Colorado cuts teenage pregnancies by 40%

The best news in that is abortions dropped by 42%, now if we can teach more responsibility we can further reduce the rate of murdered babies giving away free birth control to teens.

Now, granted, It doesn't get the attention that the Palin abstinence program gets, and Bristol's "lead by negative example" is flashier, but it works!
I thought for sure you were going to say... by putting their trust in god and just saying no to sex.

The nutters aren't going to like this. In their twisted minds they will liken it to mass genocide. But more important to them --- forget the genocide part --- how much is it costing?
The study compared 2008 and 2011 abortion rates in counties where CFPI was available — in that time period, abortion rates for 15–19 year olds in those counties decreased from 10.9 per 1,000 women to 7.2 per 1,000, which is indeed a 34 percent decrease.

In that same time frame, abortion rates in counties without the program decreased from 14.4 to 10.2 per 1,000, a 29 percent decrease.

Read more at: No One Program Did Not Reduce Colorado s Teen Pregnancy Rate by 40 Percent National Review Online
The best news in that is abortions dropped by 42%, now if we can teach more responsibility we can further reduce the rate of murdered babies
As if on cue, the queen of sheer stupidity and wrongheadedness of the social right.

You're about one comment from going to ignore. You bring nothing of substance and are an annoying fucktard asshole
Overall, only 8,435 low-income women received a LARC during the duration of the program. Some back-of-the-envelope calculations given the fertility rates the authors reported for low-income teens show that a maximum of 700 or 800 out of 11,000 or so predicted births, in a given year, were likely to be prevented by the CFPI, which would translate into a maximum 6.8 percent reduction of births in CFPI counties. The birth rate in the counties with the program, remember, dropped by 29 percent — four times as much as the free LARCs could have accounted for.

Read more at: No One Program Did Not Reduce Colorado s Teen Pregnancy Rate by 40 Percent National Review Online

And strangely enough, the NYT article links to everything else under the sun...except the actual study. giving away free birth control to teens.

Now, granted, It doesn't get the attention that the Palin abstinence program gets, and Bristol's "lead by negative example" is flashier, but it works!
So let's ENCOURAGE them to have sex by giving them free condoms etc? Um no thanks. How about TALK to your kids about what happens when you have oldest is 8. She has changed her 3 month old sisters diapers,fed her,got her out of the swing ALL because she asked to. I let her do it...fine with me I want her to see how much hard work a baby really is and I HOPE that sinks in along with keeping an eye on WHO she dates/hangs out with among other things giving away free birth control to teens.

Now, granted, It doesn't get the attention that the Palin abstinence program gets, and Bristol's "lead by negative example" is flashier, but it works!
So let's ENCOURAGE them to have sex by giving them free condoms etc? Um no thanks. How about TALK to your kids about what happens when you have oldest is 8. She has changed her 3 month old sisters diapers,fed her,got her out of the swing ALL because she asked to. I let her do it...fine with me I want her to see how much hard work a baby really is and I HOPE that sinks in along with keeping an eye on WHO she dates/hangs out with among other things

Wow! You are awesome!
Is it just me....or does everyone feel the compassion and love flowing from the angelic SassyIrishLass?

She has a crush on me, but I'm playing "hard to get".

Pulease, you keep trying to have a pissing match but your stream is weak, old man

" weak old man."

Should we start calling you Darth Sassy? :)
Yea add another username to her USMB collection.
Is it just me....or does everyone feel the compassion and love flowing from the angelic SassyIrishLass?

She has a crush on me, but I'm playing "hard to get".

Pulease, you keep trying to have a pissing match but your stream is weak, old man

" weak old man."

Should we start calling you Darth Sassy? :)

She's mad because I won't let her ride on the back of my motorcycle.

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