Comic Book Ghost-Story (Non-Fiction)


VIP Member
Sep 22, 2013
I've been a fan of comic books practically my whole life, and in recent years, I've dabbled in making comic book character drawings/doodles as well as comic book short-stories and fan-fics.

I became very interested in Marvel Comics' Hobgoblin (an orange-colored jet-glider soaring demon) and DC Comics' Wonder Woman (an Amazonian-turned-superheroine).

I wrote a Wonder Woman fan-fic and made a Hobgoblin doodle-drawing, which I posted on the Internet(!).

I like comic books, since I'm intrigued by pedestrian psychology and colloquial art (art that can be easily conveyed/presented). Comic books are like baby-blocks of the art world to me, so I like studying comic book art and how it represents 'new age psychology.'

This is all great, but I had a very strange experience. I was reading about Wonder Woman and Hobgoblin and became interested in general folklore regarding superstitions, superhumans, and spirits. I read about the infamous 'Grey Lady' ghost who haunts the Willard Library in Indiana (USA).

As I stared at the fabled photos of the Grey Lady ghost, I started thinking about the 'extra-human' mysticism found in comic book characters such as Spider-Woman (Marvel Comics) and Poison Ivy (DC Comics).

I began wondering if my fascination with comic books was dangerously leading me to daydreams or even hallucinations about 'other-worldly spirits.' It was then that I thought I started falling 'in-love' with Spider-Woman (Marvel Comics).

Is this a sign of playfulness or anti-social indulgence?




Here're some of my earliest doodles of the Marvel Comics super-villains Hobgoblin (Roderick Kingsley) and Venom (Eddie Brock). I keep my doodles very basic (i.e., stick-figure) for personal entertainment, and also because I prefer being a spectator rather than an artist/performer. To me, comic book art is like an amusement park, and I'd rather go on the ride and the design one. Nevertheless, these basic doodles still represent my personal love of comic books. Below my own two doodles are two more professional renderings of Hobgoblin and Venom (in solid color --- not stick-figure!). Comic book art is basically very playful (and unusual!).



After reading more and more about Marvel Comics' Spider-Woman (Jessica Drew) and Black Cat (Felicia Hardy), I started becoming more and more curious about depictions of 'fantastic women' (or 'superheroines') in comic book storyboards. I was intrigued by Felicia's flowing white hair and Jessica's haunting focused eyesight. I started developing a deep metaphysical fascination with Spider-Woman (Jessica Drew). I even told my psychiatrist about it! He suggested I think about why images of friendship drew me towards 'playful daydreams.'


I found a collection of comic book character photos, portraits, and stills from books, cartoons, and even movies. I looked at them closely and wondered how I'd process what my psychiatrist recommended. Was I 'falling in love' with Spider-Woman (Jessica Drew), because I wanted to entreat my imagination about 'other-worldly beings' or was I trying to 'rationalize' my childish daydreams? I thought about the ghost of the Grey Lady who haunts the Willard Library in Indiana and wondered if seeing such a 'spectre' would be akin to daydreaming about Spider-Woman (or Wonder Woman or Black Cat, etc.). Was it the art itself that made me feel 'psychologically indulgent' (or hallucinatory)?


After much thinking, I decided to return to rational thinking and began watching Transformers (Hasbro) cartoons. Transformers is a popular A.I. (Artificial Intelligence) fantasy-adventure franchise, and I figured that daydreaming about robots (female ones) wouldn't lead me to any hallucination about falling in love (since I'm not a robot!). Anyway, I started watching a cartoon episode about the Transformers robot Soundwave (an espionage-geared evil robot) and started thinking 'rationally' about 'espionage.' I even watched the espionage-film Spy Game (starring Brad Pitt) afterwards. was then that I thought I saw the spectre of a woman walking down the road (she resembled Felicia Hardy, aka, 'Black Cat')! Was my interest in cartoons and comics turning me into a proverbial cautionary-tale?





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