Captain Caveman
Platinum Member
I was wondering why the climate alarmist wouldn't follow settled science, but they go with the political science instead -
Many psychologists say they feel unequipped to handle a growing number of patients despairing over the state of the planet. A new contingent of mental health professionals aims to fix that.
There you go, it's a known psychological problem, so I can see why Jordan Peterson was correct in saying -
People have things more on their personal purview that are more difficult to deal with and that they are avoiding and generally that the way they avoid them is by adopting pseudo moralistic stances on large scale social issues that it makes them look good to your friends and neighbours.
So conclusion is, if you know of a climate alarmist, be compassionate and try to help them through this difficult time in their life.

Climate anxiety and PTSD are on the rise. Therapists don’t always know how to cope
Many psychologists say they feel unequipped to handle a growing number of patients despairing over the state of the planet. A new contingent of mental health professionals aims to fix that
Many psychologists say they feel unequipped to handle a growing number of patients despairing over the state of the planet. A new contingent of mental health professionals aims to fix that.
There you go, it's a known psychological problem, so I can see why Jordan Peterson was correct in saying -
People have things more on their personal purview that are more difficult to deal with and that they are avoiding and generally that the way they avoid them is by adopting pseudo moralistic stances on large scale social issues that it makes them look good to your friends and neighbours.
So conclusion is, if you know of a climate alarmist, be compassionate and try to help them through this difficult time in their life.