China exported their virus


Diamond Member
Mar 24, 2020

just in time to try and affect the 2020 election. Prior to this Chinese export the economy was moving along well for the most part. Timing is everything.

just in time to try and affect the 2020 election. Prior to this Chinese export the economy was moving along well for the most part. Timing is everything.
I think there will be a lot more to come on this topic very soon.

just in time to try and affect the 2020 election. Prior to this Chinese export the economy was moving along well for the most part. Timing is everything.
I think there will be a lot more to come on this topic very soon.
We were extremely naive to think that China would change it's totalitarian ways when shown the benefits of Capitalism. For decades our leaders looked the other way because the economic benefits of Chinese labor was so tasty. Is it too late to reign them in? It kind of looks that way.

just in time to try and affect the 2020 election. Prior to this Chinese export the economy was moving along well for the most part. Timing is everything.

Wittingly or unwittingly, the Democrat Party has always worked to aid the goals of communists and communism.

“By 2016, the White House went so far in appeasing China that [Obama] issued an order prohibiting all officials from publicly talking about military and other threats from China….[and] ignoring and then covering up China’s massive theft of American technology. Abroad, inaction by Obama facilitate the Chinese domination over the strategic South China Sea.” Gertz, “Deceiving The Sky,” p.6

Note the support the DNC's media arm is giving China.

“Until the election of President Donald J. Trump, the People’s Republic of China was close to achieving many of its objectives. Under Trump, the United States has taken a major shift by recognizing in ways that were never done in the past that Beijing is engaged in an undeclared war- played out in the economic, technological and cyber realms.”
Bill Gertz, “Deceiving the Sky: Inside Communist China's Drive for Global Supremacy,” p. 5

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