Confirmed: John Brennan Colluded With Foreign Spies to Defeat Trump


Diamond Member
Mar 3, 2013
Prosecutions should begin.

An article in the Guardian last week provides more confirmation that John Brennan was the American progenitor of political espionage aimed at defeating Donald Trump. One side did collude with foreign powers to tip the election — Hillary’s.

Seeking to retain his position as CIA director under Hillary, Brennan teamed up with British spies and Estonian spies to cripple Trump’s candidacy. He used their phony intelligence as a pretext for a multi-agency investigation into Trump, which led the FBI to probe a computer server connected to Trump Tower and gave cover to Susan Rice, among other Hillary supporters, to spy on Trump and his people.

John Brennan’s CIA operated like a branch office of the Hillary campaign, leaking out mentions of this bogus investigation to the press in the hopes of inflicting maximum political damage on Trump. An official in the intelligence community tells TAS that Brennan’s retinue of political radicals didn’t even bother to hide their activism, decorating offices with “Hillary for president cups” and other campaign paraphernalia.

Confirmed: John Brennan Colluded With Foreign Spies to Defeat Trump

Yeah, yeah, yeah .....they did such a good job of informing us on all of the treasonous Trumpsters colluding with the Russians during the campaign....

Bull crap....

They kept their freaking mouths shut and barely told us squat....
Prosecutions should begin.

An article in the Guardian last week provides more confirmation that John Brennan was the American progenitor of political espionage aimed at defeating Donald Trump. One side did collude with foreign powers to tip the election — Hillary’s.

Seeking to retain his position as CIA director under Hillary, Brennan teamed up with British spies and Estonian spies to cripple Trump’s candidacy. He used their phony intelligence as a pretext for a multi-agency investigation into Trump, which led the FBI to probe a computer server connected to Trump Tower and gave cover to Susan Rice, among other Hillary supporters, to spy on Trump and his people.

John Brennan’s CIA operated like a branch office of the Hillary campaign, leaking out mentions of this bogus investigation to the press in the hopes of inflicting maximum political damage on Trump. An official in the intelligence community tells TAS that Brennan’s retinue of political radicals didn’t even bother to hide their activism, decorating offices with “Hillary for president cups” and other campaign paraphernalia.

Confirmed: John Brennan Colluded With Foreign Spies to Defeat Trump

Effective immediately an inquiry into whether you should be able to continue to troll has been established. Until the results are in, a special counselor will be assigned to mentor you, so that other trolls will not be cast in the same net with illegitimate trolls such as you've proved to be.

Keep in mind the Constitution all trolls abide by requires meat or live bait to be used, not bullshit. If you do not abide by our rules you will be denied all rights and privileges of the Society.

Your's in Mendacity,

Crusader Mudwhistle Horn II
Ex. Sect. Society of Trolls
Good, an American working with foreign countries to get an advantage over other Americans for personal gain.

now all JB needs is a cheap tie form China and fucked up hair.
Prosecutions should begin.

An article in the Guardian last week provides more confirmation that John Brennan was the American progenitor of political espionage aimed at defeating Donald Trump. One side did collude with foreign powers to tip the election — Hillary’s.

Seeking to retain his position as CIA director under Hillary, Brennan teamed up with British spies and Estonian spies to cripple Trump’s candidacy. He used their phony intelligence as a pretext for a multi-agency investigation into Trump, which led the FBI to probe a computer server connected to Trump Tower and gave cover to Susan Rice, among other Hillary supporters, to spy on Trump and his people.

John Brennan’s CIA operated like a branch office of the Hillary campaign, leaking out mentions of this bogus investigation to the press in the hopes of inflicting maximum political damage on Trump. An official in the intelligence community tells TAS that Brennan’s retinue of political radicals didn’t even bother to hide their activism, decorating offices with “Hillary for president cups” and other campaign paraphernalia.

Confirmed: John Brennan Colluded With Foreign Spies to Defeat Trump

I love how the hard right "The American Spectator" twists and turns "The Guardian" article into something that does not resemble the original piece.
I read that article last week, along with other articles I have read that correspond with "The Guardian" article.
Prosecutions should begin.

An article in the Guardian last week provides more confirmation that John Brennan was the American progenitor of political espionage aimed at defeating Donald Trump. One side did collude with foreign powers to tip the election — Hillary’s.

Seeking to retain his position as CIA director under Hillary, Brennan teamed up with British spies and Estonian spies to cripple Trump’s candidacy. He used their phony intelligence as a pretext for a multi-agency investigation into Trump, which led the FBI to probe a computer server connected to Trump Tower and gave cover to Susan Rice, among other Hillary supporters, to spy on Trump and his people.

John Brennan’s CIA operated like a branch office of the Hillary campaign, leaking out mentions of this bogus investigation to the press in the hopes of inflicting maximum political damage on Trump. An official in the intelligence community tells TAS that Brennan’s retinue of political radicals didn’t even bother to hide their activism, decorating offices with “Hillary for president cups” and other campaign paraphernalia.

Confirmed: John Brennan Colluded With Foreign Spies to Defeat Trump

I love how the hard right "The American Spectator" twists and turns "The Guardian" article into something that does not resemble the original piece.
I read that article last week, along with other articles I have read that correspond with "The Guardian" article.

if it weren't for double speak, RussianWingers wouldn't have a word to say.
Prosecutions should begin.

An article in the Guardian last week provides more confirmation that John Brennan was the American progenitor of political espionage aimed at defeating Donald Trump. One side did collude with foreign powers to tip the election — Hillary’s.

Seeking to retain his position as CIA director under Hillary, Brennan teamed up with British spies and Estonian spies to cripple Trump’s candidacy. He used their phony intelligence as a pretext for a multi-agency investigation into Trump, which led the FBI to probe a computer server connected to Trump Tower and gave cover to Susan Rice, among other Hillary supporters, to spy on Trump and his people.

John Brennan’s CIA operated like a branch office of the Hillary campaign, leaking out mentions of this bogus investigation to the press in the hopes of inflicting maximum political damage on Trump. An official in the intelligence community tells TAS that Brennan’s retinue of political radicals didn’t even bother to hide their activism, decorating offices with “Hillary for president cups” and other campaign paraphernalia.

Confirmed: John Brennan Colluded With Foreign Spies to Defeat Trump

I love how the hard right "The American Spectator" twists and turns "The Guardian" article into something that does not resemble the original piece.
I read that article last week, along with other articles I have read that correspond with "The Guardian" article.
Actually, the lunatic left "The Guardian" twisted and turned its own data to suit its own interests.
Prosecutions should begin.

An article in the Guardian last week provides more confirmation that John Brennan was the American progenitor of political espionage aimed at defeating Donald Trump. One side did collude with foreign powers to tip the election — Hillary’s.

Seeking to retain his position as CIA director under Hillary, Brennan teamed up with British spies and Estonian spies to cripple Trump’s candidacy. He used their phony intelligence as a pretext for a multi-agency investigation into Trump, which led the FBI to probe a computer server connected to Trump Tower and gave cover to Susan Rice, among other Hillary supporters, to spy on Trump and his people.

John Brennan’s CIA operated like a branch office of the Hillary campaign, leaking out mentions of this bogus investigation to the press in the hopes of inflicting maximum political damage on Trump. An official in the intelligence community tells TAS that Brennan’s retinue of political radicals didn’t even bother to hide their activism, decorating offices with “Hillary for president cups” and other campaign paraphernalia.

Confirmed: John Brennan Colluded With Foreign Spies to Defeat Trump

I love how the hard right "The American Spectator" twists and turns "The Guardian" article into something that does not resemble the original piece.
I read that article last week, along with other articles I have read that correspond with "The Guardian" article.

if it weren't for double speak, RussianWingers wouldn't have a word to say.
You literally just proved that you have no idea what "double speak" is.
More proof of Democrats’ seditious impulses.
April 21, 2017

Matthew Vadum

Although Russians may have aspired to influence the November election, the real election meddlers were Democrats in the Obama administration who conspired with foreign intelligence agencies against Donald Trump’s campaign, new media reports suggest.

The key player, we are learning, is the already infamous John O. Brennan but FBI Director James Comey also played a role. From January 2009 to March 2013, Brennan was Assistant to the President for Homeland Security and Counterterrorism, and then Director of the Central Intelligence Agency from March 2013 until Obama’s last day as president.

George Neumayr explains at the American Spectator how pro-Islam, pro-Communist Brennan appears to have masterminded the operation.


The whole campaign aimed at convincing Americans that President Trump was a tool of Russia was created by Democrats for their illicit purposes.

Almost every day new evidence emerges proving that point.

CIA’s Brennan Conspired with Foreign Spies
Prosecutions should begin.

An article in the Guardian last week provides more confirmation that John Brennan was the American progenitor of political espionage aimed at defeating Donald Trump. One side did collude with foreign powers to tip the election — Hillary’s.

Seeking to retain his position as CIA director under Hillary, Brennan teamed up with British spies and Estonian spies to cripple Trump’s candidacy. He used their phony intelligence as a pretext for a multi-agency investigation into Trump, which led the FBI to probe a computer server connected to Trump Tower and gave cover to Susan Rice, among other Hillary supporters, to spy on Trump and his people.

John Brennan’s CIA operated like a branch office of the Hillary campaign, leaking out mentions of this bogus investigation to the press in the hopes of inflicting maximum political damage on Trump. An official in the intelligence community tells TAS that Brennan’s retinue of political radicals didn’t even bother to hide their activism, decorating offices with “Hillary for president cups” and other campaign paraphernalia.

Confirmed: John Brennan Colluded With Foreign Spies to Defeat Trump

I love how the hard right "The American Spectator" twists and turns "The Guardian" article into something that does not resemble the original piece.
I read that article last week, along with other articles I have read that correspond with "The Guardian" article.

And not one example, go figure.


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