Congress Passes Bill to Give Trump More Security

Road Runner

Take Back America In 2024 Vote Trump!
Jun 16, 2021
My question is why did this even need to become a bill in the first place? Trump has already been shot at and has had a $150,000 dollar bounty put on him. Why does there need to be a bill for something that the secret service should already be doing... THEIR JOB!!! 😡

My question is why did this even need to become a bill in the first place? Trump has already been shot at and has had a $150,000 dollar bounty put on him. Why does there need to be a bill for something that the secret service should already be doing... THEIR JOB!!! 😡

$150K for a high profile job like that is just silly.

You republicans are gonna hafta cough up 10X that if you want done right.
My question is why did this even need to become a bill in the first place? Trump has already been shot at and has had a $150,000 dollar bounty put on him. Why does there need to be a bill for something that the secret service should already be doing... THEIR JOB!!! 😡

Because congress controls the purse strings and security is not free.
Nope. Just stating facts. If the government was behind that shot they would have sent some one who would not have missed at that distance.

This thread isn't about whether or not the government is behind the attack and attempted attack. It's about why wasn't Trump being protected better?
Yep, 147 yards on the first attempt is an easy shot. We have confirmed kills of snipers at over a mile.
Yeah and that's the reason why the shooter didn't whack Trump with any of the 8 shots!
All 8 shots their guy fired, missed by 4 or 5 feet purposely and the blood was pig's blood smeared on his ear later. The bullet just scraping his ear doesn't work, and neither does the shooter patsy prancing around on the roof for 10 minutes work either!

Oh, and Corey was collateral to make it more realistic.
This thread isn't about whether or not the government is behind the attack and attempted attack. It's about why wasn't Trump being protected better?
I am aware. I answered Donald's comment. I also answered yours. Congress was involved because Congress pays the bills and security costs. You can not work outside the system. I was responsible for roads and bridges at a county level for years. The county commissioners were in control of paying my bills. I could not just spend money willy nilly. If I didn't want to go to jail I had to work with in the system.
Yeah and that's the reason why the shooter didn't whack Trump with any of the 8 shots!
All 8 shots their guy fired, missed by 4 or 5 feet purposely and the blood was pig's blood smeared on his ear later. The bullet just scraping his ear doesn't work, and neither does the shooter patsy prancing around on the roof for 10 minutes work either!

Oh, and Corey was collateral to make it more realistic.
False flag? Maybe. I have not looked into it. What I can say is that I could make that shot with steel sights and would not have missed. Most people with any rifle experience could have made that shot.
It's not nearly as important than Trump getting the opportunity to stop the war against Russia.
What is important? So many games. So many lies. Up is down. Down is up. I can not name the date but one morning I woke up in a world I do not understand. What I do know is my old tired ass ain't changing anything on a global scale. I am not changing anything on a national scale. Maybe not even on an interpersonal scale. All I can do is full fill the promises I make to family and friends and hope they follow my example. My friend has a cartoon hanging on his wall of two fisherman on a boat. There is a mushroom cloud rising behind them. One says to the other "You know what this means?" The other replied " Ya, no limit!". If the mushroom cloud rises I will catch as many fish until it bakes me.

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