CIA Station Chief In Russia Sees No Collusion

Ricky LIbtardo

Diamond Member
Jul 22, 2016
That's right, libtardos. Obama's CIA station chief in Russia debunks your Russian collusion hoax and Putin is still jerking your chains. The longer you feign outrage the dumber you look.

About the Trump Tower meeting;

"To me," Hoffman says, "it pointed to a discoverable influence operation rather than some effort to establish a clandestine channel for collusion."

"the meeting was meant to be discovered. Putin deliberately left a trail of breadcrumbs from Trump Tower to the Kremlin."

"Overall I haven't seen any evidence of anyone actually colluding with the Russians,"

The Steele Dossier;

"One possible explanation for the content was that Russian intelligence was aware that the dossier was being written," says Hoffman. "And that they fed not only true information — but untrue information as well. Which is their regular modus operandi for covert influence operations."

In other words, Hoffman believes Russia may have seeded the Steele dossier.

As always, libtardos, you're making fools of yourselves and the real "scandal" is Democrat corruption.

Just joking, Fake News.

Cover Lifted, A CIA Spy Offers His Take On Trump And Russia
Anyone who is analytical will note that Russia if they did anything at all, wanted to undermine Trump not get him elected. It's Clinton who was bought and paid for and who would be easy to play ball with. President Trump is a much harder man to get what you want from.
Anyone who is analytical will note that Russia if they did anything at all, wanted to undermine Trump not get him elected. It's Clinton who was bought and paid for and who would be easy to play ball with. President Trump is a much harder man to get what you want from.

Putin wanted revenge for Hillaryous' interfering in Russia's election and set out to entrap her. He never in his wildest dream thought Trump would get the nomination. Then he set out to undermine the election in any way possible. He thought Hillaryous would win and he had the corruption evidence on her. Now he's just laughing his ass off as Hillaryous downs a bottle of vodka a day.

Pretend not to notice the libtardos won't come near this thread. After a year they have nothing other than maybe Flynn and Manafort didn't disclose some money they were paid for lobbying.

Another big fat face plant.
Will Trump flee the country after he resigns? We'll have to wait and see to find out.
Let's see what Mueller has to say

Lil Donnie went to meet foreign agents to obtain stolen information to use against a political opponent

Russians were looking to use the meeting to relieve sanctions
That's right, libtardos. Obama's CIA station chief in Russia debunks your Russian collusion hoax and Putin is still jerking your chains. The longer you feign outrage the dumber you look.

About the Trump Tower meeting;

"To me," Hoffman says, "it pointed to a discoverable influence operation rather than some effort to establish a clandestine channel for collusion."

"the meeting was meant to be discovered. Putin deliberately left a trail of breadcrumbs from Trump Tower to the Kremlin."

"Overall I haven't seen any evidence of anyone actually colluding with the Russians,"

The Steele Dossier;

"One possible explanation for the content was that Russian intelligence was aware that the dossier was being written," says Hoffman. "And that they fed not only true information — but untrue information as well. Which is their regular modus operandi for covert influence operations."

In other words, Hoffman believes Russia may have seeded the Steele dossier.

As always, libtardos, you're making fools of yourselves and the real "scandal" is Democrat corruption.

Just joking, Fake News.

Cover Lifted, A CIA Spy Offers His Take On Trump And Russia
As a Trumpbot you're not helping the cause by posting that Putin set up Trump by getting Trump to attend a fake meeting with the promise of illegally obtaining dirt on Hillary so that he'd mess with the US government. LOL
Anyone who is analytical will note that Russia if they did anything at all, wanted to undermine Trump not get him elected. It's Clinton who was bought and paid for and who would be easy to play ball with. President Trump is a much harder man to get what you want from.

Putin wanted revenge for Hillaryous' interfering in Russia's election and set out to entrap her. He never in his wildest dream thought Trump would get the nomination. Then he set out to undermine the election in any way possible. He thought Hillaryous would win and he had the corruption evidence on her. Now he's just laughing his ass off as Hillaryous downs a bottle of vodka a day.

Pretend not to notice the libtardos won't come near this thread. After a year they have nothing other than maybe Flynn and Manafort didn't disclose some money they were paid for lobbying.

Another big fat face plant.
I doubt Russia Did anything at all. That is a narrative that came from a losing campaign with no Evidence to back up the claim.

To date There is NO Proof, That Russia hacked THE DNC Server. There is Proof that Clinton and Schultz Pakistani Hackers were stealing information and selling it. There is proof that Seth Rich was giving information to Wikileaks.

The Left is leaking anything they can DAMAGING to The Trump Campaign. Yet exactly why can't anyone leak proof of The Russians hacking anything?
I think The Wiki Leaks emails and Russia have NOTHING TO DO WITH EACH OTHER. I think Seth Rich, The Pakistani Hackers and Wikileaks are all tied in together as any logical person who has researched this would come to this conclusion.
Will Trump flee the country after he resigns? We'll have to wait and see to find out.

I thought all you stupid libtardos were going to leave the country if Trump was elected President.

Now read the article. You don't get to be CIA Station Chief in Russia if you're an idiot. (rules you out)

Let's see what Mueller has to say

Lil Donnie went to meet foreign agents to obtain stolen information to use against a political opponent

Russians were looking to use the meeting to relieve sanctions

No collusion, petunia. Read the article. Putin deliberately tried to bait Trump Jr.

Now get ready for the Department of Justice's second investigation into Democrat corruption.

Have a nice day.
That's right, libtardos. Obama's CIA station chief in Russia debunks your Russian collusion hoax and Putin is still jerking your chains. The longer you feign outrage the dumber you look.

About the Trump Tower meeting;

"To me," Hoffman says, "it pointed to a discoverable influence operation rather than some effort to establish a clandestine channel for collusion."

"the meeting was meant to be discovered. Putin deliberately left a trail of breadcrumbs from Trump Tower to the Kremlin."

"Overall I haven't seen any evidence of anyone actually colluding with the Russians,"

The Steele Dossier;

"One possible explanation for the content was that Russian intelligence was aware that the dossier was being written," says Hoffman. "And that they fed not only true information — but untrue information as well. Which is their regular modus operandi for covert influence operations."

In other words, Hoffman believes Russia may have seeded the Steele dossier.

As always, libtardos, you're making fools of yourselves and the real "scandal" is Democrat corruption.

Just joking, Fake News.

Cover Lifted, A CIA Spy Offers His Take On Trump And Russia
As a Trumpbot you're not helping the cause by posting that Putin set up Trump by getting Trump to attend a fake meeting with the promise of illegally obtaining dirt on Hillary so that he'd mess with the US government. LOL

It was The Democrat Party who set up the meeting through FUSION GPS, who The Democrat Party sponsors and funds. The Same Fusion GPS who created The Fake Trump Dossier for The Clinton Campaign. Russia wasn't involved at all in that meeting.

You are talking about running against a Clinton, and nobody who runs against a Clinton gets away without being slimed. If you want an education....skip The Clinton Body Count...and simply go look at what they did to their Political Rivals in their own Party.

The Clintons and The Democrat Party under their leadership have become political assassins, and they use information as a weapon. It matters not to them if it is Fake or True....if they can't dig something up, they make something up.

Standard procedure for a Clinton is not to address issues, but to address the candidate and smear them and make them defend their character.

The Clinton Smear Campaign Against Obama

"Unable to find much that Barack Obama himself has said or believes that is particularly alien to the thinking and values of most Americans, Hillary Clinton and her supporters in the media have chosen instead to engage in a campaign of guilt-by-association."


Sanders smeared as communist sympathiser as Clinton allies sling mud


"The dossier, prepared by opponents of Sanders and passed on to the Guardian by a source who would only agree to be identified as “a Democrat”, alleges that Sanders “sympathized with the USSR during the Cold War” because he went on a trip there to visit a twinned city while he was mayor of Burlington."
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That's right, libtardos. Obama's CIA station chief in Russia debunks your Russian collusion hoax and Putin is still jerking your chains. The longer you feign outrage the dumber you look.

About the Trump Tower meeting;

"To me," Hoffman says, "it pointed to a discoverable influence operation rather than some effort to establish a clandestine channel for collusion."

"the meeting was meant to be discovered. Putin deliberately left a trail of breadcrumbs from Trump Tower to the Kremlin."

"Overall I haven't seen any evidence of anyone actually colluding with the Russians,"

The Steele Dossier;

"One possible explanation for the content was that Russian intelligence was aware that the dossier was being written," says Hoffman. "And that they fed not only true information — but untrue information as well. Which is their regular modus operandi for covert influence operations."

In other words, Hoffman believes Russia may have seeded the Steele dossier.

As always, libtardos, you're making fools of yourselves and the real "scandal" is Democrat corruption.

Just joking, Fake News.

Cover Lifted, A CIA Spy Offers His Take On Trump And Russia
As a Trumpbot you're not helping the cause by posting that Putin set up Trump by getting Trump to attend a fake meeting with the promise of illegally obtaining dirt on Hillary so that he'd mess with the US government. LOL

As if there is something wrong with doing that.

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