Christian Bigots shout down Muslim kids singing National Anthem at Texas rally

Fallacy of the excluded middle.

No one here is asking the assholes to embrace Islam.

And why do you keep calling the Republican Party a "filthy party"?

False, you are condemning those who dare raise their voice in opposition to Islam - thus effectively demanding that all embrace it.

IF one who rejects or opposes Islam is a "bigot, racist, Christian, Republican" and generally an enemy of the party, then the only choice is to embrace your allies or be branded enemy.

And yes Jake, there are many here who believe you really are too a republican who just happens to be a hack for the democrats...
Yeah but you Communist/Progressive wankers hate Christians. So you're bigots too. You don't have credibility. Moving on...

Oh you poor thing. You actually believe all that shit don't you. If the left you fear existed anywhere but in the minds of right wingers, and in the claims of the people who told you that, I would proudly be a right winger myself. You are extremely against people that don't exist. Nobody is anywhere near as horrible as you imagine the liberals to be. I'm a liberal and a Christian. How do you explain that?

Uncle Tom.

Wow, have you got the wrong idea about me. I'm an old white guy. I'm so white, till I thought rap was something a teacher did to your knuckles, at least until my niece told me differently. I grew up in a segregated town, and never even met a black person on a personal basis until I was in college. Calling me Uncle Tom is pretty much a waste of effort on your part. Care to try again?
Here, a little more to cheer up the loony Communist/Progressive Christianophobes...

Why would anybody dislike Islamists?

Islamic State Publicly Beheads Syrian Man For “Insulting Allah” As He Screams For Help…

Religion of Peace™

Via Independent:

A man was held down and beheaded for “insulting Allah” in the middle of a Syrian town by Isis fighters as he screamed for help from the silent crowd.

Footage reportedly taken on Monday in the town of Al-Shadadi is the terror group’s latest show of brutality in its territories stretching from the Turkish border in Syria to northern Iraq.

Details of the man’s crime were unknown but his death was staged for maximum exposure in a public square.

A militant addressed the large crowd, which included children, as the man was restrained behind him claiming to carry out the “law of Allah” by executing him for allegedly insulting God. […]

One militant dropped his Kalashnikov as the man fought his captors for several minutes, eventually being pinned down by four men including one sitting on his back and pinning his arms behind him.

When the executioner finally beheaded him with one blow of a sword, a roar went up from the crowd as militants chanted “Allahu akbar” (God is great).

I hate dimocraps. I seriously do
Yeah but you Communist/Progressive wankers hate Christians. So you're bigots too. You don't have credibility. Moving on...

Oh you poor thing. You actually believe all that shit don't you. If the left you fear existed anywhere but in the minds of right wingers, and in the claims of the people who told you that, I would proudly be a right winger myself. You are extremely against people that don't exist. Nobody is anywhere near as horrible as you imagine the liberals to be. I'm a liberal and a Christian. How do you explain that?

Uncle Tom.

Wow, have you got the wrong idea about me. I'm an old white guy. I'm so white, till I thought rap was something a teacher did to your knuckles, at least until my niece told me differently. I grew up in a segregated town, and never even met a black person on a personal basis until I was in college. Calling me Uncle Tom is pretty much a waste of effort on your part. Care to try again?

Went over your head. Go figure?
You might want to talk to your doctor about this.
noun: paranoia
  1. a mental condition characterized by delusions of persecution, unwarranted jealousy, or exaggerated self-importance, typically elaborated into an organized system. It may be an aspect of chronic personality disorder, of drug abuse, or of a serious condition such as schizophrenia in which the person loses touch with reality.
    synonyms: persecution complex, delusions, obsession, psychosis
    "her husband had concocted a cruel scheme to inflict her with paranoia"
    • suspicion and mistrust of people or their actions without evidence or justification.
      "the global paranoia about hackers and viruses"

So, opposition to the party is mental illness?

Wow, how original, Comrade.

Political abuse of psychiatry in the Soviet Union - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia

You Communists are consistent - evil, but consistently evil!
And let's not forget about how well goat-fuckers treat women....

Picture of the Week

Business as usual in the caliphate, where a woman
is shot to death for adultery. The prophet of Islam
never shot consenting adults (he just had them stoned).

Then there's the undeniable peaceful nature of goatfuckers

This is just in the last few days. No wonder dimocrap scum LOVE these people.

They are EVERYTHING dimocrap filth aspire to be but don't have the balls to do it.

List of Islamic Terror Attacks For the Past 14 Days

Date Country City Killed Injured Description
2015.01.27 Iraq Saladin 10 0 Ten Kurds are lined up and shot in the head by devout Sunnis chanting praises to Allah.
2015.01.27 Libya Tripoli 10 2 Five foreign guests and five guards are killed when Islamists storm a hotel after setting off a bomb.
2015.01.26 Nigeria Michika 30 6 Thirty people are reported killed when Boko Haram attack two villages.
2015.01.26 Iraq Abu Ghraib 6 8 Children are among six civilians disassembled by a Mujahideen blast targeting an humanitarian aid agency.
2015.01.26 Pakistan Karachi 1 0 Fundamentalist gunmen pick off a guard for a polio team.
2015.01.26 Iraq Barwanah 72 0 Shiite militias pull seventy-two Sunnis from their homes and execute them.
2015.01.25 Pakistan Karachi 1 0 A Shiite dies from injuries suffered during a targeted attack by Sipah-e-Sahaba.
2015.01.25 Iraq Baghdad 7 11 A bomb placed outside a restaurant nets seven dead bodies.
2015.01.23 Philippines Zamboanga 2 54 An Abu Sayyaf car bombing outside a bar leaves two dead and four dozen injured.
2015.01.23 Nigeria Kambari 15 0 Fifteen villagers are slaughtered by Boko Haram.
2015.01.23 Iraq Mosul 4 0 Four university professors are executed by the Islamic State.
2015.01.22 Somali Mogadishu 5 23 Five people are blown to bits by a Shahid suicide bomber at a hotel.
2015.01.22 Iraq Taji 8 21 Eight Iraqis are liquidated by a Fedayeen suicide bomber.
2015.01.21 Syria Homs 7 30 Terrorists set off a car bomb in a shopping district, killing seven patrons.
2015.01.20 Afghanistan Jaghuri 8 2 Women and children are among eight civilians ripped to shreds by a Sunni roadside bomb.
2015.01.20 Iraq Sadr City 3 7 Sunnis blow up three Shiite bus passengers.
2015.01.20 Iraq Diyala 26 0 The bodies of over two dozen ISIS execution victims are discovered in a mass grave.
2015.01.20 Iraq Baghdad 5 11 Five peole outside a clinic are reduced to pulp by Religion of Peace bombers.
2015.01.20 Iraq Mosul 1 0 An elderly cleric is put to deth for refusing allegiance to the caliph.
2015.01.19 Pakistan Karachi 4 1 Islamic militants are suspected in two shooting attacks that end the lives of four local cops.
2015.01.19 Afghanistan Khost 1 6 A Taliban bomb at a shop leaves one dead.
2015.01.19 Afghanistan Laghman 2 1 Two people are killed by a Taliban landmine.
2015.01.19 Syria Damascus 1 2 A child is killed when terrorists fire a mortar into a sports complex.
2015.01.19 Iraq Hajaj 7 12 Seven Iraqis are disassembled by a series of Mujahid bomb blasts.
2015.01.19 Iraq Mahmoudiya 2 9 Jihaid bomber take down two civlians outside a cafe.
2015.01.19 Pakistan Karachi 1 0 A guard loses his life when Islamists attack a polio team.
2015.01.18 India Bihar 1 0 A young Hindu man is murdered by Muslims for dating a Muslim girl. (This triggers a deadly riot).
2015.01.18 Pakistan Nazimabad 2 0 Two guards are shot to death by Sunni Jihadis for providing security at a Shiite mosque.
2015.01.18 Pakistan Korangi 1 0 A Shiite is shot to death by Sunni radicals.
2015.01.18 Iraq Baiji 12 6 Twelve Iraqis lose their lives to an Islamic State attack.
2015.01.18 Cameroon Tourou 4 24 Boko Haram capture dozens of children from a village, killing at least four who resist.
2015.01.18 Afghanistan Kandahar 0 3 A child is among the victims of a Fedayeen suicide bomber.
2015.01.18 Afghanistan Helmand 4 10 Four Afghans are wiped out by a Shahid suicide bombing.
2015.01.18 Jordan Zarqa 1 0 A woman's throat is slit by her three uncles for meeting with a man without permission.
2015.01.18 Nigeria Potiskum 4 48 A female suicide bomber detonates at a bus station, claiming four kills.
2015.01.17 India Kulgam 1 1 Muslim radicals shoot a local cop to death.
2015.01.17 Iraq Iskandariyah 4 14 Jihadis set off a bomb at a vegetable market, killing four innocents.
2015.01.17 Syria Deir Ezzor 17 0 Seventeen people are crucified by the Islamic State over a two day period.
2015.01.17 Niger Zinder 1 0 An angry Muslim mob burns a church with one person inside.
2015.01.17 Pakistan Rawalpindi 3 0 A Shiite lawyer and his two nephews are sprayed with automatic weapons fire by dedicated Sunnis.
2015.01.17 Iraq Sabaa al-Bour 5 14 Five Shiites at a market are reduced to pulp by Sunni bombers.
2015.01.17 Somalia Baidoa 1 0 Islamists gun down a rival cleric.
2015.01.17 Mali Kidal 1 1 A peacekeeper is murdered by Islamic extremists.
2015.01.17 Indonesia Tamadue 5 0 Muslim terrorists murder five Christians in two attacks.
2015.01.17 Iraq Mosul 5 0 Five women in their thirties are summarily executed by Muslim fundamentalists.
2015.01.17 Iraq Samarra 22 0 Twenty-two people are reportedly killed by a Fedayeen suicide car bomber.
2015.01.17 Iraq Sadr City 9 25 Sunnis blow up niine Shiites waiting for cell phone service outside a shop.
2015.01.16 Iraq Zalaya 8 12 Hardcore Islamists booby-trap a house, managing to kill eight security personnel lured to help the occupants.
2015.01.16 Iraq Baqubah 1 0 A child is taken out by a suicide bomber.
2015.01.16 Iraq Husseiniya 3 11 Sunni bombers strike a Shiite commercial district, killing three.
2015.01.16 Syria Deir Ezzor 16 0 Sixteen civilians are executed and 'mutilated' by the Islamic State.
2015.01.16 Mali Tenenkou 9 0 Nine people are murdered in a surprise attack by men shouting praises to Allah.
2015.01.16 Iraq Baghdad 4 13 Terrorists fire mortars into a neighborhood, killing four residents.
2015.01.16 Nigeria Gombe 6 10 At least a half dozen patrons at an outdoor market are sectionalized by a Fedayeen suicide bomber.
2015.01.16 Niger Zinder 1 22 Muhammad cartoon protesters attack the police, killing one and injuring several.
2015.01.16 Iraq Mosul 1 0 An engineer is executed by the Islamic State.
2015.01.15 Syria Mosul 2 0 Two men are thrown from the roof of a building by Islamists who cite Muhammad's rule for dealing with homosexuals.
2015.01.15 Iraq Qayara 3 0 Three captives are publicly hanged by the caliphate.
2015.01.15 Algeria Kabylie 1 0 The body is found of a French tour guide, taken hostage by Jihadis and beheaded.
2015.01.15 Syria Mayadin 1 0 The caliphate beheads a captive.
2015.01.15 Afghanistan Almar 2 1 Two Afghans are opened wide by Taliban shrapnal.
2015.01.14 Pakistan Dera Ismail Khan 3 3 Three policemen bleed to death after suspected Taliban fire a rocket at them.
2015.01.14 Somalia Puntland 2 3 Islamists murder two police officers at a remote post.
2015.01.14 Pakistan Dera Ismail Khan 1 0 Religious militants lob a grenade into a house, killing one person.
2015.01.14 Iraq al-Karma 11 0 A child is among eleven Iraqis executed in front of their families by ISIS.
Edge, get a funcing grip. The guys in texas want the dream act and cops to wear body cams. They're less dangerous than the punks breaking into cars at night.
nut, where in the Bible does it say that Jesus or those that follow Him have to tolerate whatever comes down the pike?
How tolerant was Christ with the crooked money exchangers at the temple? How was He tolerant of the Pharisees?
Understand Him before you use Him to push your agenda.
i agree. we should all strive harder to under stand him. maybe he turned the tables over on wall street? How tolerant are we of the pharisees all around us? don't think Jesus would have wasted his time shouting at Muslims.
Fallacy of the excluded middle.

No one here is asking the assholes to embrace Islam.

And why do you keep calling the Republican Party a "filthy party"?

False, you are condemning those who dare raise their voice in opposition to Islam - thus effectively demanding that all embrace it.

IF one who rejects or opposes Islam is a "bigot, racist, Christian, Republican" and generally an enemy of the party, then the only choice is to embrace your allies or be branded enemy.

And yes Jake, there are many here who believe you really are too a republican who just happens to be a hack for the democrats...
You think the guys in Texas want to force Islam on you? Are you in mental health treatment?
Fallacy of the excluded middle.

No one here is asking the assholes to embrace Islam.

And why do you keep calling the Republican Party a "filthy party"?

False, you are condemning those who dare raise their voice in opposition to Islam - thus effectively demanding that all embrace it.

You have no idea what a fallacy of the excluded middle is, do you.

Too bad. You are rigidly trapped in one.

Seriously Communists/Progressives, who do you think you're foolin? We all know you have a warped irrational hatred of Christians. This post is another classic case of hypocritical projection. You're bigots too. It is what it is.
Only these faux Christians.
paulitician seems to think when you condem some bigoted assholes who scream their hate from under a Christian banner that you must hate all Christians.

This is a common mistake with those who do the same thing when it comes to Muslims, see. It's psychological projection. "I see a few Muslims doing something wrong and that means all Muslims are evil. Therefore, if you condemn a handful of Christians, you must hate all Christians."

People like him don't get we aren't as retarded as they are.

Except for the fact you Communist/Progressive nutters do have an irrational hatred of Christians. It's just reality. Sorry, i call em like i see em.
Well, if christians are like those loonies in the video....not much to love.
Here, a little more to cheer up the loony Communist/Progressive Christianophobes...

Odd that you would choose that particular picture. That was an anti abortion display in PA. Over night all the crosses were turned upside down, and baby sized footprints were drawn as well as "pro choice" written red to simulate blood. Fortunately, fingerprints were also found in the red paint identifying the perpetrators as members of that particular pro life group. They were trying to pretend they were vandalized. Since when did perpetrating a lie against others, as was done there, become a Christian/ProLife value?
Oh ok, since you asked for more. Here's some fine Communist/Progressive Christianophobes enjoying a nice day out hating Christians...


Seriously Communists/Progressives, who do you think you're foolin? We all know you have a warped irrational hatred of Christians. This post is another classic case of hypocritical projection. You're bigots too. It is what it is.
Only these faux Christians.
paulitician seems to think when you condem some bigoted assholes who scream their hate from under a Christian banner that you must hate all Christians.

This is a common mistake with those who do the same thing when it comes to Muslims, see. It's psychological projection. "I see a few Muslims doing something wrong and that means all Muslims are evil. Therefore, if you condemn a handful of Christians, you must hate all Christians."

People like him don't get we aren't as retarded as they are.

Except for the fact you Communist/Progressive nutters do have an irrational hatred of Christians. It's just reality. Sorry, i call em like i see em.
Well, if christians are like those loonies in the video....not much to love.
This story may be interesting to follow. If there's not a counter push from the Bushes and mainstream Christians, I will be very disappointed.

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