Confederate Flag Gone From Public Places, So Why Stop There?

There will be a push by the left to take down statues of racists from our past but I guarantee none of them will be aimed at Democrats like Byrd, FDR, Wilson, etc. They hate racists but only if there's an "R" in front of their name. If it's a "D", they embrace them and make excuses for them (like Byrd).
For the ones who repented anyway, unlike Thurmond or Duke.
How about this one?

What about portraits or statues of racists, like Woodrow Wilson and a few others? Just because some were Democrats is no reason to give them a pass for their racism.

If You re Going to Take Down Tributes to the Confederacy Why Not Include These 5 National Figures

So you're comparing 5 individual politicians and public figures to the symbol of a subversive, radical violation of the Constitution by a bunch of plantation owners resulting in the death of over 600,000 Americans? Fascinating.
What about portraits or statues of racists, like Woodrow Wilson and a few others? Just because some were Democrats is no reason to give them a pass for their racism.

If You re Going to Take Down Tributes to the Confederacy Why Not Include These 5 National Figures

Goddam you people spend a lot of time crying about the things that aren't happening.
What about portraits or statues of racists, like Woodrow Wilson and a few others? Just because some were Democrats is no reason to give them a pass for their racism.

If You re Going to Take Down Tributes to the Confederacy Why Not Include These 5 National Figures

Goddam you people spend a lot of time crying about the things that aren't happening.

Ain't that the truth. High cyber five to you again, NYCarb.
Raze the Lincoln Memorial as well. Just because some were republicans is no reason to give them a pass for their racism.

And yes, Lincoln was very much a racist, advocating black Americans be removed from the United States:

Abraham Lincoln wanted to deport slaves to new colonies - Telegraph

Perhaps you realize the partisan idiocy of your thread premise, that racism can be found in every aspect of American society, and throughout American history, where that history cannot be used as an excuse to not address the issue of racism in America today and make an effort to end racism.

Consequently, the confederate flag is very different from a statue or monument of someone who advocated for or practiced racism in the past, as the flag is a symbol of advocacy of racism today and into the future, and the removal of that flag is an appropriate act by private citizens who do not want racism to be part of America's future.
Clementine, go for it.

We allow statues of polygamist to stand in Utah, so we can let the statues of racists stand in the south.

So, the left is selective about which racists they condemn. Got it.

While the left argues that Byrd changed, they don't recognize that the meaning people attached to a simple flag had also changed drastically.
Wrong, you don't 'got it.'

No one is advocating that confederate flags be prohibited as a matter of government policy, as private citizens remain at liberty to display the flag as they see fit.

And that the flag may have been misappropriated by racists today in no way mitigates the fact that its history is that of advocacy of slavery and racism, where it is completely warranted to remove the flag from government property at the behest and consent of private citizens.

The flag is an anachronism, representing a history of hate, hate that Americans don't want to see as part of our future.
The confederate flag has to be removed from the flag poles of government facilities.
While we're at it, let's get rid of the Fulbright Scholarship Program. Who would want to accept scholarship money from anyone who signed the 1956 Southern Manifesto on Integration?

The Supreme Court . Expanding Civil Rights . Primary Sources PBS

--A supporter of racial segregation.
--Mentored future President Bill Clinton as an intern.
--Joined with the Dixiecrats in filibustering the Civil Rights Acts of 1957 and 1964.
--Voted against the 1965 Voting Rights Act.

A mentor to Bill Clinton:

"Like many Arkansans, I have long regarded Senator William Fulbright as both a role model and a mentor," said the President.

William J. Clinton Appointment for the J. William Fulbright Foreign Scholarship Board

For the sake of consistency should we not now rename the Fulbright Scholarship Program? It's a program funded by taxes from all Americans, many of whom would decry Sen. Fulbright's racist views. He was, after all, a segregationist who signed the Southern Manifesto in 1956 and who opposed the Civil Rights legislation of the 1960s. And Bill Clinton's political mentor.

Bubba's eulogy for Fulbright:

"We come to celebrate and give thanks for the remarkable life of J. William Fulbright, a life that changed our country and our world forever and for the better," Clinton told the family and friends of the austere and scholarly former senator, who died of a stroke last week at the age of 89.

President Eulogizes Former Mentor--William Fulbright Memorial Clinton calls the late Arkansan a lifelong student and teacher and credits him with making the world a better place. - latimes
After 7 years as Commander-in-Chief, why does Obama still insist West Point Military Academy cadets wear Confederate Grey? He should have banned this racist tradition on his first day just like he closed GITMO.

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After 7 years as Commander-in-Chief, why does Obama still insist West Point Military Academy cadets wear Confederate Grey? He should have banned this racist tradition on his first day just like he closed GITMO.


It seems like silly nit picking to me. If a person is offended by a flag, then I guess they should be offended by ALL flags.
We need to shut down the Virginia Military Institute with their Confederate grey uniforms.

And don't forget South Carolina's Military Institute, The Citadel.

Should be shut down immediately. Someone is going to be offended. Avoiding anyone being offended is far more important that preparing young officers for our nation's defense.

History must be erased before it can be rewritten.

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After 7 years as Commander-in-Chief, why does Obama still insist West Point Military Academy cadets wear Confederate Grey? He should have banned this racist tradition on his first day just like he closed GITMO.


I'd like to point out what you last few commenters are missing regarding Military Acadamy uniforms.

These uniforms are not confederate grey nor are they in the style of a civil war uniform. They are in milita grey which was the common uniform of every states mandatory standing milita. They are in the style of the war of 1812 and are maintained in this fashion as tradition.

West Point is the US Army's Military Acadamy and no troops wore this uniform into battle in either Confederate or Federal units. So I'm confused as to how it could be confederate?

Grey was adopted by the confederacy for three reasons. The fast majority of their initial force work milita grey. The standing US Army wore blue, though initially it had various milita units called up to support it wearing grey. Last and most importantly it was able to get dye from Britan in a blue grey which it adopted as its uniform color because it was unable to produce dye for milita grey. It later transitioned to an heavy butternut colored uniform in late was when it was no longer able to receive dye from Britan.

Please do some research and know the facts befor you create outrage over something like this.
williepete, I knew the alcohol had affected you, but I did not realize you had regressed to this level.
Why not remove all references to historical figures because they were 'racist' or something? I know we would have to remove like 99% of the history from the history books but it has to be done if we are to cleanse our nation of everything wrong with it. We won't be able to read any history at all but fuck that because political correctness isn't just for the moment but it is for all time.

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