Chick-Fil-A adds a vegan sandwich to its menu


Designing Woman
Dec 1, 2012
Reaction score
Niagara Escarpment
Nothing wrong with that as long as no one is trying to force us meat eaters to go vegan.
Chik-Fil-a caves only to profit. I used to try to never stereotype and say all libs do this, or all Repubs do that, but damn, Chik-Fil-A caving to the woke mob? Repubs are always trying to be the vicitm.
Aren't you already boycotting them?

There are only a handful of these restaurants in Ontario and they've only recently opened. I would boycott them if there were any of these restaurants anywhere near where I live but the closest is in Toronto.

When I go to Toronto, I eat at small, Canadian owned restaurants and chains. Hero Burgers, Frans (a family owned chain which is only in Toronto), Second Cup if I can't get to the Tango Palace. For chicken, I'm going to Swiss Chalet. We don't have one of those where I live either.
And McDonalds has new plant-based McNuggets. Made of peas and wheat.

I can't eat at McDonalds. I have never been able to eat at McDonalds. I'm sick for 3 days when I eat there. Diarrhea, cramps, nausea. My ex husband used tWhen "Supersize Me" came out is say that a "Big Mac Attack" was the heartburn, indigestion and diarrhea I got from eating one.

Not long ago I grabbed handful of fries out of my grandkid's happy meals. The next morning I was on the toilet saying "I don't know what's wrong with me", until my daughter reminded me about the fries. When I watched "Supersize Me" showing how sick Sperling became eating their food, I was in no way surprised.
The difference is, the unwoke doesn't care if a restaurant has a vegan option. It's the vegan wokeists that scream, protest and glue themselves to whatever they can find.
I understand the marketing aspect, but Cauliflower is just nasty and a horrible texture. :puke3:

My oldest daughter makes pizza crust out of cauliflower that is the best pizza, ever! I'm not a big fan of cauliflower either, but that pizza makes my mouth water just thinking about it. The sandwich is getting rave reviews.
Caving to the Woke Mob, Chick-Fil-A has added a vegetarian option to its menu. I await the right wing backlash and boycott.

Soon they'll be donating to Climate Change charities, and offering gay staffers "family benefits".
/----/ " vegetarian option "
We southerners call it a 'mater sandwich.
I can't eat at McDonalds. I have never been able to eat at McDonalds. I'm sick for 3 days when I eat there. Diarrhea, cramps, nausea. My ex husband used tWhen "Supersize Me" came out is say that a "Big Mac Attack" was the heartburn, indigestion and diarrhea I got from eating one.

Not long ago I grabbed handful of fries out of my grandkid's happy meals. The next morning I was on the toilet saying "I don't know what's wrong with me", until my daughter reminded me about the fries. When I watched "Supersize Me" showing how sick Sperling became eating their food, I was in no way surprised.

Your daughter goes to the toilet with you? Disgusting.
Fast food joints have always altered their menu to meet local tastes.

You can't, example given, buy a hamburger at a Mickey D's in India, because the locals believe that Cows are almighty Gods.
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