The NFL has become a corrupt cartel starting in the early 2000s when the cheatriots disgraced the sport with their cheating and none of the owners stood up and demanded kraft get fired,dont forget about THAT team always getting the calls in close games with critical bad calls always against the other team but NONE EVER against them in critical close cant be debated robert kraft always had the officials in his pockets as well.
The NFL is NOT about Football. It is about Entertainment. Period.
If the Refs cheated for the Pats or the chefs, it's really not cheating. If it affects the outcome of a game, that's not cheating either. If it's what the NFL wants, that's fine. It's not really cheating, is it? No, it is not.
If a Movie Director distorts an Historical event, that's not cheating. They use 'artistic license' to create an entertainment value for their customers. And that is exactly what the NFL is -- Entertainment.
It used to be that the NFL would interfere in who got to the Playoffs and even to the Soupie Bowl but, once there -- They called it pretty straight.
But after Denver, another NFL Sweetheart, got absolutely destroyed 3 (Three) times in the 80s by, literally, a combined 100 points, they started interfering in the Stupid Bowl as well.
Yesterday, the very first penalty of the game was an Offensive Pass Interference call that just wasn't there. Even the announcers said it was a Bullshit call because -- It was.
Then, after Philthydelphia decided they were going to "Beat The Cheat" and they were going to kick KC's ass no matter what the NFL did, they saw the handwriting on the wall and relented. Fast. Can't have Fans figuring out that the NFL is bullshit. Which, it is.
I'm not saying the NFL is doing anything illegal or even immoral. You pays your money and you takes your chances. And none of us even paid anything to watch it. So, WTF are we bitching about?
The players get the same money. Each team has the same Salary Cap and is required to spend the majority of it. Each Team gets an equal share of the TV Money. Even Playoff money. Even paid attendance is shared. I think everything but Sky Box money is shared. And even that might be shared by now.
So nobody's getting hurt. Except the Fans. The dumb ones that think the NFL is actually about Football.
Hint -- It isn't. It's about Money. And Entertainment is money. Big Money.
And I don't even want to get started about TV Markets, the size, growth potential and the way the NFL looks at them.
Tay-Tay is still a skank and the NFL is more like the WWE (or whatever it's called these days) than it's like the NFL of old.
And that's okay. I still watch it. The Players are still Supremely Skilled athletes. The action is real, the hits still hurt. So do the broken limbs.
But it's entertainment, not the Football of Jim Brown, Jim Taylor or Y.A. Tittle. Or even of Larry Csonka and Mercury Morris, or Terry Bradshaw and Turkey Jones