Chicago Alderman: Put GPS Tracking Devices On All Guns


Nov 13, 2012
Breitbart TV / CBS ^ | January 18, 2013

CHICAGO (CBS) – A South Side alderman is asking for City Council hearings on an unorthodox gun control measure that would allow for GPS tracking of firearms. WBBM Newsradio Political Editor Craig Dellimore reports Ald. Willie Cochran (20th), a former police officer, has suggested that global positioning system chips be embedded in new guns, and retrofitted on existing firearms, so they could be located if they go missing.

“Just like if your car gets stolen, OnStar can tell you where your car is. If your gun gets stolen, and you report it, we should be able to find that gun,” he said.

Cochran has introduced a resolution asking the Committee on Public Safety to hold hearings to receive testimony on the matter. A Massachusetts state senator from Boston has been pushing a similar measure in that state. Cochran acknowledged it might be expensive to install GPS chips on current and future firearms, but not as expensive as the cost of gun violence to society.


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Chicago Alderman: Put GPS Tracking Devices On All Guns
Breitbart TV / CBS ^ | January 18, 2013

CHICAGO (CBS) – A South Side alderman is asking for City Council hearings on an unorthodox gun control measure that would allow for GPS tracking of firearms. WBBM Newsradio Political Editor Craig Dellimore reports Ald. Willie Cochran (20th), a former police officer, has suggested that global positioning system chips be embedded in new guns, and retrofitted on existing firearms, so they could be located if they go missing.

“Just like if your car gets stolen, OnStar can tell you where your car is. If your gun gets stolen, and you report it, we should be able to find that gun,” he said.

Cochran has introduced a resolution asking the Committee on Public Safety to hold hearings to receive testimony on the matter. A Massachusetts state senator from Boston has been pushing a similar measure in that state. Cochran acknowledged it might be expensive to install GPS chips on current and future firearms, but not as expensive as the cost of gun violence to society.


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Chicago Alderman: Put GPS Tracking Devices On All Guns

If I want to organize a revolt against the government the people with the black helicopters might be able to identify us. That is exactly the type of thing the founding fathers were trying to guard against. The right to assemble with guns is our right!
Put GPS tracker on all voters

A well regulated militia being necessary to the security of a free state, the right of the people to keep and bear arms free from GPS tracking devices shall not be infringed.
Um, didn't they try that fool move during the Fast/Furious mess?

No, they did it during Bush's 'Wide Receiver' and even then they failed to track the weapons. It seems the cartels would let the weapons sit in the desert until the drones ran out of gas before moving them to their destination.

Obama's 'Fast and Furious' didn't even TRY to track them.
Um, didn't they try that fool move during the Fast/Furious mess?

No, they did it during Bush's 'Wide Receiver' and even then they failed to track the weapons. It seems the cartels would let the weapons sit in the desert until the drones ran out of gas before moving them to their destination.

Obama's 'Fast and Furious' didn't even TRY to track them.

Why should we track guns in the first place? We want other people in the world to enjoy our God given rights and the blessings our founding fathers have given us with the second amendment.
Um, didn't they try that fool move during the Fast/Furious mess?

No, they did it during Bush's 'Wide Receiver' and even then they failed to track the weapons. It seems the cartels would let the weapons sit in the desert until the drones ran out of gas before moving them to their destination.

Obama's 'Fast and Furious' didn't even TRY to track them.

Obama's Fast and Furious?

It had NOTHING to do with him.
Um, didn't they try that fool move during the Fast/Furious mess?

No, they did it during Bush's 'Wide Receiver' and even then they failed to track the weapons. It seems the cartels would let the weapons sit in the desert until the drones ran out of gas before moving them to their destination.

Obama's 'Fast and Furious' didn't even TRY to track them.

Obama's Fast and Furious?

It had NOTHING to do with him.

Holder and Obama cooked it up together
Maybe they should shove the GPS's up where the sun doesn't shine. I'm sure we'll be able to find them. The idea of inplanting GPS devices in 'all' firearms is ridiculous and impossible to achieve. What happens when those signals go silent, just as in "Operation Wide Receiver"? As I understand it, "Fast & Furious" never used GPS and look at the number of guns went missing. It didn't work in 2007 and it won't work now, especially to the lengths the cretin believes it would work.
Breitbart TV / CBS ^ | January 18, 2013

CHICAGO (CBS) – A South Side alderman is asking for City Council hearings on an unorthodox gun control measure that would allow for GPS tracking of firearms. WBBM Newsradio Political Editor Craig Dellimore reports Ald. Willie Cochran (20th), a former police officer, has suggested that global positioning system chips be embedded in new guns, and retrofitted on existing firearms, so they could be located if they go missing.

“Just like if your car gets stolen, OnStar can tell you where your car is. If your gun gets stolen, and you report it, we should be able to find that gun,” he said.

Cochran has introduced a resolution asking the Committee on Public Safety to hold hearings to receive testimony on the matter. A Massachusetts state senator from Boston has been pushing a similar measure in that state. Cochran acknowledged it might be expensive to install GPS chips on current and future firearms, but not as expensive as the cost of gun violence to society.


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Chicago Alderman: Put GPS Tracking Devices On All Guns

If I want to organize a revolt against the government the people with the black helicopters might be able to identify us. That is exactly the type of thing the founding fathers were trying to guard against. The right to assemble with guns is our right!

The right to assemble and the Second Amendment are 2 different things.

Might wanna actually read the Constitution and the Bill of Rights so that you don't mix things up.
Breitbart TV / CBS ^ | January 18, 2013

CHICAGO (CBS) – A South Side alderman is asking for City Council hearings on an unorthodox gun control measure that would allow for GPS tracking of firearms. WBBM Newsradio Political Editor Craig Dellimore reports Ald. Willie Cochran (20th), a former police officer, has suggested that global positioning system chips be embedded in new guns, and retrofitted on existing firearms, so they could be located if they go missing.

“Just like if your car gets stolen, OnStar can tell you where your car is. If your gun gets stolen, and you report it, we should be able to find that gun,” he said.

Cochran has introduced a resolution asking the Committee on Public Safety to hold hearings to receive testimony on the matter. A Massachusetts state senator from Boston has been pushing a similar measure in that state. Cochran acknowledged it might be expensive to install GPS chips on current and future firearms, but not as expensive as the cost of gun violence to society.


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Chicago Alderman: Put GPS Tracking Devices On All Guns
I've got some testimony:

Alderman Cochran, you're an idiot.

Thank you.
No problem...just get a lawnmower magneto & a car battery and "let the smoke out" of the GPS.

Of course, I doubt they can get any signal inside a safe.

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