Chickenpox vaccine inked to widespread increase in shingles


Diamond Member
Oct 14, 2016
If you ever had chicken pox, you probably have some unpleasant memories of the unrelenting itch and long soaks in an oatmeal bath looking for some relief. Most kids today will never know the misery of a bout of chicken pox because of the chicken pox vaccine, but it looks like all of us could be paying a pretty big price for it in the form of shingles.

EXPLOSIVE research: Chickenpox vaccine linked to widespread increase in shingles

Well hats off to you vaccines lovers as you spread your diseases to everybody else becaus stupidity makes you never bother to read the inserts, lazyness never has you question your doctor not that htey know either they're just busy getting big pharma kickbacks.......
If you ever had chicken pox, you probably have some unpleasant memories of the unrelenting itch and long soaks in an oatmeal bath looking for some relief. Most kids today will never know the misery of a bout of chicken pox because of the chicken pox vaccine, but it looks like all of us could be paying a pretty big price for it in the form of shingles.

EXPLOSIVE research: Chickenpox vaccine linked to widespread increase in shingles

Well hats off to you vaccines lovers as you spread your diseases to everybody else becaus stupidity makes you never bother to read the inserts, lazyness never has you question your doctor not that htey know either they're just busy getting big pharma kickbacks.......

Some additional information about the possible link:

The Link Between Chickenpox and Shingles

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