Claudina Shiny-bum changes her tune


Diamond Member
Jun 29, 2013
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The Presidentress of Mehhhikoo.... Has decided to drop the tough talk shit and play ball.

I'm actually glad because here in the Northeast the best produce in the grocery stores comes from Mexico. This is something Mexico could easily have done long ago some reason or another decided that it wasn't worth the effort. Trump has now just made it worth the effort. Biden could easily have done the same thing. Why didn't he? We can only speculate.

Add that to the new policy that those who returned immediately after having been deported will be re-deported to Gitmo and wish the hell they had stayed out and you have a recipe for a successful immigration fix.

Reportedly each deportee is fingerprinted and face scanned into the system so if they get caught again they will be eating beans a la Castro for the next 5 to 10 years.
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The Presidentress of Mehhhikoo.... Has decided to drop tough talk shit and play ball.

I'm actually glad because here in the Northeast the best produce in the grocery stores comes from Mexico. This is something Mexico could easily have done long ago some reason or another decided that it wasn't worth the effort. Trump has now just made it worth the effort. Biden could easily have done the same thing. Why didn't he? We can only speculate.
She capitulated last time first too. Trump has intelligence agencies, he knows his competitors and his audience. Both times Mexico essentially stabbed Canada in the back.

Now Trump will extract more from both countries over the next month and he can communicate with industries in the U.S to get them on-board in case he needs to apply the tariffs.

It's 2025. Canada should have a high tech, booming economy. How are we so far behind so many other nations? The crooks and creepy police stasi have ensured our weakness and ultimately our failure.
Mixico is sending 10,000 troops to their northern border to stop the cartels, fentanyl, and illegals.

That bought mexico a month of no tariffs to work everything else out.

Ya see? Just work with us. All we ask for is to stop poisoning that really too much to ask for?
She capitulated last time first too. Trump has intelligence agencies, he knows his competitors and his audience. Both times Mexico essentially stabbed Canada in the back.

Now Trump will extract more from both countries over the next month and he can communicate with industries in the U.S to get them on-board in case he needs to apply the tariffs.

It's 2025. Canada should have a high tech, booming economy. How are we so far behind so many other nations? The crooks and creepy police stasi have ensured our weakness and ultimately our failure.
Being a little bit more discreet about immigration should be good for all three countries. I'm not sure who's in the ears of the movers and shakers or should I ask I'm not sure who is in their wallets?
Mixico is sending 10,000 troops to their northern border to stop the cartels, fentanyl, and illegals.

That bought mexico a month of no tariffs to work everything else out.

Ya see? Just work with us. All we ask for is to stop poisoning that really too much to ask for?

The DemoKKKrats are very angry that their slave-trading route is being cut off.
At this point I wonder if it's more about the cartel money going into DC. No open border no more side gig money. Yeah they'll actually start looking for a way to assassinate him.

The issues are intertwined. The cartel traffics the slaves, and the DemoKKKrats make money on the slave labor and the deals with the cartels.
The cartel traffics the slaves, and the DemoKKKrats make money on the slave labor

I wouldn't doubt that the mex-drug cartels were paying key democrats 10% right off the top.

The cartels increased their business by over 8X with the border open for 4 years.
She capitulated last time first too. Trump has intelligence agencies, he knows his competitors and his audience. Both times Mexico essentially stabbed Canada in the back.

Now Trump will extract more from both countries over the next month and he can communicate with industries in the U.S to get them on-board in case he needs to apply the tariffs.

It's 2025. Canada should have a high tech, booming economy. How are we so far behind so many other nations? The crooks and creepy police stasi have ensured our weakness and ultimately our failure.
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