Choices, choices, choices...

For most youngsters hormones trump reason. Obviously not for all for various reasons.
For most grown-ups like you, reason should trump your urges. See where we're going with this? That's why your parents try/ied to teach you sexual abstinence, birth control, condom-wearing, or whatever else. That was for when you became an adult and found yourself in sexual situations that may compromise your reason. That wasn't for show, man.

But putting tampons in boys' bathrooms is an acceptable form of this? Do pray tell.
Here is what is so insanely incredulous with those like you....your statement .."prove you know what is in ______ heart" and you put the word "his" in place of the blank.
Yet every "right to lifer" , which seems difficult to believe about those who claim that stature; when it comes to the "abortion" issue it seems that those like you can see into the "heart" of the mother and their reasons.
Thank you for the opportunity to interject.

What a ludicrous claim.

Prove you know what's in his heart.
Democrats think we have no respect for life or choices.

Oho, we do. We don't sit there demanding a woman have the right to control her body and then require her to wear a mask or be fired from her only paying job. We know a lot of them have children to feed, the respect for life lies in allowing that woman to make her own choice about masking and keeping her job so her children won't starve to death.

We know there are exigent circumstances like the health of the mother, rape, or incest. We understand the distinctions, and Democrats like to lie about it. They say, "If a healthy woman is 'forced' to carry to term, how will she pay for her child's food and welfare?" Easy. There are tax credits given for each child born. There are programs that allow a woman to keep her child. There are earned income tax credits too. Oh, and I might add, allowing them to survive the 9th month without being slaughtered on the abortion table.

"What about miscarriages?" They'll ask. Easy, teach abstinence. Encourage well-to-be mothers to take care of their health so they can be in peak health before their due dates. Genetic testing. Encourage them to have genetic profiles done on the embryo to detect any chance of deformities or fatal birth defects. Make that affordable.

"What about rape?" The woman is free to choose an abortion. But we would leave her with the thought, "The child did not choose the circumstances of its conception. Think hard before you reflexively choose to end the pregnancy." There is also a dilemma for the child as well as the woman.

"What about incest?" Incest is unforgivable. It can easily impart defects and deformities to the child. The woman (or child if it's child rape) to abort the pregnancy. Punish anyone involved with the pregnancy.

Essentially, it boils down to abstinence, conscience, and intelligence.

Don't believe anything Democrats say about women's right to choose. Don't. Their views on this subject are cruel and intentionally hypocritical. Our respect for life is far more nuanced and gentile than Democrats would have you believe. We believe in cause and effect. If you fire a woman for choosing not to mask, you could directly lead to the death of the children relying on her income to be fed and psychological trauma to the mother. If you abort a pregnancy due to rape, you are essentially punishing the child for being conceived. Let the ultimate revenge be birth and good teaching of the child. Let the upstanding personality you teach them be a beacon, making people like the rapist come crawling back for forgiveness, but that's not to say the woman isn't free to abort anyway.

Incest guarantees the child will have genetic disorders or defects, and possibly be stillborn. This is possibly the only position we hold where abortion is warranted as an act of mercy on the mother and child.

I know people will disagree, some vehemently, but I feel I needed to edify some on what we ACTUALLY believe.

Choices, choices, choices...
The solution is to actually stop her from getting pregnant without having to have an abortion.
Here is what is so insanely incredulous with those like you....your statement .."prove you know what is in ______ heart" and you put the word "his" in place of the blank.
Yet every "right to lifer" , which seems difficult to believe about those who claim that stature; when it comes to the "abortion" issue it seems that those like you can see into the "heart" of the mother and their reasons.
Thank you for the opportunity to interject.
You thought that would mean something to me. It didn't. Calling me "incredulous" assured me of your lack of credibility on the subject. Personal attacks are old. Find something substantial about the man or stop interjecting.

Thank you in advance.
But the real response is....your usage of the word "man" when discussing "P01135809" is even more incredulous.

Let me site your own reply.

You thought that would mean something to me. It didn't. Calling me "incredulous" assured me of your lack of credibility on the subject. Personal attacks are old. Find something substantial about the man or stop interjecting.

Thank you in advance.
Here is what is so insanely incredulous with those like you....your statement .."prove you know what is in ______ heart" and you put the word "his" in place of the blank.
Yet every "right to lifer" , which seems difficult to believe about those who claim that stature; when it comes to the "abortion" issue it seems that those like you can see into the "heart" of the mother and their reasons.
Thank you for the opportunity to interject.
Also, I've heard stories my grandmother told me while she was working at UGA of women coming to her after having abortions. She told of them having immense regret for having it and not thinking it through. She even stopped one of them from killing herself over it. She was the conscience they never had at the time of the procedure. She endeared herself to many students in the Sociology building with her caring and attentive nature.

She didn't shame or belittle them, she said God forgave them. "Go, and sin no more," in essence. I know more than you realize.

My grandmother lost her baby in 1975 to a congenital birth defect, a reverse circulatory system. It didn't matter if she knew or not, she wanted that child. She got him for two days before he passed. It traumatized her into not having any more children, but she chose to take a couple of them in. Me and my Dad.

She knew life meant more than just giving birth, it meant being able to care for children, whether her own blood or someone else's. Having her tell me those stories, and me being that blessing she never got much of with her natural-born child gave me a unique perspective on this issue.

One other thing. My mother was pregnant with me when she started taking birth control. She lost the pills and I was born. She ran and dumped me on my Dad, who dumped me on my Grandmother. Actions of two parents who couldn't comprehend the consequences of their promiscuity and automatically dooming me to life in a non-nuclear family. Like I said, I have far more perspective on this issue than you ever will.
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Let me give you the response that maga's love to give...."your personal life means nothing to us."

Also, I've heard stories my grandmother told me while she was working at UGA of women coming to her after having abortions. She told of them having immense regret for having it and not thinking it through. She even stopped one of them from killing herself over it.

She didn't shame or belittle them, she said God forgave them. "Go, and sin no more," in essence. I know more than you realize.

My grandmother lost her baby in 1975 to a congenital birth defect, a reverse circulatory system. It didn't matter if she knew or not, she wanted that child. She got him for two days before he passed. It traumatized her into not having any more children, but she chose to take a couple of them in. Me and my Dad.

She knew life meant more than just giving birth, it meant being able to care for children, whether her own blood or someone else's. Having her tell me those stories, and me being that blessing she never got much of with her natural-born child gave me a unique perspective on this issue.

One other thing. My mother was pregnant with me when she started taking birth control. She lost the pills and I was born. She ran and dumped me on my Dad, who dumped me on my Grandmother. Like I said, I have far more perspective on this issue than you ever will.
I find boiler's, and by default leftists in general, interests in people's "personal life" to be hypocritical when the person does something that goes against the personal life interest their platform supports--or in essence, chooses something that doesn't include unrestricted infanticide or gender reassignment surgery for minors.
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Pretty much. And my grandmother voted for JFK. She's apparently one of those now, too, it seems.
I have been a conservative independent for many years, not beholden to either party or Trump. But, I get a kick out of lefties who have made numerous posts to me claiming that I can't possibly be an independent thinker unless I think the very same as they do.
Who did this? I am aware of the military doing it to a small extent but I have no idea if any women were fired.

Do you have some sort of verification for your claims here?

LOL, the party of "I'm not responsible for your health care isn't going to make it affordable. The issue with miscarriages is also with people like Vance who would force women to prove to the government they actually had a miscarriage.

This can be a very traumatic event for a woman and Vance would force her to relive it to prove she didn't have an abortion.

Who is "we"?
Can an employer force you to wear a mask?

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