Christian Bigots shout down Muslim kids singing National Anthem at Texas rally

Isn't it interesting, all the effort on this thread to attack the OP, who reported the event, instead of commenting on what a shame it is to have The National Anthem rudely interrupted like that? I guess we know what is and ISN'T important for some people.
I am a Christian and a capitalist.

Your un-nuanced, less than sophisticated outlook must mandate that any disagreement equals heresy.

Who supports Islam and centrally planned collectivism...
I tolerate Islam, but not radical Islam. I do not support centrally planned collectivism, but I appreciate the existence of a social safety net in what we call the Greatest Nation on Earth". But enough about me. Let's talk about the brave Americans who decided to shout down children as they sang the National Anthem. Could you point out the virtues, the nobility of such actions?

Uh oh.
Isn't it interesting, all the effort on this thread to attack the OP, who reported the event, instead of commenting on what a shame it is to have The National Anthem rudely interrupted like that? I guess we know what is and ISN'T important for some people.
Well, you know. The sacred National Anthem should not be allowed to be sung by certain people. Praise Jesus! Sieg Heil!

Seriously Communists/Progressives, who do you think you're foolin? We all know you have a warped irrational hatred of Christians. This post is another classic case of hypocritical projection. You're bigots too. It is what it is.

Seriously Communists/Progressives, who do you think you're foolin? We all know you have a warped irrational hatred of Christians. This post is another classic case of projection. You're bigots too. It is what it is.
Moving on from tu quoque and straw man fallacies, we will now toss out a few red herrings. Anything to distract away from the topic.
Classic projection.

It is you and your fellow traveler retards in the video who are the ones trying to suppress a religion.

Since they are suppressing a religion, should their actions be outlawed? They insult the Prophet, so should they be arrested and punished?

Nice try.

Then what's the point, that there are people who dare have views that differ from your party?
The point is to show how ugly and retarded bigotry is.
Yeah but you Communist/Progressive wankers hate Christians. So you're bigots too. You don't have credibility. Moving on...

Oh you poor thing. You actually believe all that shit don't you. If the left you fear existed anywhere but in the minds of right wingers, and in the claims of the people who told you that, I would proudly be a right winger myself. You are extremely against people that don't exist. Nobody is anywhere near as horrible as you imagine the liberals to be. I'm a liberal and a Christian. How do you explain that?
You can see their shameful behavior for yourselves here:

That was painful to watch. Seeing Americans acting like assholes is embarrassing.

Would you rather be in London?


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