Choices, choices, choices...

You didn't try. You repeated leftist talking points.
Here is me trying to your first question.


Your employer has to provide a safe workplace. Generally, responding and adapting to disasters is one of these safety measures.

Just like requiring a hard hat, a mask can be added to a list of required safety equipment. Just like requiring a button down shirt for officer-level employees or a corporate color polo for counter staff, a mask can be added to the dress codes.

These rules are added due to the pandemic and for medical reasons. It is not infringing upon protected classes so it cannot be challenged that way either.

You are advised to follow the rules or find a new employment."

That wasn't hard.
You have the inalienable right to look it up.

I can't because it doesn't exist. It's on you to prove your claims at that but obviously you can't.

But you're afraid to. I'm not mommy. I'm not going to handhold a scared child unwilling to have his naivete shattered in exchange for some beneficial knowledge.

I'll deal with you later today. I'm a caretaker and I simply don't have time to coddle you right now.

You'll not deal with anything.
Here is me trying to your first question.


Your employer has to provide a safe workplace. Generally, responding and adapting to disasters is one of these safety measures.

Just like requiring a hard hat, a mask can be added to a list of required safety equipment. Just like requiring a button down shirt for officer-level employees or a corporate color polo for counter staff, a mask can be added to the dress codes.

These rules are added due to the pandemic and for medical reasons. It is not infringing upon protected classes so it cannot be challenged that way either.

You are advised to follow the rules or find a new employment."

That wasn't hard.

Nor did that prove anything. It was a generic question with a generic answer.

It's also something that has always been true. I had to wear a mask where I worked and would have been fired if caught not doing so.

Chemicals can be nasty.

Now where did Democrats fire women for not wearing a mask during Covid?
Nor did that prove anything. It was a generic question with a generic answer.

It's also something that has always been true. I had to wear a mask where I worked and would have been fired if caught not doing so.

Chemicals can be nasty.

Now where did Democrats fire women for not wearing a mask during Covid?
It proved many things. They were in constant danger of being fired if they didn't do something that was proven not to stop the virus.

Nor did that prove anything. It was a generic question with a generic answer.

It's also something that has always been true. I had to wear a mask where I worked and would have been fired if caught not doing so.

Chemicals can be nasty.

Now where did Democrats fire women for not wearing a mask during Covid?
Lol. Chronological argument.

The greatest extent of this happening was 2020-2022. Not 2024. I'm talking about the past, you the present.

The proof lies there in the past, not in your anecdotal arguments.
Lol. Chronological argument.

The greatest extent of this happening was 2020-2022. Not 2024. I'm talking about the past, you the present.

The proof lies there, not in your anecdotal arguments

I'm retired. I'm talking about an employers policy which would have nothing to do with politics.

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