China stimulus pushes global shares to new peak, boosts commodities

You posted a chart you had not clue what it even meant.

Being able to copy and paste things you have no clue about is not a sign of intelligence.

And your chart had not a damn thing to do with anything I posted in this thread.
Yes it did....
The claim was Trump killed exports with tariffs. The exports of agricultural products actually grew during Trump's administration to new heights but fell drastically during Biden/Harris administration. (Including horticultural products) and tariffs are an Executive function....not exclusively congress.
Yes it did....
The claim was Trump killed exports with tariffs. The exports of agricultural products actually grew during Trump's administration to new heights but fell drastically during Biden/Harris administration. (Including horticultural products) and tariffs are an Executive function....not congress.

You might want to find yourself a 3rd grader to teach you how to read a graph.

Just saying.
Yes it did....
The claim was Trump killed exports with tariffs. The exports of agricultural products actually grew during Trump's administration to new heights but fell drastically during Biden/Harris administration. (Including horticultural products) and tariffs are an Executive function....not exclusively congress.

Here, this one is a little easier to read, it seems you need it...

Here, this one is a little easier to read, it seems you need it...

View attachment 1017303
Now adjust for inflation and the chart is cooked books. It's the trade balance that is crucial. How much comes in vx goes out. Which is exactly why I showed the chart I showed. Which demonstrates quite effectively how piss poor Biden and Harris have treated Farmers....not to mention the whole Farm Credit scandal/monopoly of selling China our American farms for pennies on the dollar. Bankrupting our farmers intentionally just so China can purchase them cheaply.
Now adjust for inflation and the chart is cooked books. It's the trade balance that is crucial. How much comes in vx goes out. Which is exactly why I showed the chart I showed

You chart does not show how much was going out, just the difference between the two.

My chart shows how much was going out, and it went down under Trump. That is a fact.

Anyone that works with grain farmers knows how much Trump's tariff war hurt them.

Why do you think he was giving them so much money? They were getting an extra 16 billion on top of normal farm subsidies.

For a few of our clients the payouts from the Govt was the biggest share of their income in 2018 and 2019.

I love the word "mild"....

They have literally lied with every government economic indicator...."mild" is a massive understatement when EVERY private firm economy tracker indicates we have been in one for 3 years now.

I love the word "mild"....

They have literally lied with every government economic indicator...."mild" is a massive understatement when EVERY private firm economy tracker indicates we have been in one for 3 years now.

you sheep have been saying this same thing for 4 years...and you have been wrong for 4 years.

When are you going to give it up?

We are not in a recession by any measure, period.

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