Confederate Flag Gone From Public Places, So Why Stop There?

Clementine, go for it.

We allow statues of polygamist to stand in Utah, so we can let the statues of racists stand in the south.
What you liars forget is Democrats like George Wallace and Robert Byrd repented their racisim and remained Democrats. where as David Duke/Puke and Strom Thurmond who raped Black girls were forced out the the Democratic party and welcomed with opened arms by the Republicans. You GOP pedophile enablers fail to mention that. May you all die slow agonizing deaths.
Clementine, go for it.

We allow statues of polygamist to stand in Utah, so we can let the statues of racists stand in the south.

So, the left is selective about which racists they condemn. Got it.

While the left argues that Byrd changed, they don't recognize that the meaning people attached to a simple flag had also changed drastically.
Clementine, go for it.

We allow statues of polygamist to stand in Utah, so we can let the statues of racists stand in the south.

So, the left is selective about which racists they condemn. Got it.

While the left argues that Byrd changed, they don't recognize that the meaning people attached to a simple flag had also changed drastically.
Clementeeny, those are only your words not mine. Yes, Byrd changed, and thank you for admitting it. The change of meaning for the confederate flag is not significant to wash away the stain of 4 million slaves.
Clementine, go for it.

We allow statues of polygamist to stand in Utah, so we can let the statues of racists stand in the south.

So, the left is selective about which racists they condemn. Got it.

While the left argues that Byrd changed, they don't recognize that the meaning people attached to a simple flag had also changed drastically.

Stop lying sperm drinker. Dems purged their party of racists in the 50's and 60's. Those racists were welcomed with open arms by the Republicans. Kennedy sent federal troops after George Wallace. Unlike the Rethuglicans the Dems would rather lose the south than support racism.

Presidents Kennedy and Johnson worked hard for civil right legislation and voting rights and the filthy Republican hate the fact that Blacks can vote.
Clementine, go for it.

We allow statues of polygamist to stand in Utah, so we can let the statues of racists stand in the south.

Joseph Smith and Brigham Young were also pedophiles. Mormonism like Republicanism is a culture of pedophiles, racists and liars. Bulldoze the Mormon churches and jail their leaders.

Even conservative websites prove that the LDS church is a hoax and a haven for perverts and pedophiles same as the GOP is.
Your words do not define JS or BY, as bad as they were. Look up 'pedophile' and look up their history. The two don't cross. Folks like you who libel and slander with intent need to pay big fines and spend time in jail.
Riiiiight the Dem's purged their racists then in 2008 Bill Clinton said Obama should be fetching them coffee and Harry Reid he said nothing racist about Obama either riiiiight /sarcasm
Riiiiight the Dem's purged their racists then in 2008 Bill Clinton said Obama should be fetching them coffee and Harry Reid he said nothing racist about Obama either riiiiight /sarcasm
Yep, Ol' Bull Bill was lashing them negros. You idiot.
There will be a push by the left to take down statues of racists from our past but I guarantee none of them will be aimed at Democrats like Byrd, FDR, Wilson, etc. They hate racists but only if there's an "R" in front of their name. If it's a "D", they embrace them and make excuses for them (like Byrd).
There will be a push by the left to take down statues of racists from our past but I guarantee none of them will be aimed at Democrats like Byrd, FDR, Wilson, etc. They hate racists but only if there's an "R" in front of their name. If it's a "D", they embrace them and make excuses for them (like Byrd).
For the ones who repented anyway, unlike Thurmond or Duke.
What about portraits or statues of racists, like Woodrow Wilson and a few others? Just because some were Democrats is no reason to give them a pass for their racism.

If You re Going to Take Down Tributes to the Confederacy Why Not Include These 5 National Figures

I'm sick and tired of having to PICK COTTON just to take an aspirin.

That's in-your-face racism.

Ban aspirin. Boycott stores that sell aspirin.
:eusa_shhh: while the left is busy with nothing burger crap like gay marriage and flags conservatives kicked their ass out of congress, eliminated limits on corporate campaign contributions, are destroying unions the Democratic party cash cow. Oooops!

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