Climate Change Or Else?


Tungsten/Glass Member
Apr 29, 2017
We hear all the time of how all these fires (especially out in California) are a result of global heating and climate change! Yet here it turns out at least in this one case that one of our environmentally friendly Californians was actually trying to help the cause along for not only making the case for climate change but to make himself a little extra work.

One of the fire-fighters out there (at least one that we know of) has been helping the climate cause by starting fires himself.

Honestly, if CA was reduced to a cinder how many people in the sane states would care?

I would just figure that deserves had everything to do with it.

If you are religious, then maybe God's wrath.
We hear all the time of how all these fires (especially out in California) are a result of global heating and climate change! Yet here it turns out at least in this one case that one of our environmentally friendly Californians was actually trying to help the cause along for not only making the case for climate change but to make himself a little extra work.

One of the fire-fighters out there (at least one that we know of) has been helping the climate cause by starting fires himself.

Well there's the stupid post of the day.
Honestly, if CA was reduced to a cinder how many people in the sane states would care?

I would just figure that deserves had everything to do with it.
Nearly 50% of imported goods come through their ports.

Then there's the whole entertainment industry thing and the wines and produce and such...
Honestly, if CA was reduced to a cinder how many people in the sane states would care?

Maybe they just need a forest fire to run rampant over Sacramento and the Presidio where the seats of power are to get some new leadership in there to put the state back on the straight and narrow instead of being the center of whackjobs. Such a shame to waste such a lovely state on some of these crazy leftists out there.
Maybe they just need a forest fire to run rampant over Sacramento and the Presidio where the seats of power are to get some new leadership in there to put the state back on the straight and narrow instead of being the center of whackjobs. Such a shame to waste such a lovely state on some of these crazy leftists out there.
Well, the plants will come back, it's the people of CA who are the problem.
Maybe they just need a forest fire to run rampant over Sacramento and the Presidio where the seats of power are to get some new leadership in there to put the state back on the straight and narrow instead of being the center of whackjobs. Such a shame to waste such a lovely state on some of these crazy leftists out there.
Wildfires in LA too. We need Hollywood to pay!
Typical Co2 FRAUD bullshit.

1. the fires are caused by too many humans consuming too much of nature's fresh water supply on land. One solution, desalination of ocean water, gets blocked by the Co2 FRAUD misdiagnosing the fires and also sicko left wing enviro lawsuits (the desalination plant may kill a few clams)

2. a warmer Earth is a WETTER EARTH and hence there would be LESS FIRES NOT MORE

During the Jurassic Period, the Earth's climate was much warmer and wetter than it is today.

and this is "the IDIOCY of the Co2 FRAUD." It gets NOTHING RIGHT AT ALL, since it is all based on lies, fraud, and fudged data.

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