Climate change creating havoc on mental health

Wyatt earp

Diamond Member
Apr 21, 2012
Well this explains the AGW cult.

Our fast-changing climate has long been identified as a threat to physical health, but more psychologists are warning that the mental health impacts and the economic toll they take are real, likely to spread and need closer study.

Article Continued Below
“We may not currently be thinking about how heavy the toll on our psyche will be, but, before long, we will know only too well,” warned a 2012 report from the U.S. National Wildlife Federation.

It predicted that cases of mental and social disorders will rise steeply as the signs of climate change become clearer and more frequent, and as more people are directly affected by heat waves, drought and other extreme events that put pressure on clean water resources, food prices and public infrastructure.

“These will include depressive and anxiety disorders, post-traumatic stress disorders, substance abuse, suicides and widespread outbreaks of violence,” predicted the report. It singled out children, the poor, the elderly and those with existing mental health problems as those likely to be hardest hit.

“At roughly 150 million people, these groups represent about one half of the American public,” it calculated. In addition, the mental health profession is “not even close to being prepared” and the report warned the existing problem is likely being underestimated because most research is based on self-reporting.

“People may, indeed, suffer from anxiety about climate change but not know it. They will have a vague unease about what is happening around them, the changes they see in nature, the weather events and the fact that records are being broken month after month. But they won’t be sufficiently aware of the source, and furthermore, we all conflate and layer one anxiety upon another.”
Yeah I know that milder winters would really affect my mental health

I'd be really happy
Made up data isn't science

Then you should probably stop faking data, eh?

After all, it's only your denier pals that get busted for fraud over and over. It's kind of what defines your cult, your propensity to justify open fraud, and then project your love of fraud on to the honest people.

And yes, I understand how pointing to that kind of reality is damaging to the mental health of deniers. That explains the downward spiral of denier sanity that we see here. Try as they might, deniers just can't keep that awful reality out of their SafeSpaces.
Made up data isn't science

Then you should probably stop faking data, eh?

After all, it's only your denier pals that get busted for fraud over and over. It's kind of what defines your cult, your propensity to justify open fraud, and then project your love of fraud on to the honest people.

And yes, I understand how pointing to that kind of reality is damaging to the mental health of deniers. That explains the downward spiral of denier sanity that we see here. Try as they might, deniers just can't keep that awful reality out of their SafeSpaces.

You need to get caught up on the facts and cease spewing the left loonery.....really
You need to get caught up on the facts and cease spewing the left loonery.....really

That's right. The whole world is in part of a vastsecretglobalsocialistplot directed at you, and only your tiny kook fringe political conspiracy cult understands the RealTruth. After all, you saw it on a blog, so it must be true!

The reason you sound exactly like a brainwashed cultist is because you are a brainwashed cultist.
You need to get caught up on the facts and cease spewing the left loonery.....really

That's right. The whole world is in part of a vastsecretglobalsocialistplot directed at you, and only your tiny kook fringe political conspiracy cult understands the RealTruth. After all, you saw it on a blog, so it must be true!

The reason you sound exactly like a brainwashed cultist is because you are a brainwashed cultist.

Zzzzzzzzz coming from a befuddled left loon such as yourself that means nothing. Here ya thought I would be crushed.
Zzzzzzzzz coming from a befuddled left loon such as yourself that means nothing. Here ya thought I would be crushed.

Scientologists rave at me too, as do antivaxxers, and chemtrailers, and birthers, and troofers, and all kinds of cultists. You're nothing new or special. Every cultist swears their own cult contains the only normal people, and that all cult outsiders -- that is, most of humanity -- are really the defective ones.

Good luck with that.

Now, back to the OP.

Things like "slowly dying" certainly will affect your mental health. Watching your land and ecosystems get devastated, not good for mental health. Kind of obvious. Hence, global warming is going to affect the mental health of many people. Duh. That falls under the "really obvious" category. Not sure why Bear thought it was breaking news.

In one way, it's a curse of being intelligent. Denier cultists get the 'ignorance is bliss' benefit.
Zzzzzzzzz coming from a befuddled left loon such as yourself that means nothing. Here ya thought I would be crushed.

Scientologists rave at me too, as do antivaxxers, and chemtrailers, and birthers, and troofers, and all kinds of cultists. You're nothing new or special. Every cultist swears their own cult contains the only normal people, and that all cult outsiders -- that is, most of humanity -- are really the defective ones.

Good luck with that.

Now, back to the OP.

Things like "slowly dying" certainly will affect your mental health. Watching your land and ecosystems get devastated, not good for mental health. Kind of obvious. Hence, global warming is going to affect the mental health of many people. Duh. That falls under the "really obvious" category. Not sure why Bear thought it was breaking news.

In one way, it's a curse of being intelligent. Denier cultists get the 'ignorance is bliss' benefit.

Yawn....I don't believe the faux science and the lies, fool
Zzzzzzzzz coming from a befuddled left loon such as yourself that means nothing. Here ya thought I would be crushed.

Scientologists rave at me too, as do antivaxxers, and chemtrailers, and birthers, and troofers, and all kinds of cultists. You're nothing new or special. Every cultist swears their own cult contains the only normal people, and that all cult outsiders -- that is, most of humanity -- are really the defective ones.

Good luck with that.

Now, back to the OP.

Things like "slowly dying" certainly will affect your mental health. Watching your land and ecosystems get devastated, not good for mental health. Kind of obvious. Hence, global warming is going to affect the mental health of many people. Duh. That falls under the "really obvious" category. Not sure why Bear thought it was breaking news.

In one way, it's a curse of being intelligent. Denier cultists get the 'ignorance is bliss' benefit.
what it actually is is people who are told one thing, observe the opposite, get told what they observed was wrong, and that indeed what they were told was correct. Then told to ignore any future observations and only go with the information they receive from the government cause the governments are always on the side of the people.

Then, these folks wake up one day and the observed is the same as it has been their entire life and no signs of anything resembling what was reported is actually incurred. These folks start going 'what the fk'. Then real scientists weigh in and tell them they've been duped by their governments. And the folks flip out. How is that they ask, the government is supposed to protect me not lie to me.

And the mental issues begin. Shame on the NASAs and NOAAs of the world.

Yes rufus, there is still ice in the arctic regions.
Get it right snowflake.

No. Skeptics examine all evidence impartially.

Deniers automatically discard any evidence that goes against what their political cult has ordered them to believe, hence they are the polar opposite of skeptics.

Mainstream scientists look at all evidence impartially, hence they are obviously the skeptics.

And Denier snowflakes, I don't care if telling you that truth triggered you. You need to learn to hear truth without crying.
Get it right snowflake.

No. Skeptics examine all evidence impartially.

Deniers automatically discard any evidence that goes against what their political cult has ordered them to believe, hence they are the polar opposite of skeptics.

Mainstream scientists look at all evidence impartially, hence they are obviously the skeptics.

And Denier snowflakes, I don't care if telling you that truth triggered you. You need to learn to hear truth without crying.
Referring to people as deniers is similar to being called a heretic.
Man caused climate change is your religion........
Get it right snowflake.

No. Skeptics examine all evidence impartially.

Deniers automatically discard any evidence that goes against what their political cult has ordered them to believe, hence they are the polar opposite of skeptics.

Mainstream scientists look at all evidence impartially, hence they are obviously the skeptics.

And Denier snowflakes, I don't care if telling you that truth triggered you. You need to learn to hear truth without crying.

The op proves how mentally deranged you are getting..


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