Congressman introduces bill to disband UNRWA (most funds go to its diabolic "education" grooming children into "Palestinian" death cult)


Platinum Member
Nov 13, 2023
Though United Nations management propagandists talk about money as if all is just for "food"

Congressman introduces bill to disband UNRWA.

'UNRWA has indoctrinated Palestinian children to hate all Jews,' Florida Rep. Brian Mast says.

Israel National News, Jan 31, 2024.
US Congressman introduces bill to disband UNRWA


UNRWA Exposed: Examining the Agency’s Mission and Failures.
118th Congress (2023-2024) -
House Committee Meeting - Overview -
Committee: House Foreign Affairs
Subcommittee: House Foreign Affairs Subcommittee on Oversight and Accountability.


‘UNRWA’s transition from inciting to taking part in terror was not surprising’.
Whenever the agency "was confronted with its very own terror involvement, it either denied it or tried to cover it up,” NGO Monitor official says.

Amelie Botbol.
(January 31, 2024 / JNS)
The United Nations Relief and Works Agency for Palestinian Refugees (UNRWA) has come under fire following revelations of the involvement of at least 12 employees in the Oct. 7 Hamas onslaught on the northwestern Negev.

“Sadly, this is not surprising,” said Anne Herzberg, legal adviser at the Jerusalem-based NGO Monitor organization, who has consistently raised the alarm about the body. “We’ve known for years that UNRWA allows Hamas to use its facilities to store weapons. Rocket attacks are launched from UNRWA facilities and UNRWA’s textbooks feature vicious antisemitic content and incitement to violence,” Herzberg told JNS.

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