Christian population declined 90% under Palestinian Authority and Hamas - study


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Dec 29, 2008
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Violence and coercion has resulted in up to a 90% decline in the Christian population in areas under Hamas or Palestinian Authority control, according to a new study by the Jerusalem Center for Security and Foreign Affairs (JCFA).

In 1922, Christians constituted 11% of the population. Today, in 2024, they are just 1%.

The JCFA research, led by Lt. Col. (res.) Maurice Hirsch and Attorney Tirza Shorr, discovered mass emigration of Christians, particularly from historically significant cities like Bethlehem.

"Demographics don’t lie. We are witnessing a significant 80-90% decline in the Christian population in major cities," the researchers emphasized.

The Christian population in Gaza shrank from 5,000 before Hamas took over the area to only 1,000 in October 2023, the report found.

JCFA explained that religious and legal discrimination, desecration of holy sites, and social exclusion were behind the decline in the Christian population.

The city of Bethlehem is used as an illustration of what JCFA calls "Christian demographic erasure."

In 1950, Bethlehem and the surrounding villages were 86% Christian.

However, this has dwindled since 1994, when the PA took control of the city. The last census in 2017 showed Bethlehem was 10% Christian families, but many have left, or are leaving, due to systemic socio-economic hardships and instability, discrimination, and harassment, including of Christian clergy, by Muslim Palestinians and the Islam-dominated Palestinian Authority.

Bethlehem also serves as an example of Christians undergoing forced conversion to Islam, a phenomenon that Gaza’s Bishop Alexios, warned of in 2016. "Christians who converted to Islam did so under threats and violence," Alexios said at the time.

"The mass exodus of the Christians risks undermining the survival of Christianity in its birthplace," the report added.

The report also collected testimonies regarding violence and harassment against Christians, especially of girls, since the PA took over.

Muslim clans reportedly also use force to resolve disputes.

Historically both Christians and Jews were considered second class citizens in Muslim law, subject to persecution and humiliation by Muslims, since the 7th century and still are in many Muslim countries in the ME and North Africa so this is no surprise.
Violence and coercion has resulted in up to a 90% decline in the Christian population in areas under Hamas or Palestinian Authority control, according to a new study by the Jerusalem Center for Security and Foreign Affairs (JCFA).

In 1922, Christians constituted 11% of the population. Today, in 2024, they are just 1%.

The JCFA research, led by Lt. Col. (res.) Maurice Hirsch and Attorney Tirza Shorr, discovered mass emigration of Christians, particularly from historically significant cities like Bethlehem.

"Demographics don’t lie. We are witnessing a significant 80-90% decline in the Christian population in major cities," the researchers emphasized.

The Christian population in Gaza shrank from 5,000 before Hamas took over the area to only 1,000 in October 2023, the report found.

JCFA explained that religious and legal discrimination, desecration of holy sites, and social exclusion were behind the decline in the Christian population.

The city of Bethlehem is used as an illustration of what JCFA calls "Christian demographic erasure."

In 1950, Bethlehem and the surrounding villages were 86% Christian.

However, this has dwindled since 1994, when the PA took control of the city. The last census in 2017 showed Bethlehem was 10% Christian families, but many have left, or are leaving, due to systemic socio-economic hardships and instability, discrimination, and harassment, including of Christian clergy, by Muslim Palestinians and the Islam-dominated Palestinian Authority.

Bethlehem also serves as an example of Christians undergoing forced conversion to Islam, a phenomenon that Gaza’s Bishop Alexios, warned of in 2016. "Christians who converted to Islam did so under threats and violence," Alexios said at the time.

"The mass exodus of the Christians risks undermining the survival of Christianity in its birthplace," the report added.

The report also collected testimonies regarding violence and harassment against Christians, especially of girls, since the PA took over.

Muslim clans reportedly also use force to resolve disputes.

Historically both Christians and Jews were considered second class citizens in Muslim law, subject to persecution and humiliation by Muslims, since the 7th century and still are in many Muslim countries in the ME and North Africa so this is no surprise.
I wonder why.

I'm sure the Jewish community hasn't been booming either.
In all fairness, jews killed Jesus. The perverts are still responsible for destroying Christianity.
Violence and coercion has resulted in up to a 90% decline in the Christian population in areas under Hamas or Palestinian Authority control, according to a new study by the Jerusalem Center for Security and Foreign Affairs (JCFA).

In 1922, Christians constituted 11% of the population. Today, in 2024, they are just 1%.

The JCFA research, led by Lt. Col. (res.) Maurice Hirsch and Attorney Tirza Shorr, discovered mass emigration of Christians, particularly from historically significant cities like Bethlehem.

"Demographics don’t lie. We are witnessing a significant 80-90% decline in the Christian population in major cities," the researchers emphasized.

The Christian population in Gaza shrank from 5,000 before Hamas took over the area to only 1,000 in October 2023, the report found.

JCFA explained that religious and legal discrimination, desecration of holy sites, and social exclusion were behind the decline in the Christian population.

The city of Bethlehem is used as an illustration of what JCFA calls "Christian demographic erasure."

In 1950, Bethlehem and the surrounding villages were 86% Christian.

However, this has dwindled since 1994, when the PA took control of the city. The last census in 2017 showed Bethlehem was 10% Christian families, but many have left, or are leaving, due to systemic socio-economic hardships and instability, discrimination, and harassment, including of Christian clergy, by Muslim Palestinians and the Islam-dominated Palestinian Authority.

Bethlehem also serves as an example of Christians undergoing forced conversion to Islam, a phenomenon that Gaza’s Bishop Alexios, warned of in 2016. "Christians who converted to Islam did so under threats and violence," Alexios said at the time.

"The mass exodus of the Christians risks undermining the survival of Christianity in its birthplace," the report added.

The report also collected testimonies regarding violence and harassment against Christians, especially of girls, since the PA took over.

Muslim clans reportedly also use force to resolve disputes.

Historically both Christians and Jews were considered second class citizens in Muslim law, subject to persecution and humiliation by Muslims, since the 7th century and still are in many Muslim countries in the ME and North Africa so this is no surprise.
The Islamic Palestinian Authority leadership and majority are bigots.
He was killed by Italians.
SP: "Waffle SS" AKA "TruthNotBS" the same Muslim Nazi just adopted , yesterday (Jan 7, 2025), a SS Waffen name.
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It's no surprise that there's increasing animosity towards Christians amongst some Palestinian Arabs.

Israel itself receives a great deal of unconditional support from American Christians. The United States which is enabling, arming and protecting Israel in its genocidal campaign is a Christian country. The same people who celebrate Christmas and Easter here in the US openly applaud the bombing of Gaza and openly approve of marauding gangs of "settlers" who steal land from and burn down the homes of Palestinians. The countries of Europe which are also supplying weapons to Israel are historically Christian.

Just as many people here in the United States revile Muslims because of Muslim terrorism, many people in Palestine who are not Jews, revile Christians because of Christian terrorism.

Understand too that many Jews in Israel routinely attack and threaten Christians and Zionists attacked and ransacked and destroyed Christian villages in 1948 and today there are Christians in Jerusalem pleading for help as Jews threaten and coerce them and steal property from them.

Western Christian civilization is fake, it acts not like a Christian civilization but as a rampaging demonic force masquerading as Christian, that's how many Arabs there see it anyway.
the gospels say jews killed him
really? Jews don't crucify him. Italians do. And Italians did. So they killed him according to the gospels. (John 19:23 -- "Then the soldiers, when they had crucified Jesus," -- the soldiers were Italian, right?
really? Jews don't crucify him. Italians do. And Italians did. So they killed him according to the gospels. (John 19:23 -- "Then the soldiers, when they had crucified Jesus," -- the soldiers were Italian, right?
Would Jesus have been crucified by Roman authorities if Jews had not requested they do? The only people who objected to Jesus were Jews, the only people who attempted to attack him were Jews. It was Jews who persecuted him and Jews who called for his death, the Romans were simply an instrument used by manipulative Jews.

The Jewish authorities were complicit in the killing of a fellow Jew.

Attempting to rewrite history and absolve Jews of responsibility is the very same mindset we see today amongst Zionists, they lie and they sneak and they connive just as the Jewish authorities did two thousand years ago.
Would Jesus have been crucified by Roman authorities if Jews had not requested they do? The only people who objected to Jesus were Jews, the only people who attempted to attack him were Jews. It was Jews who persecuted him and Jews who called for his death, the Romans were simply an instrument used by manipulative Jews.
Ignoring the many factual errors in the text, the weird assumption that the oppressed Jews could direct the actions of the oppressor who crucified 250,000 Jews. From the same article, "The Catholic Church has belatedly partially recognized the harm this historical falsehood has caused through the centuries, when Pope Paul VI issued the landmark document, Nostra Aetate (Latin: In Our Time), on October 28, 1965. The declaration by the Second Vatican Council on the relation of the Church with non-Christian religions said that Jesus’ death “cannot be charged against all the Jews, without distinction, then alive, nor against the Jews of today. The Jews should not be presented as rejected or accursed by God, as if this followed from the Holy Scriptures.”" I don't know one sect from another -- are you a believer in a sect which disagrees with the Nostra Aetate?
The Jewish authorities were complicit in the killing of a fellow Jew.
Assuming that is true (FTSOA) is "complicit" the same as guilty of the actual act?
Attempting to rewrite history and absolve Jews of responsibility is the very same mindset we see today amongst Zionists, they lie and they sneak and they connive just as the Jewish authorities did two thousand years ago.
tell that to the Catholic Church then.
Ignoring the many factual errors in the text, the weird assumption that the oppressed Jews could direct the actions of the oppressor who crucified 250,000 Jews. From the same article, "The Catholic Church has belatedly partially recognized the harm this historical falsehood has caused through the centuries, when Pope Paul VI issued the landmark document, Nostra Aetate (Latin: In Our Time), on October 28, 1965. The declaration by the Second Vatican Council on the relation of the Church with non-Christian religions said that Jesus’ death “cannot be charged against all the Jews, without distinction, then alive, nor against the Jews of today. The Jews should not be presented as rejected or accursed by God, as if this followed from the Holy Scriptures.”" I don't know one sect from another -- are you a believer in a sect which disagrees with the Nostra Aetate?

Assuming that is true (FTSOA) is "complicit" the same as guilty of the actual act?

tell that to the Catholic Church then.

I was not referring to any article I was responding specifically to your post #15 that asserted:

really? Jews don't crucify him. Italians do. And Italians did. So they killed him according to the gospels. (John 19:23 -- "Then the soldiers, when they had crucified Jesus," -- the soldiers were Italian, right?

I am not a Catholic and have no interest in defending the Catholic Church.

As for complicity yes, it is guilt, just as the commanders of concentration camps where Jews were slaughtered during WW2 were found guilty despite never physically touching a single Jew themselves.

It's fascinating to see you try the same trickery as the Nazis did, absolutely fascinating that a purported Jew would stoop to that level. Nobody believed the Nazis then and nobody should believe you now.
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As for complicity yes, it is guilt, just as the commanders of concentration camps where Jews were slaughtered during WW2 were found guilty despite never physically touching a single Jew themselves.
but is aiding in a crime the same as commiting the crime? I'm no lawyer so I don't know if it is factually true. I also don't know if the legal system distinguishes between (not as a matter of law, but as a matter of fact) a the man who pulled the trigger and the man who asked him to pull the trigger. Would you say that someone who asked for the trigger to be pulled is the killer? Even if he is legally guilty of murder, the crime, I don't know if it would be the same as saying that he is the killer or that he killed the person.
It's fascinating to see you try the same trickery as the Nazis did, absolutely fascinating that a purported Jew would stoop to that level. Nobody believed the Nazis then and nobody should believe you now.
It's amazing to see how you are unable to have a civil conversation or rationally consider elements of rhetoric, and must repeatedly attack and insult. If I were to tell anyone not on here that this is the mode of discourse you prefer, no one I know would believe that anyone would be stuck at such a level.
but is aiding in a crime the same as commiting the crime? I'm no lawyer so I don't know if it is factually true. I also don't know if the legal system distinguishes between (not as a matter of law, but as a matter of fact) a the man who pulled the trigger and the man who asked him to pull the trigger. Would you say that someone who asked for the trigger to be pulled is the killer? Even if he is legally guilty of murder, the crime, I don't know if it would be the same as saying that he is the killer or that he killed the person.
In a nutshell - the Jewish authorities wanted Jesus executed (I assume you don't dispute that at least) and used their influence and contacts to achieve that objective. Like you they naively thought that God can be fooled as to who is and is not guilty of killing with their insidious interpretation of the 6th commandment, their literal letter of the law interpretation.
It's amazing to see how you are unable to have a civil conversation or rationally consider elements of rhetoric, and must repeatedly attack and insult. If I were to tell anyone not on here that this is the mode of discourse you prefer, no one I know would believe that anyone would be stuck at such a level.
Good you're amazed, stay tuned.

Jesus revealed to us that wanting someone killed is the same sin as killing them, it is the spirit that sins, not the body.
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