Church Vs. State

And now for a perfect topic for this Sunday......a word from our Sponsor.

Orā€¦Traditional vs Secularā€¦..or conservative vs Liberalā€¦or American vs Bolshevik

If you went to government school, you were steeped in the latter of each phrase. You were deprived of real history of this nation, and of Western Civilization. But, like Mighty Mouse, here I am to save the day.

1.The battle cry of the Leftā€¦ā€separation of church and state.ā€ Why? Truth is, America was founded based on the Judeo-Christian faith, the Bible being the most quoted source by our Founders. And those Founders were religious folks who saw America escaping the king as the extension of the Jews escaping Egypt.

The reason our revolution was so different from the violent, homicidal chaos of the French version was the dominant American culture was Anglo-Saxon and Christian. ā€œ52 of the 56 signers of the declaration and 50 to 52 of the 55 signers of the Constitution were orthodox Trinitarian Christians.ā€

They were believers in the Father, Son, and Holy Ghost, or, as they would be known by Leftists today, ā€œan extremist Fundamentalist hate group.ā€
Oh.....a "white" extremist Fundamentalist hate group.ā€

2. The fact is that as part of Western Civilization, we owe our origins to a particular combination of these doctrines: God created every human in His image and human beings are able to investigate and make rational conclusions about the world. These two ideas were born in Jerusalem and Athens, respectively.
[Ben Shapiro]

To claim that America was not created with these ideas is a terrible lie, a scheme to cheat generations of Americans who believe what government school tells them.
Nor is it an accidentā€¦.it is the plan.

ā€œOnce abolish the God and the government becomes the God.ā€ G.K. Chesterton

3. Nor is it a coincidence that the acolyte of Joseph Stalin, that would be Franklin Roosevelt, as his first Supreme Court nominee, chose KKKer Hugo Black, who wrote into jurisprudence, the infamous ā€˜separation of church and stateā€™ lie. Perhaps Black never saw the motto on the back of the Great Sealā€¦

annuit coeptis Latin. He (God) has favored our undertakings.
It is the motto, adapted from the Aeneid (IX.625), that appears
on the reverse of the Great Seal of the United States.

4. But, why subvert the faith on which this country was built?
Answer: To replace our inheritance, Genesis 1:26, individualism, with the collective.

"The abandonment of the Christian tradition that created the West's most cherished ideal [with] a radical secularism evident in Europe's indifference to God and church- created a vacuum of belief into which many pseudo-religions have poured: scientism, fascism, communism, environmentalism, multiculturalism, sheer hedonism [and Islam] - all have attempted and provide Europeans with an alternative to Christianity that can show them what is worth living and dying for."
From "Decline and Fall: Europe's Slow-Motion Suicide," by Bruce Thornton

ā€œā€¦will America be made better by curbing religion in the name of secularism, of vice versa?ā€ Ben Shapiro

From Hollywood movies and television series to video games, novels . . . even clothing fashions . . . atheists have repeated the same message over and over and over again to our youngest minds since the 1960's: It's not cool or hip to believe in the Christian God. And now, circa the last decade and ongoing, many in the US legislative and judicial branch have joined this anti-Christian crusade to remove God from the minds of our young people, while the radical Left intelligentsia who educate our recent high school grads confirm it for them: God and the Christians who worship him are racist, bigoted, evil, immoral legions who for centuries have done nothing but oppress people of other cultures. With such a wide spectrum, multi-pronged, multi-front attack against God and Christianity, what chance do we have of preventing generations of atheist youth dominating the educational, political and intellectual pillars of our society within the next decade or two? So in this way, the very foundations of Western Civilization could be collapsed, toppled, corroded to nothing.
Ok, clearly you donā€™t agree with the last 72 years of SCOTUS devious on religion.

How would you have things? A religious requirement for office? An official religion? An unofficial national religion? Special status for some religions? Banning of some religions? Selective expression of religious beliefs? Majority rule if religion?

What is your vision?
A requirement for religious compatibility under the umbrella of these United States of America should be required to show that peaceful compatibility always exist.

That should be simple enough, and Christianity of course is grandfathered in already.

Any religion or ideology that becomes hostile towards the good citizens of these United States, aside from the Christian religion that was prodominantly present here from the beginning (proven itself over the years), shall be investigated as to it's actions and activities that would ultimately show it's disdain and/or hatred towards our foundational principles regarding such aspects of our nation... If found guilty, of course they would be banned from participating in any powerful positions within our government or society.
The lefts religion is govt. It's all they have.....a fleeting moment, Church and state had to do with jefferson and his letter to the danbury baptist association.
Yes, they use government and our money as their union representation. Government is not their union, and they should be made to abandon that thinking on that somehow.
The copulation of church and state is seen in the example of the manipulation of prepositions, whereby 'freedom of religion' is taken as an authoritarian phrase, a surrogate for 'freedom from religion.' In other words, there is no choice outside of religion, which is no choice at all, but an arrogant declaration of a despotic god.

'Atheism has never been external to religion: atheism is the artistic power at work on religion.'
(Deleuze, "Seminar on Spinoza/Course Vincennes 25/11/1980)

How and Why Did Religion Evolve?
(site not secure)
'....Chimpanzees, on average, can maintain a group size of about 45, says Dunbar. "This appears to be the largest groups size that can be maintained through grooming alone," he says. In contrast, the average human group is about 150, known as Dunbar's number. The reason for this says Dunbar, is that humans have the capacity to reach three times as many social contacts as chimps for a given amount of social effort. Human religion emerges out of this increased capacity for sociality.

How come? As our ancestors moved from the receding forest habitats to more open environments, like the savannahs of est and southern Africa, Darwinian pressures acted on them to make them more social for increased protection from predators and better access to food; it also made it easier to find a mate. Without the ability to maintain new structures -- like small groups of five or six so-called nuclear families, says Turner -- these apes wouldn't have been able to survive.'

'....the theogonic mechanisms by which religious coalitions reproduce. In the case of Christianity, this has always involved participation in a ritual that celebrates the "body and blood" of a human-like, coalition-favoring supernatural agent. Paul's warnings to the Corinthians about their practice of the "Lord's Supper" are illuminative in this regard [I Cor. 11:17-32]. He is not surprised at the factions among them, since such exclusive disjunctions are necessary to determine who among them is "genuine." Participation in the ritual is a proclamation of "the Lord's death until he comes." Because they have not been examining themselves adequately before participating, they are eating and drinking "(judgment [italics]) against themselves; for this reason, many of you are weak and ill, and some have died."

He argues that "If we (judged [it.]) ourselves we would not be (judged (it.]), but when we are (judged [it.]) by the Lord we are disciplined so that we may not be condemned along with the world." In other words, early Christian were warned that their weakness and illness were the result of their failure to detect the real presence of a judgmental supernatural agent who was returning soon to reveal who was genuinely part of the in-group and who would be eternally condemned. Although it promotes anxious self-judgment and antipathy toward out-groups, this is just the sort of ritual that holds a religious coalition together.'
(Shults, Iconoclastic Theology: Gilles Deleuze and the Secretion of Atheism)

This Corinthian mechanism has the same modus operandi found in the authoritarian phrase, 'freedom of religion.' What the deception gives with one hand, it takes away with the other.
11. The regimen that mandated the end of religion in Western civilization began two centuries ago.

ā€˜The Enlightenmentā€™ā€¦sounds like a blessing, sunlight into the dark. Thatā€™s probably the impression left by government schooling. Actually, the explosion of science, the sudden success in understanding of the world, led to many elites actually believing that only one of the two features that led to that point, reason, was necessaryā€¦.and the other, religion, could be dispensed with.

They were wrong. Science can tell us what we can do, but, sans religion, not what we should do.

ā€œThe term Enlightenment suggestsā€¦.that belief in Judeo-Christian values and God Himself was at best an obstruction to modern Western civilization.ā€
Ben Shapiro, ā€œThe Right Side Of History,ā€ p.98

Herein the danger of eliminating the Judeo-Christian influence that were prominent in the creation of this nation.

12.Want to see the comparison between keeping both faith and reason, and basing the revolution only on reason? That would be the American Revolution vs the French version.
In the course of France's short revolution, 600,000 French citizens were killed, and another 145,000 fled the country.
Schom, "Napoleon Bonaparte," p. 253.

"That's in a country with between 24 and 26 million people, about the current population of Texas. In terms of population loss, that would be the equivalent of the United States having a 9/11 attack every day for seven years."
Coulter, "Demonic," p. 266.

The American Revolution? About 1%-2% of that number.

There is no morality. No care or concern for other, or for life. Nor is any required. This is the gift of the Enlightenment, with its view to replacing religion with science, with reason.

13. BTW, the Russian Revolution was an extension of the French one, and ultimately cost over 100 million human lives.
Even in the 19th century, as religious conviction waned, the warnings were there. Ivan Karamazov, in ā€œThe Brothers Karamazov,ā€ exclaimed ā€˜if God does not exist, then everything is permitted.ā€™

Mass murder included.

"We must rid ourselves once and for all of the Quaker-Papist babble about the sanctity of human life." Leon Trotsky

This is why the major political party, the Democrat, can endorse infanticide and racism, and still be considered a choice for governing.
Copulations of Church and State, Copulations of Capital

'The decoding of flows that characterizes the capitalist machine has also always been present in human populations, even if only as that which was "warded off" by primitive and barbarian social inscriptions (and the nomads). The capitalist machine fosters anthropomorphic prudery; its operation does not require the detection of human-like supernatural agents. In extreme forms, it is even blind to the qualities of natural human agents, which are reduced to their functions within the axiomatizations that cause the decoding of flows to fall back on the full body of Capital. It might seem that the capitalist machine is sociographically promiscuous because it allows and even encourages the multiplication of images, producing new idealized commodities that we lack and new modes of consuming them.

However, in the sens that it forces (all [italics]) surplus value to fall back into the same axiomatizing conjugation of decoded flows of decoded flows. converting all codes to abstract quantities (Money), it is at least as prudish as the despotic machine. Instead of promoting the demand that "everyone must follow the laws of our group's god," it spreads a different sort of universal anxiety: "everyone must accumulate surplus value for their own group." Like the territorial machine, the capitalist machine, in and for itself, has little use for theology. There is less need for hypotheses about the transcendental conditions of axiological engagement if values are automatically organized in relation to the constant uniformity of a capitalization of materials.
We do not know what naturalist-secularist bodies can do. Whatever they can do, hypothesizes the atheist, their axiological engagement is not conditioned by human-like, coalition-favoring gods. Atheism follows out the logic of the theolytic forces, pressing beyond methodological versions of anthropomorphic prudery
and sociographic promiscuity and insisting on (metaphysical [italics]) naturalism and secularism. If gods play no role in inter-subjective and trans-communal academic hypothesis that have the most explanatory power, why postulate their existence? If the revelatory rituals of particular religious coalitions are not necessary for inscribing the shared space of complex, pluralistic societies, why participate within them?

In response to such questions, religious people often appeal to their own experiences of imaginative engagement with supernatural agents, making inductions and deductions that flow naturally from the abductive hypothesis shared within their coalitions. Debate at this level is rarely fruitful. This is why it is necessary to engage in the critique and construction of (retroductive [it.]) hypotheses about the conditions for creating new values. Theology is simply too important to leave to theists.'
(Shults, op cit)
It took a Christian mindset to found the United States. What other Religion would have been more tolerant and open without compromising freedoms of the individual or pursuit of individual prosperity?
It took a genocidal mindset to found the United States, religion or no religion. Suggested reading is Churchill, A Little Matter of Genocide.
What people are not understanding is that, by removing religion from government, you are actually making a choice, and that choice is to support the government favoring the religion of atheism.

Public schools have been teaching an atheistic version of science for a very long time. Every time they teach a class about the big bang or evolution, the government is actually "establishing a religion". They may not put an official banner on it, but, they are forcing the religion of atheism on kids, by indoctrinating them from an early age to a teaching that doesnt include God.

So, since you dont want religion in government and in the class rooms, then I dont want your scientific view of the big bang and evolution taught in the class room..
So by your logic, teaching auto mechanics, math, English, accounting, are all establishing atheism because they donā€™t include God.

Nope, but evolution and the big bang are theories that are in direct contradiction to creationism.

Math, science, English, those are all irrespective of religion, but, the origins of our universe have two possible methods. Either the evolutionist theory (anti God, pro atheism), or creation theory (pro God, anti atheism).

So, by electing to teach evolution and big bang, they are choosing an anti God version of how our universe began, hence, the religion of atheism. Even though our forefathers and people way before them were all fairly religious and believed in the Christian viewpoint, the secular version replaced it and is taught to this day.

So, you dont want religion, then I dont want anti religion.

As government-as-god mandates government schooling.....what is the alternative?
I dont know, possibly allow different view points to be taught? Or eliminate the big bang portion of it altogether?

Is it really necessary to believe in a big bang to understand how biology and chemistry works today? I'm no scientist, but as far as I'm aware, the knowledge of the big bang doesnt really play a part in most scientific application today, unless you are focusing specifically on that part of it. A lot of people dont believe in the big bang, but their children are forced into learning it.

All in saying is, people are trying to squash religion in the public domain, but they have no problem trying to tell people God doesnt exist. Seems like the government has taken a stand on religion, which is not what they are supposed to do.
What people are not understanding is that, by removing religion from government, you are actually making a choice, and that choice is to support the government favoring the religion of atheism.

Public schools have been teaching an atheistic version of science for a very long time. Every time they teach a class about the big bang or evolution, the government is actually "establishing a religion". They may not put an official banner on it, but, they are forcing the religion of atheism on kids, by indoctrinating them from an early age to a teaching that doesnt include God.

So, since you dont want religion in government and in the class rooms, then I dont want your scientific view of the big bang and evolution taught in the class room..
So by your logic, teaching auto mechanics, math, English, accounting, are all establishing atheism because they donā€™t include God.

Nope, but evolution and the big bang are theories that are in direct contradiction to creationism.

Math, science, English, those are all irrespective of religion, but, the origins of our universe have two possible methods. Either the evolutionist theory (anti God, pro atheism), or creation theory (pro God, anti atheism).

So, by electing to teach evolution and big bang, they are choosing an anti God version of how our universe began, hence, the religion of atheism. Even though our forefathers and people way before them were all fairly religious and believed in the Christian viewpoint, the secular version replaced it and is taught to this day.

So, you dont want religion, then I dont want anti religion.

As government-as-god mandates government schooling.....what is the alternative?
I dont know, possibly allow different view points to be taught? Or eliminate the big bang portion of it altogether?

Is it really necessary to believe in a big bang to understand how biology and chemistry works today? I'm no scientist, but as far as I'm aware, the knowledge of the big bang doesnt really play a part in most scientific application today, unless you are focusing specifically on that part of it. A lot of people dont believe in the big bang, but their children are forced into learning it.

All in saying is, people are trying to squash religion in the public domain, but they have no problem trying to tell people God doesnt exist. Seems like the government has taken a stand on religion, which is not what they are supposed to do.
Government does alot of things it's not supposed to do, so it just depends on it's handlers at the time. This is why the Demon-crats are going insane, because they fear that they have lost their ability to control us through government power, and it is why they are showing their aces bad about getting that power back.

Anybody with a lick of common sense can see what has been going on for the last 50 years, and the left was at it's peak when Trump cut their legs out from under them.

Now we have seen by their reactions just how crazy these people are.
What people are not understanding is that, by removing religion from government, you are actually making a choice, and that choice is to support the government favoring the religion of atheism.

Public schools have been teaching an atheistic version of science for a very long time. Every time they teach a class about the big bang or evolution, the government is actually "establishing a religion". They may not put an official banner on it, but, they are forcing the religion of atheism on kids, by indoctrinating them from an early age to a teaching that doesnt include God.

So, since you dont want religion in government and in the class rooms, then I dont want your scientific view of the big bang and evolution taught in the class room..
So by your logic, teaching auto mechanics, math, English, accounting, are all establishing atheism because they donā€™t include God.

Nope, but evolution and the big bang are theories that are in direct contradiction to creationism.

Math, science, English, those are all irrespective of religion, but, the origins of our universe have two possible methods. Either the evolutionist theory (anti God, pro atheism), or creation theory (pro God, anti atheism).

So, by electing to teach evolution and big bang, they are choosing an anti God version of how our universe began, hence, the religion of atheism. Even though our forefathers and people way before them were all fairly religious and believed in the Christian viewpoint, the secular version replaced it and is taught to this day.

So, you dont want religion, then I dont want anti religion.

As government-as-god mandates government schooling.....what is the alternative?
I dont know, possibly allow different view points to be taught? Or eliminate the big bang portion of it altogether?

Is it really necessary to believe in a big bang to understand how biology and chemistry works today? I'm no scientist, but as far as I'm aware, the knowledge of the big bang doesnt really play a part in most scientific application today, unless you are focusing specifically on that part of it. A lot of people dont believe in the big bang, but their children are forced into learning it.

All in saying is, people are trying to squash religion in the public domain, but they have no problem trying to tell people God doesnt exist. Seems like the government has taken a stand on religion, which is not what they are supposed to do.
Government does alot of things it's not supposed to do, so it just depends on it's handlers at the time. This is why the Demon-crats are going insane, because they fear that they have lost their ability to control us through government power, and it is why they are showing their aces bad about getting that power back.

Anybody with a lick of common sense can see what has been going on for the last 50 years, and the left was at it's peak when Trump cut their legs out from under them.

Now we have seen by their reactions just how crazy these people are.

The Democrat Party is now running on full-blown anti-white racism, socialism, infanticide, opposition to free speech, substituting illegal alien voters for the American citizenry, and anti-Semitismā€¦
The term 'sociographic promiscuity' seems to fit the Democrats symptom more than it does the Republican symptom.
And now for a perfect topic for this Sunday......a word from our Sponsor.

Orā€¦Traditional vs Secularā€¦..or conservative vs Liberalā€¦or American vs Bolshevik

If you went to government school, you were steeped in the latter of each phrase. You were deprived of real history of this nation, and of Western Civilization. But, like Mighty Mouse, here I am to save the day.

1.The battle cry of the Leftā€¦ā€separation of church and state.ā€ Why? Truth is, America was founded based on the Judeo-Christian faith, the Bible being the most quoted source by our Founders. And those Founders were religious folks who saw America escaping the king as the extension of the Jews escaping Egypt.

The reason our revolution was so different from the violent, homicidal chaos of the French version was the dominant American culture was Anglo-Saxon and Christian. ā€œ52 of the 56 signers of the declaration and 50 to 52 of the 55 signers of the Constitution were orthodox Trinitarian Christians.ā€

They were believers in the Father, Son, and Holy Ghost, or, as they would be known by Leftists today, ā€œan extremist Fundamentalist hate group.ā€
Oh.....a "white" extremist Fundamentalist hate group.ā€

2. The fact is that as part of Western Civilization, we owe our origins to a particular combination of these doctrines: God created every human in His image and human beings are able to investigate and make rational conclusions about the world. These two ideas were born in Jerusalem and Athens, respectively.
[Ben Shapiro]

To claim that America was not created with these ideas is a terrible lie, a scheme to cheat generations of Americans who believe what government school tells them.
Nor is it an accidentā€¦.it is the plan.

ā€œOnce abolish the God and the government becomes the God.ā€ G.K. Chesterton

3. Nor is it a coincidence that the acolyte of Joseph Stalin, that would be Franklin Roosevelt, as his first Supreme Court nominee, chose KKKer Hugo Black, who wrote into jurisprudence, the infamous ā€˜separation of church and stateā€™ lie. Perhaps Black never saw the motto on the back of the Great Sealā€¦

annuit coeptis Latin. He (God) has favored our undertakings.
It is the motto, adapted from the Aeneid (IX.625), that appears
on the reverse of the Great Seal of the United States.

4. But, why subvert the faith on which this country was built?
Answer: To replace our inheritance, Genesis 1:26, individualism, with the collective.

"The abandonment of the Christian tradition that created the West's most cherished ideal [with] a radical secularism evident in Europe's indifference to God and church- created a vacuum of belief into which many pseudo-religions have poured: scientism, fascism, communism, environmentalism, multiculturalism, sheer hedonism [and Islam] - all have attempted and provide Europeans with an alternative to Christianity that can show them what is worth living and dying for."
From "Decline and Fall: Europe's Slow-Motion Suicide," by Bruce Thornton

ā€œā€¦will America be made better by curbing religion in the name of secularism, of vice versa?ā€ Ben Shapiro

"In Washington, high school football coach Joe Kennedy was fired for kneeling in silent prayer at the fifty yard line after games.
In Florida, two private Christian schools were prevented from using the public address system for a pre-game prayer when they faced each other in the state football playoffs.
In New York, an orthodox Jewish rabbi has paid over $40,000 in fees seeking government permission to host fellow Jews in his home for prayer and worship.
County Commissioners in Rowan County, North Carolina can no longer open their meetings with an invocation.
Students in Texas, praying for a classmate during lunch, were told they could only do so if they hid behind a curtain or moved out of sight of others. (My law firm, First Liberty Institute, represents clients in all of these cases.) untold number of citizens face the dilemma of whether to openly live according to their faith in all aspects of life and face the backlash of being a cultural heretic when their religious beliefs stray from societal orthodoxy on certain issues; or to resign themselves to quietly segregate their faith into a few hours a week inside a sanctuary or temple where they seek forgiveness to assuage their conscience for abandoning their beliefs the other six days a week."
Without Religious Liberty, America Doesnā€™t Have a Prayer
14. ā€œā€¦the sociopolitical antipathy towards the authentic free exercise of religion is more than a display of cognitive dissonance or hypocrisy. Itā€™s an existential crisis for the American republic. The fabric of civil society and ordered liberty is held together by a common notion of morality most often inculcated by religious teaching.

ā€¦President Reagan stated,

ā€œAmerica was founded by people who believe that God was their rock of safety. I recognize we must be cautious in claiming that God is on our side, but I think itā€™s all right to keep asking if weā€™re on His side.ā€

Our Founding Fathers stated unequivocally that the purpose of government is to protect the God given rights of the people. ā€¦. religious liberty is the first liberty enshrined in the Bill of Rights: without it the rest will fall.ā€
Without Religious Liberty, America Doesnā€™t Have a Prayer

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