of them jailed are literally political prisoners.

This is not a free country anymore.

No, they're white trash arrested for breaking and entering, conspiracy, insurrection, and the brutal assault of Capitol Police. They are domestic terrorists and should not be released until their trial is complete, because they are a danger to society.

While Antifa and BLM terrorist traitors get slapped on the wrist and released to loot, and burn down cities and federal buildings.

I don't know that the people to whom you are referring were "slapped on the wrist and released to loot, and burn down cities and federal buildings". but did they attack the government of the United States? No. They cannot be compared to the traitors who attacked the Congress of the United States while it was in session to carry out its duties under the Constitution of the United States.

When you make excuses for violent commie rioters, you are allying with them.

Where did this bizarre notion that a person is a "commie" come from? I seriously doubt that anyone who riots is even familiar with the term, much less has stated political leanings of any sort. I don't know of anyone who makes "excuses for violent commie rioters." However, there seems to be a lot of people willing to make excuses for the violent traitors who attacked Congress. Street riots, while terrible, cannot be compared to a violent attempt to overthrow the U.S. Government.
But sooner or later, these regular Americans are going to quit trying to figure out the new rules, and just realize that there aren't any

This is the conclusion I have come to. Ironically, it is the right-wingers who taught it. They don't like the U.S. Constitution and particularly its Free-Speech, Free Association, Equal Protection and Due-Process guarantees, the Federal Rules of Civil Procedure, Senate and House rules, and anti-discrimination statutes, so out with them! Right-wingers think that they can do anything they damned well please and can't be forced to obey the law, even though everyone must abide by the rules that they like. A lot of them try to justify their actions by screaming "It's my weligion."
Looks like they draw the line at attacking the capital, attempting to overthrow free elections and hang the Vice-President. The dumb ass insurrectionists and trump were just to dumb to know the difference between rioting in liberal cities where governors won't even activate the guard and attacking the seat of government of the whole United States itself. OK, so now you know. Too late for a do over. Guess you shouldn't pull that crap again. Ever.
You really are stupid enough to believe that....What a shame.
You really are stupid enough not to believe that.....What a shame( to know your just waiting your time to go to jail for something similar because you refuse to believe your own eyes). You are like a kid that cannot believe reality is real.
If you watch people riot and burn shit down, attack federal buildings and police stations, shove, fight, and throw things at cops, including incendiary devices, and the big media companies refer to it all as "mostly peaceful", and the rioters get released on bail and the charges dropped, over and over again, then you might get an understandably skewed view of what behavior is and is not allowed at a protest in this country.

See, the thing is, most normal Americans believe in and value things like fairness. So they are always unprepared for the dishonest and deceitful way certain hypocritical power-tripping shitbags behave. A comment I read on the net (I think it was from Ace of Spades HQ but I'm not sure) was something along the lines of; "We show up with our pocket copies of The Constitution, and the Bill of Rights, and they show up with a brick and a Molotov Cocktail. How do you think that's going to go?"

But sooner or later, these regular Americans are going to quit trying to figure out the new rules, and just realize that there aren't any, and then a lot of people are going to get dead, really fast...... and those who are left will reinstate a set of rules that they decide on. If we're all really really lucky, they will be the basic Constitutional rules our founders agreed on.

Sure. That's going to happen. :itsok:

If you read history, that's what does happen, in every society since...... ever.

But don't take my word for it, you could always go look it up.:rolleyes:
Hasn't happened here but once and they failed also, if you remember. Really bad idea. Better forget it.
When me and my company landed in Iraq after just returning from a long trip to Afghanistan, we lost 3 guys in the first 10 days. We adapted and made adjustments to the new environment and didn't lose any others the entire remainder of the deployment.
In fact, we adapted so well, that when the insurgency kicked off with a vengeance, with a tet offensive style assault on all coalition forces, the one element they left completely alone..... was us.

I have great faith in Americans to be able to do the same.
Congrats on making the correct modifications to your environment. Try to remember, this ain't Iraq or Afghanistan and not going to be.

We will not go quietly ino the night....
A complete violation of teh equal protection clause. EVERYONE of them jailed are literally political prisoners.

This is not a free country anymore.

No, they're white trash arrested for breaking and entering, conspiracy, insurrection, and the brutal assault of Capitol Police. They are domestic terrorists and should not be released until their trial is complete, because they are a danger to society.

While Antifa and BLM terrorist traitors get slapped on the wrist and released to loot, and burn down cities and federal buildings.

I don't know that the people to whom you are referring were "slapped on the wrist and released to loot, and burn down cities and federal buildings". but did they attack the government of the United States? No. They cannot be compared to the traitors who attacked the Congress of the United States while it was in session to carry out its duties under the Constitution of the United States.

When you make excuses for violent commie rioters, you are allying with them.

Where did this bizarre notion that a person is a "commie" come from? I seriously doubt that anyone who riots is even familiar with the term, much less has stated political leanings of any sort. I don't know of anyone who makes "excuses for violent commie rioters." However, there seems to be a lot of people willing to make excuses for the violent traitors who attacked Congress. Street riots, while terrible, cannot be compared to a violent attempt to overthrow the U.S. Government.

Really? Perhaps you should view the attached You Tube video to clarify your mind set...

Looks like they draw the line at attacking the capital, attempting to overthrow free elections and hang the Vice-President. The dumb ass insurrectionists and trump were just to dumb to know the difference between rioting in liberal cities where governors won't even activate the guard and attacking the seat of government of the whole United States itself. OK, so now you know. Too late for a do over. Guess you shouldn't pull that crap again. Ever.
You really are stupid enough to believe that....What a shame.
You really are stupid enough not to believe that.....What a shame( to know your just waiting your time to go to jail for something similar because you refuse to believe your own eyes). You are like a kid that cannot believe reality is real.
If you watch people riot and burn shit down, attack federal buildings and police stations, shove, fight, and throw things at cops, including incendiary devices, and the big media companies refer to it all as "mostly peaceful", and the rioters get released on bail and the charges dropped, over and over again, then you might get an understandably skewed view of what behavior is and is not allowed at a protest in this country.

See, the thing is, most normal Americans believe in and value things like fairness. So they are always unprepared for the dishonest and deceitful way certain hypocritical power-tripping shitbags behave. A comment I read on the net (I think it was from Ace of Spades HQ but I'm not sure) was something along the lines of; "We show up with our pocket copies of The Constitution, and the Bill of Rights, and they show up with a brick and a Molotov Cocktail. How do you think that's going to go?"

But sooner or later, these regular Americans are going to quit trying to figure out the new rules, and just realize that there aren't any, and then a lot of people are going to get dead, really fast...... and those who are left will reinstate a set of rules that they decide on. If we're all really really lucky, they will be the basic Constitutional rules our founders agreed on.

Sure. That's going to happen. :itsok:

If you read history, that's what does happen, in every society since...... ever.

But don't take my word for it, you could always go look it up.:rolleyes:
Hasn't happened here but once and they failed also, if you remember. Really bad idea. Better forget it.
When me and my company landed in Iraq after just returning from a long trip to Afghanistan, we lost 3 guys in the first 10 days. We adapted and made adjustments to the new environment and didn't lose any others the entire remainder of the deployment.
In fact, we adapted so well, that when the insurgency kicked off with a vengeance, with a tet offensive style assault on all coalition forces, the one element they left completely alone..... was us.

I have great faith in Americans to be able to do the same.
Congrats on making the correct modifications to your environment. Try to remember, this ain't Iraq or Afghanistan and not going to be.
That's what you all seem to be trying to make it through.

And we're not going to let you.

Meh. You won't do shit.

We do live in interesting times. Eh?... Just keep poking that bear....You'll find out soon enough.
A complete violation of teh equal protection clause. EVERYONE of them jailed are literally political prisoners.

This is not a free country anymore.

No, they're white trash arrested for breaking and entering, conspiracy, insurrection, and the brutal assault of Capitol Police. They are domestic terrorists and should not be released until their trial is complete, because they are a danger to society.

While Antifa and BLM terrorist traitors get slapped on the wrist and released to loot, and burn down cities and federal buildings.

I don't know that the people to whom you are referring were "slapped on the wrist and released to loot, and burn down cities and federal buildings". but did they attack the government of the United States? No. They cannot be compared to the traitors who attacked the Congress of the United States while it was in session to carry out its duties under the Constitution of the United States.

When you make excuses for violent commie rioters, you are allying with them.

Where did this bizarre notion that a person is a "commie" come from? I seriously doubt that anyone who riots is even familiar with the term, much less has stated political leanings of any sort. I don't know of anyone who makes "excuses for violent commie rioters." However, there seems to be a lot of people willing to make excuses for the violent traitors who attacked Congress. Street riots, while terrible, cannot be compared to a violent attempt to overthrow the U.S. Government.
So, you're full of shit, is what you're saying?

Got it.
But sooner or later, these regular Americans are going to quit trying to figure out the new rules, and just realize that there aren't any

This is the conclusion I have come to. Ironically, it is the right-wingers who taught it. They don't like the U.S. Constitution and particularly its Free-Speech, Free Association, Equal Protection and Due-Process guarantees, the Federal Rules of Civil Procedure, Senate and House rules, and anti-discrimination statutes, so out with them! Right-wingers think that they can do anything they damned well please and can't be forced to obey the law, even though everyone must abide by the rules that they like. A lot of them try to justify their actions by screaming "It's my weligion."
Except no, that's just your bullshit projection again.

Go sit down somewhere out of the way and be quiet will you, you fucking child?
Looks like they draw the line at attacking the capital, attempting to overthrow free elections and hang the Vice-President. The dumb ass insurrectionists and trump were just to dumb to know the difference between rioting in liberal cities where governors won't even activate the guard and attacking the seat of government of the whole United States itself. OK, so now you know. Too late for a do over. Guess you shouldn't pull that crap again. Ever.
You really are stupid enough to believe that....What a shame.
You really are stupid enough not to believe that.....What a shame( to know your just waiting your time to go to jail for something similar because you refuse to believe your own eyes). You are like a kid that cannot believe reality is real.
If you watch people riot and burn shit down, attack federal buildings and police stations, shove, fight, and throw things at cops, including incendiary devices, and the big media companies refer to it all as "mostly peaceful", and the rioters get released on bail and the charges dropped, over and over again, then you might get an understandably skewed view of what behavior is and is not allowed at a protest in this country.

See, the thing is, most normal Americans believe in and value things like fairness. So they are always unprepared for the dishonest and deceitful way certain hypocritical power-tripping shitbags behave. A comment I read on the net (I think it was from Ace of Spades HQ but I'm not sure) was something along the lines of; "We show up with our pocket copies of The Constitution, and the Bill of Rights, and they show up with a brick and a Molotov Cocktail. How do you think that's going to go?"

But sooner or later, these regular Americans are going to quit trying to figure out the new rules, and just realize that there aren't any, and then a lot of people are going to get dead, really fast...... and those who are left will reinstate a set of rules that they decide on. If we're all really really lucky, they will be the basic Constitutional rules our founders agreed on.

Sure. That's going to happen. :itsok:

If you read history, that's what does happen, in every society since...... ever.

But don't take my word for it, you could always go look it up.:rolleyes:
Hasn't happened here but once and they failed also, if you remember. Really bad idea. Better forget it.
When me and my company landed in Iraq after just returning from a long trip to Afghanistan, we lost 3 guys in the first 10 days. We adapted and made adjustments to the new environment and didn't lose any others the entire remainder of the deployment.
In fact, we adapted so well, that when the insurgency kicked off with a vengeance, with a tet offensive style assault on all coalition forces, the one element they left completely alone..... was us.

I have great faith in Americans to be able to do the same.
Congrats on making the correct modifications to your environment. Try to remember, this ain't Iraq or Afghanistan and not going to be.
That's what you all seem to be trying to make it through.

And we're not going to let you.

Meh. You won't do shit.

We do live in interesting times. Eh?... Just keep poking that bear....You'll find out soon enough.
Always remember, the blade goes in the side of the neck and out the front..... don't try to draw it across.
That's how you cut yourself on accident.
A complete violation of teh equal protection clause. EVERYONE of them jailed are literally political prisoners.

This is not a free country anymore.

No, they're white trash arrested for breaking and entering, conspiracy, insurrection, and the brutal assault of Capitol Police. They are domestic terrorists and should not be released until their trial is complete, because they are a danger to society.

While Antifa and BLM terrorist traitors get slapped on the wrist and released to loot, and burn down cities and federal buildings.

I don't know that the people to whom you are referring were "slapped on the wrist and released to loot, and burn down cities and federal buildings". but did they attack the government of the United States? No. They cannot be compared to the traitors who attacked the Congress of the United States while it was in session to carry out its duties under the Constitution of the United States.

When you make excuses for violent commie rioters, you are allying with them.

Where did this bizarre notion that a person is a "commie" come from? I seriously doubt that anyone who riots is even familiar with the term, much less has stated political leanings of any sort. I don't know of anyone who makes "excuses for violent commie rioters." However, there seems to be a lot of people willing to make excuses for the violent traitors who attacked Congress. Street riots, while terrible, cannot be compared to a violent attempt to overthrow the U.S. Government.

Really? Perhaps you should view the attached You Tube video to clarify your mind set...


You think that I would buy into a youtube video? Now condemn the traitors who attacked Congress in the middle of its session to carry out its duties under the U.S. Constitution. Incidentally, there are no ties between Congress and anyone who rioted in the streets in 2020. You are jumping around between two unrelated subjects.
A complete violation of teh equal protection clause. EVERYONE of them jailed are literally political prisoners.

This is not a free country anymore.

No, they're white trash arrested for breaking and entering, conspiracy, insurrection, and the brutal assault of Capitol Police. They are domestic terrorists and should not be released until their trial is complete, because they are a danger to society.

While Antifa and BLM terrorist traitors get slapped on the wrist and released to loot, and burn down cities and federal buildings.

I don't know that the people to whom you are referring were "slapped on the wrist and released to loot, and burn down cities and federal buildings". but did they attack the government of the United States? No. They cannot be compared to the traitors who attacked the Congress of the United States while it was in session to carry out its duties under the Constitution of the United States.

When you make excuses for violent commie rioters, you are allying with them.

Where did this bizarre notion that a person is a "commie" come from? I seriously doubt that anyone who riots is even familiar with the term, much less has stated political leanings of any sort. I don't know of anyone who makes "excuses for violent commie rioters." However, there seems to be a lot of people willing to make excuses for the violent traitors who attacked Congress. Street riots, while terrible, cannot be compared to a violent attempt to overthrow the U.S. Government.

Really? Perhaps you should view the attached You Tube video to clarify your mind set...


You think that I would buy into a youtube video? Now condemn the traitors who attacked Congress in the middle of its session to carry out its duties under the U.S. Constitution. Incidentally, there are no ties between Congress and anyone who rioted in the streets in 2020. You are jumping around between two unrelated subjects.
Except, bullshit.

Lol, you really are pathetic with your weak attempts to gaslight everyone.
Right-wingers think that they can do anything they damned well please and can't be forced to obey the law, even though everyone must abide by the rules that they like
They've had a man of lawlessness, as their leader and mentor to follow, unfortunately..... :(
A complete violation of teh equal protection clause. EVERYONE of them jailed are literally political prisoners.

This is not a free country anymore.

No, they're white trash arrested for breaking and entering, conspiracy, insurrection, and the brutal assault of Capitol Police. They are domestic terrorists and should not be released until their trial is complete, because they are a danger to society.

While Antifa and BLM terrorist traitors get slapped on the wrist and released to loot, and burn down cities and federal buildings.

I don't know that the people to whom you are referring were "slapped on the wrist and released to loot, and burn down cities and federal buildings". but did they attack the government of the United States? No. They cannot be compared to the traitors who attacked the Congress of the United States while it was in session to carry out its duties under the Constitution of the United States.

When you make excuses for violent commie rioters, you are allying with them.

Where did this bizarre notion that a person is a "commie" come from? I seriously doubt that anyone who riots is even familiar with the term, much less has stated political leanings of any sort. I don't know of anyone who makes "excuses for violent commie rioters." However, there seems to be a lot of people willing to make excuses for the violent traitors who attacked Congress. Street riots, while terrible, cannot be compared to a violent attempt to overthrow the U.S. Government.

Really? Perhaps you should view the attached You Tube video to clarify your mind set...


You think that I would buy into a youtube video? Now condemn the traitors who attacked Congress in the middle of its session to carry out its duties under the U.S. Constitution. Incidentally, there are no ties between Congress and anyone who rioted in the streets in 2020. You are jumping around between two unrelated subjects.

What Black Lives Matter says
Black Lives Matter was formed in response to the 2013 acquittal of George Zimmerman, a neighborhood watch volunteer who fatally shot Trayvon Martin, an unarmed Black teenager, in Florida. The group calls its three co-founders "radical Black organizers."
The project started with a mission "to build local power and to intervene when violence was inflicted on Black communities by the state and vigilantes," the group’s website says. "In the years since, we’ve committed to struggling together and to imagining and creating a world free of anti-Blackness, where every Black person has the social, economic and political power to thrive."

Black Lives Matter today
Black Lives Matter’s "emphatic support for gender identity politics sets it apart from historical Marxism," and the goals listed on its website "do not appear to be expressly anti-capitalist, which would arguably be a Marxist identifier," Berman added.
The group’s support is broad.
Even as some Americans express support for socialism, most view it negatively, and few of the supporters would identify themselves as Marxist.
Meanwhile, 50% of registered voters support Black Lives Matter as of mid-July, up from 37% in April 2017, according to Civiqs, an online survey research firm.
In July, the New York Times reported that Black Lives Matter may be the largest movement in U.S. history, as four polls suggest that about 15 million to 26 million people in the United States have participated in demonstrations over the death of Floyd and others in recent weeks. (That does not account for similar protests overseas.)
"I am fairly convinced these are mostly attempts to smear anti-racist activists. I think in some media, ‘Marxist’ is dog-whistle for something horrible, like ‘Nazi’, and thus enables to delegitimize/dehumanize them," Miriyam Aouragh, a lecturer at the London-based Westminster School of Media and Communication, told PolitiFact.
Black Lives Matter "is not an organization, but a fluid movement; it doesn’t actually matter if one of its founders was a liberal, Marxist, socialist or capitalist."
The Rump allies and supporters and minions who staged an Insurrection against the lawful authority on January 6, 2021, should be hung out to dry.

As few granted bail as possible... the maximum number of supportable criminal felony charges... the maximum number of convictions... maximum sentences.

Such an insurrection against the United States and such an assault on the Congress of the United States must never happen again.

Metaphorically crucifying them in the criminal courts will set a fearful example of the United States punishing insurrectionists with the power and majesty of The Law.

Phukk 'em... lock 'em up... lock 'em up... lock 'em up... lock 'em up... lock 'em up... lock 'em up... and throw away the friggin; key.

Politically motivated prosecutions, designed to instill fear in your political enemies, means that those convicted are political prisoners.

Your support of this, it happening, is America not being a free country anymore.
Oh, dearie-me... all those years of "Lock her up... lock her up... lock her up..." finally catch up with your Orange Baboon-God and minions? :auiqs.jpg:

Oh, and by the way, prosecutions against Insurrectionists... not political opponents but actual Insurrectionists... are absolutely necessary.

They brought it on themselves... and your thinly-veiled attempt to forego such prosecutions belies your sympathy for them.

Sympathy for rioters caught on-camera invading the US Capitol and assaulting Congress while formally certifying an election? Now THAT's un-American.
Last edited:
A complete violation of teh equal protection clause. EVERYONE of them jailed are literally political prisoners.

This is not a free country anymore.

No, they're white trash arrested for breaking and entering, conspiracy, insurrection, and the brutal assault of Capitol Police. They are domestic terrorists and should not be released until their trial is complete, because they are a danger to society.

While Antifa and BLM terrorist traitors get slapped on the wrist and released to loot, and burn down cities and federal buildings.

I don't know that the people to whom you are referring were "slapped on the wrist and released to loot, and burn down cities and federal buildings". but did they attack the government of the United States? No. They cannot be compared to the traitors who attacked the Congress of the United States while it was in session to carry out its duties under the Constitution of the United States.

When you make excuses for violent commie rioters, you are allying with them.

Where did this bizarre notion that a person is a "commie" come from? I seriously doubt that anyone who riots is even familiar with the term, much less has stated political leanings of any sort. I don't know of anyone who makes "excuses for violent commie rioters." However, there seems to be a lot of people willing to make excuses for the violent traitors who attacked Congress. Street riots, while terrible, cannot be compared to a violent attempt to overthrow the U.S. Government.

From their actions and rhetoric and symbology and words.
...You want to try and make an example of these folks to scare anyone else out of trying anything...... because they scared you...
We are a nation of laws, not the will of your Orange Baboon-God. The Insurrectionists of January 6, 2021 need to be punished severely for their crimes.

...You are terrified of people who will come looking for you and confront you over the illegal, unethical, and immoral actions you have chosen to support, and you want them all caged, or at least intimidated and cowed into submission...
Terrified? Of those pu$$ie$? They haven't got a brain between them, as was made painfully and laughingly obvious on January 6, 2021.

...It's not going to work.
Perhaps you should direct your comments to the US Department of Justice and the Attorney General's office.
It's almost as they're trying to foment an actual shooting war.

Correction: it's almost as if you're inventing excuses for a shooting war (because you lost an election).

Politically targeted prosecutions and imprisonment, is a reason, not an excuse.

If you don't like that, the answer is not to defend it or attack those who are targeted for oppression.

When it's a false claim, it's an excuse.
It's a true claim.

Brennan, Wray and Clapper deliberately lie to congress, not even a slap on the wrist.

Flynn doesn't lie to FBI when he's not even under investigation, he gets his life ruined.

You people are pure lawless scum.

This must be another example of your "alternative facts".

Lying to us, is not going to make us not notice our people you tyrants are jailing, while your thugs are still rioting.

It might make you feel better about it, as you lie to yourself.

It will just piss us off more.

DO you want to support healing this country, or support increasing division and violence?

I don't need to lie to you.

Your inability to recognize that you are responsible for the consequences of your actions speaks volumes.

If you want to support healing...it is by acknowledging the truth, acknowledging the seriousness of your actions instead defending them. I don't see anyone defending the leftist rioters - but I constantly see you defending your rightwing extremists - whether they were agitators in the riots or insurrectionists in the capital - you defend them.

If you want to support healing...then why don't you admit Trump lost the election? Why don't you support the PEACEFUL protestors (like I support the peaceful BLM protestors who did not engage in rioting) - who chose NOT to mass on the capital, but instead stopped short? Instead, you keep defending the people who actually broke in, assaulted police and ransacked the Capitol.
In short, they're conditioned to (1) deny everything and (2) play the victim.

Look at the man they adore. That's his MO, 24/7/365.
So 2 to 3 people not granted bail out of 250 people with charges, are not given bail options because of their risk...? While others arrested from Jan 6th, are released on bail and allowed to leave the country to go on vacation?

Is this the whine of the day?
...You want to try and make an example of these folks to scare anyone else out of trying anything...... because they scared you...
We are a nation of laws, not the will of your Orange Baboon-God. The Insurrectionists of January 6, 2021 need to be punished severely for their crimes.

...You are terrified of people who will come looking for you and confront you over the illegal, unethical, and immoral actions you have chosen to support, and you want them all caged, or at least intimidated and cowed into submission...
Terrified? Of those pu$$ie$? They haven't got a brain between them, as was made painfully and laughingly obvious on January 6, 2021.

...It's not going to work.
Perhaps you should direct your comments to the US Department of Justice and the Attorney General's office.

A nation of laws would punish rioters equally whether they were right or left.

That you pick and choose is tyranny, not laws.

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