Cheaper foreign workers under new federal government plan


Democrat all the way!
Mar 16, 2010
Cheaper foreign workers under new federal government plan

A NEW federal government plan to ease labour shortages will enable employers to hire foreign workers on salaries up to 10 per cent below standard rates for skilled migrants, it has been reported.
The government will allow employers to seek lower pay rates and easier language tests for foreign workers who can meet an urgent demand for skills in regions that are losing staff, The Australian reported.
The new rules, which are likely to anger unions, were reportedly signed off this week and are set to be applied in Darwin then offered to other areas experiencing an exodus of skilled workers leaving to join mining and gas companies.
Dozens of job categories will be covered including childcare workers, disability carers, mechanics, bricklayers, office managers, carpenters, chefs and nurses.
Employers of all sizes will be able to sponsor overseas staff on wages up to 10 per cent below the usual rates set for 457 skilled worker visas, using a new kind of migration agreement for areas under stress.
The Australian also reported that concessions on skills and qualifications will be considered if companies prove they desperately need the foreign workers because they cannot find the same skills *locally.
Cheaper foreign workers under new federal government plan

Abbott just stabbed his country in the back. Bastard.
The new rules, which are likely to anger unions, were reportedly signed off this week and are set to be applied in Darwin then offered to other areas experiencing an exodus of skilled workers leaving to join mining and gas companies.
Dozens of job categories will be covered including childcare workers, disability carers, mechanics, bricklayers, office managers, carpenters, chefs and nurses.


Sounds fair enough...but there seems to be potential for abuse of the new rules/employment system. there's a 'different' place.
It rains for 6 months of the year, is tropical and hot.
...and let's just say, it's not NYC or Sydney.
Certainly no place I'd want to be living.
If I don't want to live and work there you can bet your life a whole lot of other people don't want to either.
What if, as it says, there is an exodus of skilled workers leaving Darwin and other areas in droves?

It's this bit I have the most problem with; "will enable employers to hire foreign workers on salaries up to 10 per cent below standard rates for skilled migrants," it has been reported.
Paying immigrant workers less money than Australian workers is a downright discrimination. If anything, immigrant workers should be paid more than existing domestic workers to offset the cost and trouble of immigrating to Australia.

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