Clinton vs Obama Years

Lumpy 1

Diamond Member
Jun 19, 2009
The war between the Clinton center left and the Obama radical leftists is brewing. The obvious failure of the radical leftist (our way or we whine and make excuses) mode of governing compared to the successes of the Republican Congress and Clinton years is all to obvious.

It should make for an interesting political time after the mid-term election. I can hardly wait for the fun times to begin. :beer:
Considering the degrees to which Democrats insisted on placement of radical professors, some of whom are cop killers, into America's schools of higher learning, I'm thinking radical leftism is not just a flash-in-the-pan. I'd prefer being wrong about it, but in alliance with European radicals, the push will not stop until America is subjugated to an oligarchy that will quickly become so intoxicated with the power of money that it will have no choice but to break from the laws of equality to the subjective laws of fewer and fewer oligarchs until a monarchy is established when war is the last option for keeping power concentrated. Woe to the common woman should that happen. The war to win all-power will turn women into baby-making machines due to scorched earth tactics that it will take to break a free people.
Considering the degrees to which Democrats insisted on placement of radical professors, some of whom are cop killers, into America's schools of higher learning, I'm thinking radical leftism is not just a flash-in-the-pan. I'd prefer being wrong about it, but in alliance with European radicals, the push will not stop until America is subjugated to an oligarchy that will quickly become so intoxicated with the power of money that it will have no choice but to break from the laws of equality to the subjective laws of fewer and fewer oligarchs until a monarchy is established when war is the last option for keeping power concentrated. Woe to the common woman should that happen. The war to win all-power will turn women into baby-making machines due to scorched earth tactics that it will take to break a free people.

The HILL sees Obama as center left:

Left?s angst grows over Obama?s shift | TheHill

"Liberals" are disappointed with him.
Considering the degrees to which Democrats insisted on placement of radical professors, some of whom are cop killers, into America's schools of higher learning, I'm thinking radical leftism is not just a flash-in-the-pan. I'd prefer being wrong about it, but in alliance with European radicals, the push will not stop until America is subjugated to an oligarchy that will quickly become so intoxicated with the power of money that it will have no choice but to break from the laws of equality to the subjective laws of fewer and fewer oligarchs until a monarchy is established when war is the last option for keeping power concentrated. Woe to the common woman should that happen. The war to win all-power will turn women into baby-making machines due to scorched earth tactics that it will take to break a free people.

alcohol, stupidity, or insanity talking?
There is no real comparison as the first two years of the Clinton presidency was controlled by the far left and then Clinton was held in check by a conservative Congress.

People seem to be amazed how the "media" focused on certain things, but it was to cover the fact that Clinton was working with the Congress.
Considering the degrees to which Democrats insisted on placement of radical professors, some of whom are cop killers, into America's schools of higher learning, I'm thinking radical leftism is not just a flash-in-the-pan. I'd prefer being wrong about it, but in alliance with European radicals, the push will not stop until America is subjugated to an oligarchy that will quickly become so intoxicated with the power of money that it will have no choice but to break from the laws of equality to the subjective laws of fewer and fewer oligarchs until a monarchy is established when war is the last option for keeping power concentrated. Woe to the common woman should that happen. The war to win all-power will turn women into baby-making machines due to scorched earth tactics that it will take to break a free people.

alcohol, stupidity, or insanity talking?

I guess your comprehension skills ... aren't
Neither one is worth a shit. Obama is a radical leftist who was not socialized as an American. Clinton's presidency was simply a mistake. Any Democrats worth a damn opted out of running again George H.W. Bush because of his vast popularity following the first Gulf war. Clinton was an unlikely beneficiary of an economic downturn.

Clinton was lucky. He and his advisors did not have a clue about economic matters. Clinton, for example, signed the banking deregulation bill that allowed commercial banks to involve in investment banking. This opened the door to the economic collapse in 2008. In addition, Clinton spearheaded the push for minority housing whereby unqualified people were given ARM mortgages guaranteed by Freddie Mac. We know how that turned out. The relative prosperity during Clinton's term occurred despite him. However, he still managed to screw things up. Clinton was so obviously and pathetically corrupt that the Arkansas state bar entered an order disbarring him from the practice of law in that state.

Obama is an inept hack. He is not a "constitutional lawyer". He has never litigated and had a hand out job as an adjunct prof teaching 1st yr. con law. Any lawyer can do that. Most importantly, he is a culturally maladjusted ideologue who has an agenda. Clinton, on the other hand, is a crooked, small time politician who got lucky. Fortunately for him, he is a decent politician. Obama is not a good politician.

Honestly, neither one has an ounce of good character. They both need years of therapy. Then there is Hillary - everybody's ex-wife rolled up into one miserable person. Why anyone would listen to her is beyond me. All 3 of these characters are public servant leeches with vey little real world experience. The most popular one - Bill Clinton - is looked up to with undying adoration by the Democratic Party. Why? He is a disbarred lawyer. He lied to the American people repeatedly, and not just about blow jobs. He has become very, very wealthy due to lobbying gigs for Arabs. Remember the ports authority scandal where He almost pulled off the feat of obtaining a security contract for our major ports in favor of an Arab country? The deal Hillary was rallying against when she was in the Senate? No, you probably do not remember this shit because Democrats apparently have no short term memory. Here Re a few more tidbits involving the Democrats favorite celebrity couple:

The fraudulent land deals of Hillary while she was at the Rose Law Firm

Bill constantly acting like a sexual predator while in state government, even sending the state troopers after one of the accusers

Vital American missile technology somehow getting into the hands of the Chinese under Bill's watch

Bill refusing to take Osama Bin Laden into custody when he had a chance

The FBI files on political rivals somehow turning up in the White House while Bill and Hillary were in office

The Lewinsky and the perjury in depositions

That whole weird Vincent Foster matter that ended in his suicide

I can go on, but do you really want me to? Dems have debilitating short-term memory problems. The bottom line is that the Clintons are not worthy of being looked up to. They are Arkansas trailer trash. Remember when shit ended up missing when the Clinton clan left the White House at the end of Bill's second term?

Compare this dirt bag to Obama? They are apples and oranges. I think that Obama is far more dangerous. We would be in far worse shape, obviously, if not for the House Republicans obstructing his agenda. They are similar in that they are both arrogant creeps who are bad for the country. But other than that, they are very different. I one were to liken them to movies, then Obama would be a serious yet ridiculous documentary about how the world is flat, and Clinton would be a cheap B movie with lots of sleaze and tits.

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Clinton was a scumbag but in a different era when socialists were less bold, they have become bolder to now openly operate in the open and defy the CONSTITUTION and the American people.

Obama has had a Democrap Congress to get his bullshit started and now just blames the HoR for all his mistakes put in place during the first term.

Obama and his fellow scum are betting on Americans being idiots and blaming the GOP for terrorism growing stronger, medical care being ruined, jobs going away forever, higher energy/food costs, etc.
Considering the degrees to which Democrats insisted on placement of radical professors, some of whom are cop killers, into America's schools of higher learning, I'm thinking radical leftism is not just a flash-in-the-pan. I'd prefer being wrong about it, but in alliance with European radicals, the push will not stop until America is subjugated to an oligarchy that will quickly become so intoxicated with the power of money that it will have no choice but to break from the laws of equality to the subjective laws of fewer and fewer oligarchs until a monarchy is established when war is the last option for keeping power concentrated. Woe to the common woman should that happen. The war to win all-power will turn women into baby-making machines due to scorched earth tactics that it will take to break a free people.

alcohol, stupidity, or insanity talking?

I guess your comprehension skills ... aren't

His post didn't make any more sense than Jabberwocky. If you want to defend his nonsense because he's on your side of the fence that's your right. Doesn't mean I have to give a shit. Just puts you on the lower left slope of the Bell Curve beside him.
Neither one is worth a shit. Obama is a radical leftist who was not socialized as an American. Clinton's presidency was simply a mistake. Any Democrats worth a damn opted out of running again George H.W. Bush because of his vast popularity following the first Gulf war. Clinton was an unlikely beneficiary of an economic downturn.

How long have you been on this planet? When 1992 arrived Democrats were crawling out of the woodwork for a chance to run against Bush. Unfortunately the least capable one beat the other sperm, but it was a wide field. "Opted out" my ass.
Neither one is worth a shit. Obama is a radical leftist who was not socialized as an American. Clinton's presidency was simply a mistake. Any Democrats worth a damn opted out of running again George H.W. Bush because of his vast popularity following the first Gulf war. Clinton was an unlikely beneficiary of an economic downturn.

How long have you been on this planet? When 1992 arrived Democrats were crawling out of the woodwork for a chance to run against Bush. Unfortunately the least capable one beat the other sperm, but it was a wide field. "Opted out" my ass.

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Neither one is worth a shit. Obama is a radical leftist who was not socialized as an American. Clinton's presidency was simply a mistake. Any Democrats worth a damn opted out of running again George H.W. Bush because of his vast popularity following the first Gulf war. Clinton was an unlikely beneficiary of an economic downturn.

How long have you been on this planet? When 1992 arrived Democrats were crawling out of the woodwork for a chance to run against Bush. Unfortunately the least capable one beat the other sperm, but it was a wide field. "Opted out" my ass.

Well, they were "crawling out of the woodwork" like the cockroaches they are. However, your memory fails you. The 1992 election was less than a year and a half after the ground war ended in the first Gulf war. Bush's approval rating exceeded 90%, and it remained high for months. By the time the economy really began to falter it was primary season. Lots of prominent Democrats opted out because at the time they had to make the decision to run and start raising money it was assumed that Bush would easily win a second term. Clinton was merely the most popular if a sub-par field.

Don't try to argue history if you don't know what the hell you are talking about.

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alcohol, stupidity, or insanity talking?

I guess your comprehension skills ... aren't

His post didn't make any more sense than Jabberwocky. If you want to defend his nonsense because he's on your side of the fence that's your right. Doesn't mean I have to give a shit. Just puts you on the lower left slope of the Bell Curve beside him.

Freedombecki is an amazing women. Offer up your opinion, maybe you actually have something to add to the conversation.
Neither one is worth a shit. Obama is a radical leftist who was not socialized as an American. Clinton's presidency was simply a mistake. Any Democrats worth a damn opted out of running again George H.W. Bush because of his vast popularity following the first Gulf war. Clinton was an unlikely beneficiary of an economic downturn.

How long have you been on this planet? When 1992 arrived Democrats were crawling out of the woodwork for a chance to run against Bush. Unfortunately the least capable one beat the other sperm, but it was a wide field. "Opted out" my ass.

Well, they were "crawling out of the woodwork" like the cockroaches they are. However, your memory fails you. The 1992 election was less than a year and a half after the ground war ended in the first Gulf war. Bush's approval rating exceeded 90%, and it remained high for months. By the time the economy really began to falter it was primary season. Lots of prominent Democrats opted out because at the time they had to make the decision to run and start raising money it was assumed that Bush would easily win a second term. Clinton was merely the most popular if a sub-par field.

Don't try to argue history if you don't know what the hell you are talking about.

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Uh--- I do, dood. I was involved in it. No such "assumption" existed; Bush was unpopular by the beginning of '92; whatever he had built up with Iraq I was gone. You had Clinton, Tsongas, Kerrey, Harkin, Brown and a couple of others all vying with each other for a shot at him. I was there dood. I lived in northern New England and got involved in New Hampshire. Don't come in here unarmed, Junior. You're outta your league.
The war between the Clinton center left and the Obama radical leftists is brewing. The obvious failure of the radical leftist (our way or we whine and make excuses) mode of governing compared to the successes of the Republican Congress and Clinton years is all to obvious.

It should make for an interesting political time after the mid-term election. I can hardly wait for the fun times to begin. :beer:

Tax rates are lower now than under Clinton. Defense spending was reduced under Clinton but raised under Obama despite ending the war in Iraq, but you still believe that Obama is the liberal's liberal and Clinton was the moderate. What a bunch of dupes.
The war between the Clinton center left and the Obama radical leftists is brewing. The obvious failure of the radical leftist (our way or we whine and make excuses) mode of governing compared to the successes of the Republican Congress and Clinton years is all to obvious.

It should make for an interesting political time after the mid-term election. I can hardly wait for the fun times to begin. :beer:

Tax rates are lower now than under Clinton. Defense spending was reduced under Clinton but raised under Obama despite ending the war in Iraq, but you still believe that Obama is the liberal's liberal and Clinton was the moderate. What a bunch of dupes.

Rather simplistic ... don't you think
the only people that see Obama as a radical liberal are the radical right IDIOTS... he is no Radical liberal.

the same people see Obama as a socialist. He isn't. Even the Socialist party say he's no Socialist.

Yet the same people see Obama as a dictator. Really? would a Dictator put up with the crap this Congress puts out? Hardly.

Facts, logic be damned, the radical right will believe what they want to believe, and there's no convincing them otherwise.
Well, they were "crawling out of the woodwork" like the cockroaches they are. However, your memory fails you. The 1992 election was less than a year and a half after the ground war ended in the first Gulf war. Bush's approval rating exceeded 90%, and it remained high for months. By the time the economy really began to falter it was primary season. Lots of prominent Democrats opted out because at the time they had to make the decision to run and start raising money it was assumed that Bush would easily win a second term. Clinton was merely the most popular if a sub-par field.

Don't try to argue history if you don't know what the hell you are talking about.

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Uh--- I do, dood. I was involved in it. No such "assumption" existed; Bush was unpopular by the beginning of '92; whatever he had built up with Iraq I was gone. You had Clinton, Tsongas, Kerrey, Harkin, Brown and a couple of others all vying with each other for a shot at him. I was there dood. I lived in northern New England and got involved in New Hampshire. Don't come in here unarmed, Junior. You're outta your

Ha ha really got me there, "dood". However, if we are going to be accurate here, and please do not feel the need to do so on my account since you are so fond of not doing so, the primaries began, I believe, in early February of 1992. By that point campaign fundraising was well underway. In reality, a viable candidate would have had to get qualified in each state and begin raising significant money way back into the summer if 1991 in order to run. This was, again, when Bush was at his height in popularity. People like Harkin were lower rung Dems at best. Paul Tsongas? Personally, I liked him. He was a good man. If I remember correctly he won New Hampshire during the primaries. However, he was still a second or third tier candidate at best.

Thus, you are clearly wrong. Clinton and the rest of the Dem field in 1992 were hacks. Nobody worth a shit bothered to qualify because at the time it seemed that there was no point. Then, public opinion turned on Bush. However, by that time the campaign season was in full swing and it was too late for anyone else to qualify and raise funds to run.

You are one dumb fucker. The facts are what they are. I have had this debate numerous times over the years with many people who both liked and disliked Trailer Park Bill. It is common knowledge. You are not remembering it correctly. Either you are too stupid to remember it correctly or you spent too much time getting high back then.

Oh I remember it well. Larry Agran, Jerry Brown, Bill Clinton, Bob Kerrey, Tom Harkin, Paul Tsongas, Douglas Wilder, Tom Laughlin and Eugene McCarthy all sought the nod.
I get nine names there.

As I said, they were crawling out of the woodwork. Which I remember well because it was active where I lived and I was reporting the news on it.

Finally, you may stop with your pathetic attempt to "tell me off", "flame me" or otherwise channel your wasted testosterone. You are an inept dolt.

Try this, fuckwit: give me your best "flame", print it out, fold the paper up into a nice 1"x1" square, then shove said paper up your overused and much abused asshole. Then your thoughts can be close to its natural maternity: shit. Just be careful not to poke out your eye when doing this.

Or, you could bring your dog inside and make it a house dog. Then, when you are fucking it you can do so in front of a television so that you can actually watch some news and see what is going on in the world.

You fucking retarded fuckstain. If you were here with me right now I would strike you with the back of my left hand and make you shine my shoes, you ignorant cretin.

If you try to address me in this manner again you are going to get my foot so far up your ass that you will choke on my shoestrings, juzzbreath. Now go fuck your inflatable girlfriend and leave people alone, shithead.


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