Christian Bigots shout down Muslim kids singing National Anthem at Texas rally


Seriously Communists/Progressives, who do you think you're foolin? We all know you have a warped irrational hatred of Christians. This post is another classic case of projection. You're bigots too. It is what it is.
Moving on from tu quoque and straw man fallacies, we will now toss out a few red herrings. Anything to distract away from the topic.

Hypocritical projection. You loons do have a weird obsession with hating Christians. Do you think people haven't noticed? You are bigots. Hence, no credibility. Case closed.

Seriously Communists/Progressives, who do you think you're foolin? We all know you have a warped irrational hatred of Christians. This post is another classic case of hypocritical projection. You're bigots too. It is what it is.
Only these faux Christians.
paulitician seems to think when you condem some bigoted assholes who scream their hate from under a Christian banner that you must hate all Christians.

This is a common mistake with those who do the same thing when it comes to Muslims, see. It's psychological projection. "I see a few Muslims doing something wrong and that means all Muslims are evil. Therefore, if you condemn a handful of Christians, you must hate all Christians."

People like him don't get we aren't as retarded as they are.

Seriously Communists/Progressives, who do you think you're foolin? We all know you have a warped irrational hatred of Christians. This post is another classic case of projection. You're bigots too. It is what it is.
Moving on from tu quoque and straw man fallacies, we will now toss out a few red herrings. Anything to distract away from the topic.

Hypocritical projection. You loons do have a weird obsession with hating Christians. Do you think people haven't noticed? You are bigots. Hence, no credibility. Case closed.

I read the Holy Bible to my children at bedtime every evening. I attend my Christian church twice a week. I have formed and run two faith-based charities.

You are a fool without a single critical thinking brain cell in your head.
You can see in the video I just posted they are Christians, very plainly.

These people go to these events to antagonize and provoke. They are bigoted assholes.

What special kind of retarded shithead goes and grabs their microphone away from them to spew her hatred?

i can't watch that stuff while i'm working but i get the picture, thank you...

these so called 'Christians' do not represent Christianity in the least.
Here's YOUR chance to state that shouting down children singing the National Anthem is wrong.

IF it even happened.

The faux outrage of you Communists is never ending. Comrade G5000 posts a video of people speaking against Islam - which of course OUTRAGES you and your CAIR buddies - but it doesn't support the claim of children singing the NA.

No one doubts that your CAIR allies were protested - no one doubts that you condemn opposition to Islam - no one doubts that you hate hate hate those Christians.

I just see no evidence supporting the initial claim.
Here, something to cheer up the Communist/Progressive Christianophobes...


Uh huh, that is Communist/Progressive nutter urine. Gross, huh? YUK!

Seriously Communists/Progressives, who do you think you're foolin? We all know you have a warped irrational hatred of Christians. This post is another classic case of hypocritical projection. You're bigots too. It is what it is.

You might want to talk to your doctor about this.
noun: paranoia
  1. a mental condition characterized by delusions of persecution, unwarranted jealousy, or exaggerated self-importance, typically elaborated into an organized system. It may be an aspect of chronic personality disorder, of drug abuse, or of a serious condition such as schizophrenia in which the person loses touch with reality.
    synonyms: persecution complex, delusions, obsession, psychosis
    "her husband had concocted a cruel scheme to inflict her with paranoia"
    • suspicion and mistrust of people or their actions without evidence or justification.
      "the global paranoia about hackers and viruses"
Ah. So you can show us where she said white men should be locked in camps to labor on behalf of all of the victims. This wasn't a voice in your head.

Go right ahead. Show us.

What's sad is that you think that you're clever.
Yeah but you Communist/Progressive wankers hate Christians. So you're bigots too. You don't have credibility. Moving on...

Oh you poor thing. You actually believe all that shit don't you. If the left you fear existed anywhere but in the minds of right wingers, and in the claims of the people who told you that, I would proudly be a right winger myself. You are extremely against people that don't exist. Nobody is anywhere near as horrible as you imagine the liberals to be. I'm a liberal and a Christian. How do you explain that?

Uncle Tom.
Ah. So you can show us where she said white men should be locked in camps to labor on behalf of all of the victims. This wasn't a voice in your head.

Go right ahead. Show us.

What's sad is that you think that you're clever.
Nope. I am just pointing out that you really need to get those voices in your head under control. They are causing you to daily make a public spectacle of yourself.

Seriously Communists/Progressives, who do you think you're foolin? We all know you have a warped irrational hatred of Christians. This post is another classic case of hypocritical projection. You're bigots too. It is what it is.
Only these faux Christians.
paulitician seems to think when you condem some bigoted assholes who scream their hate from under a Christian banner that you must hate all Christians.

This is a common mistake with those who do the same thing when it comes to Muslims, see. It's psychological projection. "I see a few Muslims doing something wrong and that means all Muslims are evil. Therefore, if you condemn a handful of Christians, you must hate all Christians."

People like him don't get we aren't as retarded as they are.

Except for the fact you Communist/Progressive nutters do have an irrational hatred of Christians. It's just reality. Sorry, i call em like i see em.
Nope. I am just pointing out that you really need to get those voices in your head under control. They are causing you to daily make a public spectacle of yourself.

What a pathetic little insult. The lack of wit and intellect you display is startling.

Truly sad...

Seriously Communists/Progressives, who do you think you're foolin? We all know you have a warped irrational hatred of Christians. This post is another classic case of hypocritical projection. You're bigots too. It is what it is.

You might want to talk to your doctor about this.
noun: paranoia
  1. a mental condition characterized by delusions of persecution, unwarranted jealousy, or exaggerated self-importance, typically elaborated into an organized system. It may be an aspect of chronic personality disorder, of drug abuse, or of a serious condition such as schizophrenia in which the person loses touch with reality.
    synonyms: persecution complex, delusions, obsession, psychosis
    "her husband had concocted a cruel scheme to inflict her with paranoia"
    • suspicion and mistrust of people or their actions without evidence or justification.
      "the global paranoia about hackers and viruses"

Oh Gawd, why don't you go drink a tall glass of Piss Christ. Make yourself useful Comrade.
Except for the fact you Communist/Progressive nutters do have an irrational hatred of Christians. It's just reality. Sorry, i call em like i see em.
So if I condem the KKK, does that mean I have an irrational hatred of Christians, too?

BIGOT: Negroes are evil.

POSTER: Geez, look at this crap the KKK pulled off the other day against some black people.

BIGOT: YOU HAVE AN IRRATIONAL HATRED OF CHRISTIANS! Why don't you chug down some of this piss Christ?

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