There are not challenges. Michigan Progs want to change the state flag to make it look communist like Walz did in Minnesota. Progressive women are intertwined into everything we do now. Except they accept no blame for anything that goes wrong. In fact, there is no acknowledgment of a problem. I still offer a deal. We send 30 million American Progressive Women to East Asia. And they send 30 million East Asian Women to the United States.Really, I accept the challenge.
You just run and hide in EVERY instance.
I know why you do it.
So, to clarify, WHY do you keep calling me a "Failed Teacher" and that I'm the reason "Johnny can't read". when you have ZERO support for your claim.
I understand that this is a 9:1 site of trump support.
So be it.
Just prove any of your claims.
Why are you asking me about Jack Smith?
You THINK I care about Jack Smith?
I do care about trump CRIMES.