Climate alarmist is a mental illness

Captain Caveman

Platinum Member
Jun 14, 2020
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I was wondering why the climate alarmist wouldn't follow settled science, but they go with the political science instead -

Many psychologists say they feel unequipped to handle a growing number of patients despairing over the state of the planet. A new contingent of mental health professionals aims to fix that.

There you go, it's a known psychological problem, so I can see why Jordan Peterson was correct in saying -

People have things more on their personal purview that are more difficult to deal with and that they are avoiding and generally that the way they avoid them is by adopting pseudo moralistic stances on large scale social issues that it makes them look good to your friends and neighbours.

So conclusion is, if you know of a climate alarmist, be compassionate and try to help them through this difficult time in their life.
There are several daily posters here who suffer that syndrome.
Multiple threads on a site with about 100 active members is gonna "change the world."
I feel sad for them, so my mocking of them is out of love.
I was wondering why the climate alarmist wouldn't follow settled science, but they go with the political science instead
Neither your linked article nor your comments suggest that "climate alarmists" are going with "political science".
Many psychologists say they feel unequipped to handle a growing number of patients despairing over the state of the planet. A new contingent of mental health professionals aims to fix that.

There you go, it's a known psychological problem, so I can see why Jordan Peterson was correct in saying -

People have things more on their personal purview that are more difficult to deal with and that they are avoiding and generally that the way they avoid them is by adopting pseudo moralistic stances on large scale social issues that it makes them look good to your friends and neighbours.

So conclusion is, if you know of a climate alarmist, be compassionate and try to help them through this difficult time in their life.
How would adopting pseudo moralistic stances help with difficult "things" on their "personal purview"?
There are several daily posters here who suffer that syndrome.
Multiple threads on a site with about 100 active members is gonna "change the world."
I feel sad for them, so my mocking of them is out of love.
The error that you and several other deniers make is assuming that I give this topic much thought when I am not on this forum. I think about this when I am buying a car. I think about this when I am purchasing a major appliance. I think about this when I am deciding for whom to vote. That's about it. You all need to stop fantasizing that everyone with whom you disagree is a complete failure in life. We're all doing fairly well. Our problem is not in our individual lives but the consequences of what we do en masse. Now, of course, a lot of you really need to improve your science knowledge but I'm sure you're able to get out of bed in the morning, make yourself breakfast and get to work.
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The error that you and several other deniers make is assuming that I give this topic much thought when I am not on this forum. I think about this when I am buying a car. I think about this when I am purchasing a major appliance. I think about this when I am deciding for whom to vote. That's about it. You all need to stop fantasizing that everyone with whom you disagree is a complete failure in life. We're all doing fairly well. Our problem is not in our individual lives but the consequences of what we do en masse. Now, of course, a lot of you really need to improve your science knowledge but I'm sure you're able to get out of bed in the morning, make yourself breakfast and get to work.
The stages of alarmist earth theory.

It all started out as global warming, but as the debate went on, the alarmist's theory was getting battered and weak.

So it morphed into climate change, to patch up the idea. But as the debate went on, the alarmist's theory was getting battered and weak again.

So it's again morphed, but into the, "Speed of Climate Change". The debate continues. I wonder what they have in mind for the next stage.
I was wondering why the climate alarmist wouldn't follow settled science, but they go with the political science instead -

Many psychologists say they feel unequipped to handle a growing number of patients despairing over the state of the planet. A new contingent of mental health professionals aims to fix that.

There you go, it's a known psychological problem, so I can see why Jordan Peterson was correct in saying -

People have things more on their personal purview that are more difficult to deal with and that they are avoiding and generally that the way they avoid them is by adopting pseudo moralistic stances on large scale social issues that it makes them look good to your friends and neighbours.

So conclusion is, if you know of a climate alarmist, be compassionate and try to help them through this difficult time in their life.
This would seem to be another example of the redirection I noted in "If deniers are aguing facts...". Rather than address the science that tells us AGW is real and a threat you attack the messengers.
This would seem to be another example of the redirection I noted in "If deniers are aguing facts...". Rather than address the science that tells us AGW is real and a threat you attack the messengers.
Actually it's a valid point. Peddling fear works in people who need drama in their lives.
This would seem to be another example of the redirection I noted in "If deniers are arguing facts...". Rather than address the science that tells us AGW is real and a threat you attack the messengers.
I'm supplying facts, not denying facts.

If you go back in time and took measurements on a yearly basis, you will still get the same jagged graphs that you come up with. When you zoom out and view the graph over millions of years, you will see it's much more linear, smoother.

What I'm denying is, your stupid conclusions, your stupid predictions. And as the years roll by, your (political science) predictions keeping failing.

And we all know the Milankovitch Cycles, volcanoes, earthquakes, sink holes, co2, jet streams etc... all drive the climate (yes, sink holes removes carbon). The weather moves around the planet because it ain't static, never has been, never will be because of all the factors mentioned above. And despite all these, the mental alarmist believes it's just co2, yet, science data has shown co2 doesn't drive temperature. But all of a sudden, little spiky yearly graphs and a political narrative disses decades of science.
There are several daily posters here who suffer that syndrome.
Multiple threads on a site with about 100 active members is gonna "change the world."
I feel sad for them, so my mocking of them is out of love.
My reaction is to talk & consult w/ advocates for AGW, but it's an extremely hot button issue that invariably generates far more heat than light. More often than not --after much tedious and patient discussion-- what I get is "well I'm no expert but the good scientists agree and the only ones disagreeing w/ AGW are the bad ones".

There's never any consultation, just confrontation.
My reaction is to talk & consult w/ advocates for AGW, but it's an extremely hot button issue that invariably generates far more heat than light. More often than not --after much tedious and patient discussion-- what I get is "well I'm no expert but the good scientists agree and the only ones disagreeing w/ AGW are the bad ones".

There's never any consultation, just confrontation.
I have been more than forthcoming with objective information and links to reputable sources on this topic.

The scientists who disagree with AGW are in an extreme minority. That, in and of itself, is an indication that they may not be the cream of the scientific crop. However, in many cases evidence of malfealsance by these specific scientists has been shown: eg consistently worked for oil companies, professional criticism of their work from multiple sources, etc.
Neither your linked article nor your comments suggest that "climate alarmists" are going with "political science".

How would adopting pseudo moralistic stances help with difficult "things" on their "personal purview"?

this one Crick is poster boy for GW hogwash. And a Marxist Commee maggot to boot. Imagine that? Doubly pathetic and ignorant to the point of forced hospitalization.
this one Crick is poster boy for GW hogwash.
What evidence has convinced you that mainstream science re AGW is "hogwash"?
And a Marxist Commee maggot to boot.
Where have I expressed a single opinion favoring Marxism or communism?
Imagine that? Doubly pathetic and ignorant to the point of forced hospitalization.
If you think I'm ignorant, why have you not touched anything technical I've posted here? Why don't you correct a few of my obvious errors?
Peddling fear is how politicians herd their sheep.
Peddling fear is how politicians herd their sheep.
my thinking is that it's the other way around. Doom'n'gloom is the lazy mentality that so many just love to wallow in. Politicians have to appeal to the masses. It's their job. They spout the doom'n'gloom & get votes.
When I was growing up in the 50's there was a similar fear, which now appears to have been irrational - nuclear annihilation. They feared "The Bomb." People actually and publicly decided not to have children because they "knew" that those children would grow up, only to be incinerated in a global nuclear war.

Pretty much the same rhetoric as now, with a different justification.

I think it's just a matter of self-absorbed quasi-intellectuals justifying their neuroses.
When I was growing up in the 50's there was a similar fear, which now appears to have been irrational - nuclear annihilation. They feared "The Bomb." People actually and publicly decided not to have children because they "knew" that those children would grow up, only to be incinerated in a global nuclear war.

Pretty much the same rhetoric as now, with a different justification.

I think it's just a matter of self-absorbed quasi-intellectuals justifying their neuroses.
You don't think there was and still remains a real risk of nuclear war?

Let me guess. There are no nuclear weapons. It's all a hoax by the scientists so that liberal politicans can remain in power and conservatives can be kicked off of social media.
When I was growing up in the 50's there was a similar fear, which now appears to have been irrational - nuclear annihilation. They feared "The Bomb." People actually and publicly decided not to have children because they "knew" that those children would grow up, only to be incinerated in a global nuclear war.

Pretty much the same rhetoric as now, with a different justification.

I think it's just a matter of self-absorbed quasi-intellectuals justifying their neuroses.
Yep, one was real, the other one isn't.
You don't think there was and still remains a real risk of nuclear war?

Let me guess. There are no nuclear weapons. It's all a hoax by the scientists so that liberal politicans can remain in power and conservatives can be kicked off of social media.

There is always a risk, but it wasn't worth making a generation of children neurotic about the future.

Just like AGW isn't worth making this generation of children neurotic.
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