China keeps ramming Philippines ships

None yet, we should keep it that way.

The problem is, China is building good will around the world though economic aid, while we try to bully the rest of the world with a shrinking military.

And we don't send economic aid to countries?

How is what China is doing in the Spratlys NOT bullying?
Not enough.

I'd call it, "Defending their territorial integrity", which is a really big deal to China. Look up "Century of Humiliation" if you are still unclear on the concept.

The Spratlys are far closer to other countries than China, and Taiwan doesn't want to be part of the communist mainland.
The Philippines ship was supposed to alter their course to avoid the collision. The Chinese ship had the right of way.
The chinese ship had no right of way since it was in Philippine waters illegally
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Ukraine was not invaded while trump was president

Biden is the bitch here
Putin didn't need to invade, his Bitch Trump gave him everything he wanted in Syria, in Ukraine, and undermining NATO.

The chinese ship had no right of way sonce it was in Philippine waters illegally

Or the Filipino Ship was in the Chinese ship's waters.
Putin didn't need to invade, his Bitch Trump gave him everything he wanted in Syria, in Ukraine, and undermining NATO.

Or the Filipino Ship was in the Chinese ship's waters.
Trump strengthen nato
Naw, man, the problem here is that you guys are just piss-ignorant of Chinese history and why they take issues like this as seriously as they do.

For a century, the West and Japan imposed themselves on China, from the Opium Wars (Where the West went to war to force the Chinese Government to tolerate their drug dealing) to the Japanese invasion of China (which resulted in probably 30 million Chinese dead and devastated the country.

China takes the issue of national sovereignty VERY seriously.
Yes, they take national sovereignty very seriously but have no respect for the Philippines national sovereignty.

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